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Chapter 17 Spiritual Sleep

 Why is the Demon King like this Text Volume Chapter 17: Spiritual Sleep Still not knowing how turbulent the discussion about him on the Internet is, Qing Keisuke sat leisurely in his seat and started today's morning meeting.

The human race in this world is really strange. The relationship was so distant before, and they didn't even know what happened to the original owner's family, but now they are so enthusiastic, directly ignoring the past memories, and want to get close to themselves. This is very difficult for the original owner.

Is it not death in another sense?

——You need to be remembered.

But thanks to the help of this environment, Qing Keisuke didn't run into any trouble at all.

Of course, considering the fighting power of these adolescent boys, these troubles...are really nothing.

On the podium, the head teacher, Chizuru Tsukishima, was talking about the precautions for swimming classes - starting from next week, swimming training will be included in physical education classes.

Even though they were wearing relatively loose clothes, some people were still inattentive to the lecture because of the waves generated by walking. The male high school students in Tokyo directly switched to waveguide messengers, and their heads followed the pace of the female teacher.

Qing Keisuke closed his eyes slightly and reviewed what he had seen today in his head.

His memory is very strong, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has a photographic memory. This innate instinct does not even need the support of spirituality and magic.

In just one morning, he recognized most of the people in the class.

In addition, after changing seats several times, his position is no longer the same as in memory - he is now in the fourth row of the third group.

Two seats diagonally forward on the right hand side are Arisukawa Asuka.

Right in front of Aoi Keisuke is Arisugawa's best friend Yuki Asa, and the girl's restless head is very eye-catching.

On the right side of the seat is a boy who looks thin and has long bangs. His name is Sanada Sai. When he speaks, he exposes two front teeth that are different from ordinary people. He is the kind of guy who can be labeled "virgin, dead otaku, pig boy" with just one glance.

The type of label.

The one on the left is also a boy, with dark skin and strong limbs. His name is Nakagawa Yuto. He has a loud voice. He introduces himself as the main striker of Kukai Football Club and also serves as the sports committee member of Class 5.

——Sure enough, the comics say that the protagonist must sit by a window when going to school, which is all false.

It’s just that the lines are easier to draw and it saves trouble!

"Although we have classes for boys and girls together, boys should take care of themselves and not get into trouble and end up with boys having to take classes by themselves."


"Duck~ I'm going to be peeked at by astringent eyes!"

"How bad~"

"By the way, Qinggui-kun~ can you swim?" The front desk turned his head.

"I guess I can." Qing Keisuke retracted his thoughts and looked at Yuki morning. The girl only had short hair that reached her neck, revealing her fair and slender neck - if she were a vampire, she would definitely hit him in the chest.

Youxi showed a surprise smile in the morning: "Help me! Ah... no, teach me when the time comes!"

Qing Keisuke shook his head and refused: "Since it's a class, would it be better to ask the teacher for advice?"

"Hey - the teacher must not be able to take care of so many people!"

"Morning classmate, besides football, I am also good at swimming!" Nakagawa Yuto came over and said.

"Ah...will you get as tanned as Nakagawa if you swim? Then don't do it~"

Yuki turned back in the morning, and Qing Keisuke showed a friendly smile to Nakagawa Yuuto - Thank you, tool man!

Nakagawa Yuto gave a thumbs up in return.

The morning class started uneventfully. Keisuke Qing studied hard all morning with an experience mentality...and then fell into a sweet dream at the 17th minute of the third math class.

In his sleep, he seemed to feel a fragment of spirituality.

I don't know if it was too hidden, or maybe it was a collapsed spirituality, but it was remembered by his instinct, and then gave him a hint in his dream.

"One by one...one by one."

"It's so delicious ~ crunchy."

"Hua~zi~ do you want to eat?"

"If you don't eat, you will..."


"Hey! Qing Keisuke!" Yuki stared at Qing Keisuke's arms and face under his bangs in the morning, her voice was soft as if she had no intention of waking him up.

Just a little longer...!

Those of you who are going to the cafeteria, can you please keep your voices down!

Damn it!

The young man's long eyelashes trembled, and then he slowly opened his sleepy eyes.

In the morning, Yuki was instantly struck by this picture, and even her voice trembled: "Qinggui-kun, it's lunch break time, that... that..."

If you don't mind, please eat my lunch!

By the way...


Nakagawa Yuto slapped Seikisuke on the back with his pocket: "Hahaha, I guess Seikisuke didn't bring a lunch box either. Come on, I'll take you to the cafeteria to eat fried pork cutlet rice! It's delicious!"

I don’t know whether it was because he was patted or because Nakagawa Yuto turned on Qing Keisuke’s switch, but the Demon King suddenly woke up.

——Class is unexpectedly scary. What class is in the fourth period?

"What did you want to say this morning?" After finishing his meaningless thinking, he stood up and nodded towards Nakagawa Yuuto.

"No, it's nothing..." Youxi lost all color in the morning, sat back in his seat, and began to plan to eliminate the sports committee member.

The corridor was full of students who were about to go to eat. Of course, Qing Keisuke attracted attention again, but the Demon King only wanted to eat and didn't pay any attention to the gossip in their mouths.

Nakagawa Yuto familiarly introduced to him which foods in the Kukai High School cafeteria were delicious. Aoi Keisuke wrote them down one by one, and also raised Nakagawa Yuto's tool-man attributes by one level.

"Qinggui-kun, you slept so soundly! The teacher glared at you several times during class. Do you have any tips?"

"What trick do you mean?"

Nakagawa Yuto said: "Of course I can sleep peacefully like this."

Qing Keisuke resisted the desire to complain, and instead thought about it for a moment, and said thoughtfully: "It should be a more interesting dream."

Nakagawa Yuto scratched his head and nodded with deep sympathy: "I see, if it's a dream to play in the World Cup, I definitely don't want to wake up from it, not even Chizuru-sensei!"

This dream is a little too far-fetched! How about breaking out of the Tokyo high school circle first?

Moreover, can Chizuru Tsukishima really not be able to stop you from dreaming?

Her football is better than yours!

Aoi Keisuke has a new understanding of male high school students in Tokyo.

The two people walked through the elevated corridor connecting the teaching building and the cafeteria, squeezed through the crowd, and finally ordered two pork chop rice on a table similar to a self-service drink machine.

After going to the window to receive his meal with the receipt, Nakagawa Yuto found a seat near the air conditioner.

"The weather is getting hotter and hotter. The guys in the basketball club show off their indoor court all day long, causing several first-year students to sneak over and say they want to play basketball."

"What happened next?"

"I was punished and ran around the playground for a few days, so I became honest.

Today's young people really lack passion!"

Qing Guijie was expressionless and buried in his meal. It seemed that someone had just asked him how to sleep more soundly in class.

"By the way, Qinggui, what did you dream about this morning?"


"What do you mean?!"

"It's just a lot of fingers talking."

"It turns out to be a horror movie!"

This chapter has been completed!
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