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Chapter 23 Uninvited Guests

"About Qinggui-kun, Hoshino-san, I still don't quite understand what you said.

Like...I don't understand.

It was so weird, I'm sorry I ran away and went home.

But Hoshino-san is also very strange to me."

At night, Hoshino received a message from Asuka Arisugawa. She tapped her fingers on the desk, recalling Arisugawa's panic at that time.

It seemed that some secret had been revealed by her, but the feelings that had not yet fully developed were still hazy, and even she herself was in chaos and confusion. After being exposed by herself, she became at a loss.

A silent smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and after a long time, she gently smoothed her lips with her fingers.

The book on the table reads: "When we first met in the apple forest, you had a girlish hairstyle, with a colorful flower-like comb on your temples, reflecting your beautiful face, and you stretched out your white hands.

, hold up the apple and give it to me."

She closed the page and thought about the scene in the afternoon again.

As expected, Qing Keisuke, a monster who can catch bullets with his hands, easily destroyed the first squad's lineup.

If Yusukawa could witness the interaction between him and Komatsu Ai, the whole story and the entire incident would be more worthy of observation and inclusion.

As for his overall performance, he came here specifically to show off to himself after the game, but it was all trivial, and he didn't even take it to heart.

"Where is Arisukawa?" Qing Keisuke asked.

"I saw you flirting with Xiao Songai, so I left." This is her answer.

What did you originally want to say?

It should be "Why?"

But because she was really looking forward to what Aoi Keisuke would think, she couldn't wait to answer the questions from her members.

It's a pity that Qing Keisuke also didn't take it seriously since he was sincere.

"Sorry, maybe my intuition is wrong." This was Hoshino's last reply to Arisugawa Asuka.

The next day, the golf meeting was held as usual.

The atmosphere among students became more and more lively, and the speed of posting on the forum was unprecedented, with Aoi Keisuke occupying a large amount of space. Such a grand event even attracted the attention of other schools.

——Watching his game videos, it really makes me worry about how to face Kukai Sako in the national competition.

Later, I learned that Aoi Keisuke would not participate in the competition at all, and even Kukai's high-ranking coach hugged his thigh and was thrown away, so I felt relieved.

"Arisikawa, are you asking for leave today?" After beating today's opponent, Qing Keisuke caught Yuki in the morning and asked.

"Hey? Don't you know, Qinggui-kun? Didn't you two come to school together so sweetly yesterday!"

Rather than worrying about her best friend, Yuki was more curious about the prince's gossip in the morning: "By the way, is Aoi Kei-kun really in a relationship with Komatsu-senpai?"

"Of course not." Qing Keisuke said, "I should have explained it before."

"Then why did Qinggui-kun go out of his way to take her water yesterday?"

"Because I am a senior and a senior."

"Is that why?"

"Of course."

"Come! I'll record a video for the senior and I'll post it online later to clarify!"

Qing Keisuke knocked her on the head and said, "I'm not an idol boy band, so I don't need to clarify it to anyone."

"Why is this~!"

Yuki's cheeks turned red in the morning. Such a tough Qinggui-kun is indeed very handsome.

There were no projects to participate in. In his free time, Qing Keisuke specially found an empty classroom and completed the magic circle arranged in the school.

When decorating, I found that Hanako was no longer in school, and must have gone to do business with her sisters - she had always been very motivated about her breast enlargement plan.

But for some reason, when I thought of this incident, I suddenly had an ominous premonition.


Qing Keisuke stood up and tried to find the source of this revelation.

He closed his eyes and let his spirituality drift along his body, then turned into "nothing" that almost disappeared.

Then, scenes from yesterday to today, the images recorded in his spiritual mind began to flash in his mind.

Going to school with Arisugawa...

Three-Point Contest…

Basketball game...

In the chaotic crowd, he gradually recalled things that he had ignored before.

The conversation between Fujiko Hoshino and Asuka Arisugawa on the second floor of the gymnasium also came to his mind clearly with spirituality.

But now he didn't pay attention to the content of the conversation.

Because the strange feeling became stronger and stronger, and it did not come from the conversation between the two girls.

Before that, something strange had already appeared...

The spirituality in the entire school, and even around Kukai's private high school, has undergone subtle and unusual changes!

Qing Keisuke actually had a creepy feeling, because he seemed to see a huge whirlpool, which had quietly enveloped the entire Kukai private high...

Is it a monotheistic religion?

He actually laid such a huge formation for himself that he didn’t realize anything unusual until now?!

No wonder he didn't discover it earlier, because this vortex is extremely insipid and does not show any characteristics. It is completely the same as the wandering soul without a master. Considering the thin and pitiful spirituality of this world, it can be seen how much it hides.


Moreover, the entire huge framework uses occult knowledge that is completely different from what he knows, and is far more complicated than the magic-breaking framework.

If his body hadn't memorized the spiritual feedback and relied on instinct to detect abnormalities, I'm afraid he would have discovered its existence only when he received this surprise.

"What exactly is this?"

Qing Keisuke follows the trajectory of spirituality and traces the traces of the present moment from the memories of the past.

His perception flew high into the sky along with the star spirit, and a faint but solid golden flame ignited from the center of his eyebrows, but in the next moment, the icy cold fell from the sky.

"I've been watching you."

A pale and slender finger gently pressed his forehead, and the flame between Qing Keisuke's eyebrows immediately shattered into light spots with a "pop" sound.

"What an interesting person. He was able to discover my existence. How did he do it?"

Qing Keisuke opened his eyes and slowly moved his gaze downward - because the owner of the finger was a little girl less than 1.5 meters tall.

Her hair is jet black and decorated with strands, and her face is pure white, which is different from the whiteness of the living and the paleness of the dead, and is closer to transparent.

Her two eyes were tightly closed, with black spells painted around her eyes and on her eyelids. The long and complicated spells were like chains, extending into her hair, as if the two were one.

There is also a dark red mark on the left cheek, which looks like some kind of writing, but Qing Keisuke cannot identify it.

The little girl is wearing a red kimono with black dandelions painted on the cuffs and collar.

The whole person gave Qing Keisuke an extremely cold feeling, as if he was looking directly into the essence of some kind of spiritual ice.

Therefore, that finger can even directly extinguish the spiritual flame he summoned to assist observation.

At the same time, there was a stench emanating from the soul that permeated the entire classroom.


Aoi Keisuke's eyes were full of amusement and anger, and his deep pupils looked down at this powerful uninvited guest.


The little girl put on a mask-like expression, but made a giggling sound, and then introduced herself:

"Yes, I came in response to your call. I am Hanako... No. 1."

This chapter has been completed!
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