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Chapter 113 Half a Japanese Song

 In addition to Nakagawa Yuto, most of his classmates also sent messages. Aoi Keisuke looked through it and found no message from Sukawa, and certainly no message from Shiraishi Chizuru.

Kobayashi Reina sent him dozens of messages asking for help - she was arrested by her companions and interrogated because of her relationship with Aoi Keisuke.

Considering that she had sent the message an hour ago, Qing Keisuke had no choice but to send her a message sadly.

Putting away his cell phone, Aoi Keisuke chatted with his president without saying a word, and then he lay down on the table and fell asleep.

Hoshino Fujiko was a little curious - if he shot Aoi Keisuke twice in the temple at this time, would he survive?

She stretched out her fingers and gestured twice, but in the end she did not take action. Instead, she took out a notebook from the drawer on the other side and began to summarize the files about Komatsu Ai.

Under the desk, there is also an embedded printer that begins to spit out paper.

Compared to Momoharu Fujita, Komatsu Ai's profile is much poorer, which has a lot to do with his personal charm and characteristics.

In the eyes of Hoshino Fujiko, Komatsu Ai lost the value of observation when they first met.

The slight typing of the keyboard and the hum of the printer were heard regularly.

It wasn't until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, after the hottest time of the day, that Qing Keisuke slowly woke up.

He heard the girl move her chair, stand up and open the window. The warm wind rushed into the activity room, blowing away the cold air from the air conditioner and quickly warming her body that was slightly cold due to sleeping.

"President?" he called softly.

"Don't use that disgusting tone, and don't have any obscene thoughts when you just wake up."

"Thank you, President. After hearing what you said, I feel much more energetic."

"You're welcome."

Seeing Fujiko Hoshino turn off the air conditioner, Aoi Keisuke stretched and asked, "Are you ready to go out?"

"Although the archival record is over, it would be a waste to miss the show directly."

——Referring to the Komatsu Ai incident.


Qing Keisuke is noncommittal. Is Hoshino appreciating it cruelly, or is he hesitant to save Komatsu Ai's life?

When she was saving Tsukishima Chizuru, she had a similar idea of ​​going to the scene.

"Should I go too?" he asked.

"if not?"

"Alright alright."

Qing Keisuke estimated that he was a bodyguard this time. After all, wandering around the campus with a pistol could easily arouse the neon people's stress reaction.

——Although not a troll.

Qing Keisuke poured himself a cup of cool black tea and drank it in one gulp: "Where are you going?"

"Use your dirty tricks to find Xiao Songai."

"Is it okay to use this tone when asking for help if you don't want to adjust the monitoring system?" Qing Keisuke asked teasingly.

"Please use your wretched magic to find Xiao Songai."

"President, you are so polite."

Hoshino Fujiko pulled out a palm-sized book from the bookshelf. It was a collection of Japanese songs. Aoi Keisuke didn't see the title of the book, but only saw it written on one side.

"Did you write this?"


"Those two lines of harmony."


Aoi Keisuke wanted to hear more than just "hmm", but Hoshino Fujiko obviously just wanted to say "hmm".

He nodded clearly: "Xiao Songai is in the teaching building now, on the left side of the stairs, heading towards the third floor. He will probably end up on the fourth floor."

The fourth floor is the classroom for the third year of high school.

The two of them left the activity room side by side, and when they walked out of the club building, they met the members of the musical instrument department, who were coming up from downstairs carrying old and new instruments.

The surface of the instrument is a little wet, and there is a pool on the side of the club building for easy cleaning of the instrument.

When they saw the two of them, the girls who were chatting tacitly kept silent, and looked at Hoshino Fujiko with wandering eyes.

The two groups passed by each other, Hoshino Fujiko looked as usual, but Aoi Keisuke said in a voice that everyone could hear: "President, you seem to be disliked."

The people in the instrumental club felt their hearts skip a beat - even though they didn't speak, why was Aoi Keisuke still making trouble?!

They dare to arrange it at will in their minds, but in reality they dare not offend Hoshino Fujiko.

"Member Qing Keisuke, don't waste your time on boring things."

Qing Keisuke's pace did not slow down. He just smiled and explained: "I just want to emphasize that the president is not popular."

Hoshino Fujiko stopped when he heard this and looked at him carefully.

Referring to the sudden unpopularity of the music club - Qing Keisuke said this to test her true thoughts.

After Komatsu Ai arranged for her in private, will he continue to save her? Will he really ignore all malicious intentions with the breeze blowing in his face?

As soon as she asked this question, no matter how she read Qing Keisuke's inner thoughts, it was equivalent to being stood up.

"Maybe your words will make me have other ideas." She said flatly.

"Ah, that's it...it turns out that I can influence the president so much. I'm really happy."

"Shut up."

The two people continued to walk down, the person in the music department exhaled heavily, and someone else sat directly on the ground.

"I don't know why, just listening to these two people talking... I feel so scary."

"Qing Keisuke, you are definitely a great evil person!"


"He is someone even Fujiko Hoshino dares to mock!"

"How could Senior Sister Xiaosong Ai provoke them?"

"President, how do you think Komatsu Ai will spread rumors?"

"I have absolutely no interest in entering her thoughts. If she was smart enough, she should not mention it at all."

"The dimensions of thinking are different. If conflicts arise later, it is necessary for her to prepare in advance."


Hoshino Fujiko took out a collection of waka songs, opened one of the pages, and motioned to Aoi Keisuke to lead the way and not to walk with him.

Aoi Keisuke walked to the front, turned over, and then asked: "What is the second half of the president's Japanese song?"

"There's no bottom half."

"Haven't you thought about finishing it?"

"no need."

Because most of the afternoon games don't start until three o'clock, there are still quite a few games that are not over yet. There are not many people in the school building, and most of the remaining people will subconsciously avoid looking at Fujiko Hoshino when they see her.

It's not because I've heard of her famous name, it's simply because her cold aura makes people feel embarrassed.

They couldn't imagine how Aoi Keisuke could be calm and comfortable by Hoshino Fujiko's side.

"How does the president usually come in and out of the school building?"

"Stagger the time."

After a pause, Qing Keisuke suddenly said: "I think we are a little late. We need to hurry up if we want to catch up with the movie."

"...Then speed up your pace."

So they started running.

Walking through the bright corridor, running up the stairs, pleated skirts flying.

Under the gaze of one after another, I ran to the end of the line of sight.

Some people died, but not completely...

This chapter has been completed!
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