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Chapter 21 Dream

 Chizuru Shiraishi once learned a small technique from Yui Kamabata. Its effect is to divine whether the question is correct or not by simply tying a rope.

The next day after her hangover, she woke up early, secretly took out the hemp rope given by the god's flag from her luggage bag, hid in the bathroom of her room, locked the door, and secretly performed three fortune tellings.

Because Shenban had reminded her that the more detailed the divination and the more people involved, the easier it would be to fail.

So her first question is: Is the person she wants to meet located in the east?

The divination knot gave her a positive answer.

She immediately pulled out Yuzawa's tourist map, looked for the tourist attractions on the right half, and planned to modify today's itinerary based on the divination results.

Then she asked the second question referring to the map: Is the person she wants to meet on the mountain?

Knot rope once again gave a positive answer.

But the problem is that there are mountains all around Yuzawa, so it will definitely be troublesome to find it.

"Not necessarily...since this guy came to Yuzawa and stayed in the mountains, he will probably choose an expensive hot spring hotel."

Shiraishi used his smart brain to select hot spring hotels that met the above conditions from the APP.

But the results still showed a dozen high-end hotels.

Are there too many hot spring hotels in Yuzawa?!

Shiraishi pursed his lips and couldn't help but feel a little discouraged when he looked at the information he had collected.

She would like to directly divine which hotel Qing Guisuke is in, but the problem is that once the divination goes beyond "yes or no", she will have to doubt the accuracy of the divination.

Even if the first two fortune-tellings were psychological comfort, she could only choose to believe them first.

Believe first, then believe!

Miss Shenba once said that the power of belief is crucial in divination!

So she tried to make a third divination: Can she have the encounter she expected in Yuzawa?

This time, the hemp rope was so loose that it almost untied itself, but in the end it seemed that it still held on to each other tenaciously, giving Shiraishi a positive answer.

"That's great...hum!"

"Maybe I'll meet Yuzawa's handsome guy!"

She complained angrily, and the next thing was much simpler. She only needed to find a hotel that met the conditions on the APP, and then search for them one by one...

Shiraishi, muster up your energy!

Tsukishima had a nightmare at night, dreaming that she fell into the bottomless sea, her body kept sinking, and the weight of the water almost crushed her chest.


Why do my chest feel heavier than usual?

So painful...

Almost suffocating...

Before she completely sank to the bottom, she suddenly turned over and sat up, opening her mouth and gasping for air subconsciously.

Yuki, who was sleeping in her arms, was thrown out and rolled to the ground, meowing dissatisfiedly.

"Almost died!"

She reached out and took the meowing yuki back into her arms, rubbed her soft hair with her face, and made a sticky sound in her throat.

"Little kitten, hey hey hey, I'm here to collect your accommodation fee."

Yuki resisted and stretched out his forelimbs, but instead the soft pads on the soles of his feet were pinched and played with.


Yuki's body slumped down and was suddenly swallowed up by a violent feeling of comfort.

"Huh? Where's that guy Shiraishi?"

After Tsukishima absorbed the cat energy all day and rubbed his chicken coop-like hair, he noticed that his best friend was not sleeping in the bed.

Noticing the light in the bathroom, she got up and knocked on the door.

"Shiraishi, are you hungry?"

Shiraishi, who had just finished the divination, was startled by the knock on the door. He quickly put the hemp rope away again and pressed the toilet flush.

"You guy, you can smell even when you go to the toilet?"

Upon hearing this, Tsukishima rewarded her with a chestnut and scolded her for not being able to spit out ivory from a dog's mouth.

Shiraishi covered his head and hid under the covers, muttering that he wanted to go back to sleep. Just when he was proud of his skill at fooling around, he suddenly found Yuki looking at her with his beady yellow eyes.

She suddenly felt guilty. Could Keisuke Qing see herself through Yuki?

Probably not...

On this day, Chizuru Shiraishi walked all over the planned route but could not find Keisuke Aoi.

When we returned in the evening, it started to rain again in Yuzawa. It was a sudden heavy rain. The two people who returned had to take shelter under the awning of the shop.

There was also a couple who were junior high school students, hugging each other without hesitation at this time.

This look makes the female doctor and teacher a bit embarrassed.

"Why don't you, the teacher, take care of me?"

"You pay me?"

"100 yen?"

"I'll give you 200 yen and you go."

When Shiraishi heard this, he immediately raised his nose and said: "Hey, you guy! Can you bargain for educating students?"

Tsukishima took a breath when he heard this, reached out and pinched Shiraishi Chizuru's face hard, then turned to the two junior high school students and said angrily: "Which school are you from?"

The head teacher's majesty can make even high school students submissive, let alone a pair of junior high school students, who were directly scolded by Tsukishima until they nodded and bowed.

After finishing his training, Tsukishima grabbed Shiraishi and rushed into the rain without looking back.

"Hey? Hey?! Why are you running!"

Tsukishima gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want me to stand there and be embarrassed together?"

"Ah, I understand, I understand~!"

"What do you know? Go back to the hotel quickly! Take a taxi! I'll pay for it!" Tsukishima was very generous at this time.

"Oh, Mr. Tsukishima is so handsome!"

It rained until midnight this night. If the rain hadn't subsided after twelve o'clock, flood control warnings would have been issued in various places.

Crane soup.

Hoshino got into bed early and fell into a deep sleep under the influence of alcohol.

In the deep subconscious, she kept falling downwards, and the memories of her waking life flashed by like fleeting glimpses. Among them were Qing Keisuke's annoying smile, and countless voices clinging and biting like ants. The ink words were densely laid out in all the light, and gradually

Cover everything.

Before she was about to be shrouded in darkness and fall asleep completely, an almost non-existent call sounded in her ears:

"Please listen to me..."

Hoshino Fujiko suddenly opened her eyes, but what appeared in front of her was not Tsuruyu's room, but a dilapidated and dim sky.

Above her head, high in the sky, there was a huge helpless lake floating quietly, letting the sun soak all the water.

Hoshino stood on a high barren mountain, and a strong wind blew towards her, disturbing her clothes and hair.

She subconsciously narrowed her eyes and stretched out her hand to shield her eyes.

She saw that in the middle of the lake, there was a rural shrine made of light.

Curses wearing strange divine robes were dancing around the shrine, where she also saw Ozawa Sonoko and Kitazawa Oda.

Some people died, but not completely...

This chapter has been completed!
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