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Chapter 32 Breakfast in Yuzawa

 The dream finally broke in the smile of Qingzi, and Qing Keisuke heard only two words from her mouth:


After that, I had a peaceful dream until dawn, and no sinister curse dared to come near Qing Keisuke's body.

When daybreak was about to break, Qing Keisuke sent Yuki out to the hotel to get his luggage, and he resumed his habit of exercising in the early morning.

After changing into dry clothes, he ran to the Xiongmon River and ran along the downstream direction.

There are factories and lush green farmland along the way, scattered in patches on the flat wilderness at the foot of the mountain.

Yuzawa is not very prosperous in general, and it is even quieter in the early morning. When he ran back to the hotel after exercising, the receptionist in the hotel began to tidy up the lobby.

"Ah, why is our guest so sweaty?"

The middle-aged woman in front of Aoi Keisuke is named Sachiko Hiranuma. She is the wife of the hotel owner, but she is very different from Tsuruyu's Ozawa Sonoko.

She wore simple clothes and spoke with a Kansai accent. She took care of most of the hotel's morning chores alone.

"I went out for a run."

"You still keep exercising after traveling?" Sachiko Hiranuma chuckled. She had only seen people like Keisuke Aoi among college students who came specially for holiday training in the past.

But it was also a scene of a lot of people making noise, and it was the first time I saw a person like Keisuke Aoi alone.

"I'm used to it." Qing Keisuke nodded.

"I'm really sorry. The hot water in the bathtub hasn't been heated this morning. I'm afraid..."

"It's okay, I'll just go back to the room and wash it off."

"Sorry, if necessary, I will ask someone to prepare water tomorrow morning."

"That would be troublesome."

Qing Keisuke returned to the room, and Yuki had already brought his clothes back from the hotel.

——The role of tool cat has been initially demonstrated.

After that, we need to teach it the art of setting up illusions, so that even the hotel can help him check out directly.

He took a shower, put on new clothes, and prepared to go downstairs for breakfast.

The two mature, intellectual women were still hungover and probably couldn't wake up.

The breakfast provided by this hotel is much simpler, but the ingredients are fresh and the taste is good. Qing Keisuke is quite satisfied with the meal.

After he finished his breakfast, Chizuru Shiraishi woke up early unexpectedly, and was nestled in bed using his mobile phone to send a message to Keisuke Aoi.

Qing Keisuke directly took a photo of the restaurant for her.

After a while, a petite female doctor with a pretty face appeared at the door of the restaurant.

Chizuru Shiraishi wore a light yellow silk shirt today with white hot pants underneath, revealing her smooth and white thighs. She wore a pair of white canvas shoes on her feet. She looked very youthful and beautiful, even girlier than a girl.


She glanced around the restaurant and immediately walked to Keisuke Qing.

Qing Keisuke raised his head and noticed that the hair next to her cheek was still a little wet. It could be seen that the 'girl' was in a hurry to go out and wash up.

The playful bob hair was not taken care of well and looked a bit messy, but it was unexpectedly cuter.

The two people looked at each other and blinked twice in tacit agreement.


Shiraishi came over, squeezed Aoi Keisuke's back with his waist, and leaned over to see what Aoi Keisuke had ordered for breakfast.

"Good morning." Qing Keisuke said.

"Oh, oh ha~"

Shiraishi turned his head and smiled sweetly at him. Their faces were quite close. Qing Keisuke carefully looked at her eyes, the bridge of her nose and her slightly parted lips until he saw Shiraishi's face turn red.

She snorted, held Qing Keisuke's shoulders and distanced herself from him, then pointed to the empty plate on the table and said: "As punishment for not calling me to have breakfast with you, you are going to get me some food~!"

Qing Keisuke was unmoved, reached out and grabbed her soft and delicate face, and pulled her back again.

"Ah...it hurts, it hurts!"

This guy……

Qing Keisuke looked at her exaggerated performance speechlessly - she leaned over on her own even though she didn't use any force at all.

He simply used his strength to pull Shiraishi closer and let her crash into his arms. The soft touch suddenly dispelled the last trace of sleepiness of the Demon King in the morning.

When Shiraishi broke free, he took the opportunity to confirm whether the toothpaste in their room was the same as what he used.


Shiraishi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Qing Keisuke to be so bold and dare to kiss him when there were many people in the restaurant.

"Feel sorry."

Aoi Keisuke smiled unapologetically, let Shiraishi go, and asked her what she wanted to eat.

Shiraishi bared his teeth and claws to beat him, but when he saw Aoi Keisuke approaching him, he immediately shrank back in fear.

Upon seeing this, Qing Keisuke got up and went to get a cup of hot milk and some Western pastries for Shiraishi.

"If you want to use me, you have to pay a little reward."

"You guy!"

Shiraishi was furious, but after getting breakfast, he stopped fussing with Aoi Keisuke.

On the other hand, it is also because I am worried that if I am too noisy, I will be watched by other people in the restaurant, which would be really embarrassing.

While Shiraishi was eating, Aoi Keisuke sat aside and replied to the message Hoshino had just sent in the morning.

Because there is no way to break through the pure realm for the time being, Miss Hoshino returns her target to Hachiman Shrine.

The old priest in the shrine also knows the past events of Ozawa Village. If he can find out the truth about that year, he may be able to find a way to enter the pure realm.

So today she planned to go to Hachiman Shrine with Tetsuya Yozakura to find out the news.

Qing Keisuke wished them a smooth journey - even though he had known for a long time that the Pure Realm could not be opened easily.

Of course, if Hoshino can capture the old god Lord Hiranuma and bring him to Ozawa Village for a blood sacrifice, he might be able to successfully open the passage.

But then again, why did those curses that condensed into human form take away Ozawa Sonoko and Kitazawa Oda?

Could it be that they were captured and sacrificed just because they sensed the possibility of leaking secrets?

Considering some abnormalities he had noticed before and the whispers he heard in his ears, Qing Keisuke suspected that this sacrifice had other meanings.

Therefore, he specifically learned the time of the flood from the newspaper.

——Since there is a sacrifice to be held, the time should be appropriate.

While he was thinking, Hoshino asked a lot of questions on his mobile phone, most of which were about doubts about the pure realm. However, Qing Keisuke had not seen many high-level barriers in this world. The only one he was familiar with was Hanako Ichi.

The number comes with a barrier, so I can't give an accurate answer.

He replied:

Qing Keisuke coughed and put away his phone with a normal expression.

Shiraishi drank the last sip of milk, then put the glass back on the plate, stared at Qing Keisuke and sneered.

"Who am I having such fun chatting with?"

"Nothing, I'm just replying to... President Hoshino's message."

Bai Shi looked suspicious: "She sent you a message so early in the morning?"

Qing Keisuke glanced at her and replied with some embarrassment: "Maybe it's because I can't trust my fiancé."

What I said is over in no time!

Shiraishi Chizuru opened her mouth when she heard this, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

Some people died, but not completely...

This chapter has been completed!
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