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Chapter 80 The Last Sacrifice

 Thanks to Qing Keisuke's help in stabilizing the form, the sacrifice is about to officially begin. The weird spiritual spirit dances like a snake, leaving deep traces in the sky and the earth.

These traces then gradually converged into a mysterious incantation, which was engraved on the bloody altar.

The living people as "sacrifice" also walked out of the shadows in a daze, and then knelt down in front of the bonfire with piety.

They sleep in recurring dreams, constantly deepening their connection with "Fengjin", outlining the greatness of Fengjin in the past, and providing twisted and weird beliefs. This false belief in turn affects and transforms themselves.

Finally, use your life to offer the last ember to the blood of the gods.

The rituals and music dedicated to gods gradually changed——

The holiness is gone and the darkness remains forever!

At the front of the team, the tall officiant picked up a dagger, carefully and carefully gouged out his own eyes, and then threw them into the flames.

Then, he took the remains of Fengjin God, the water of Fengjin Lake, and the heart of the spirit creature from Mt. Daze, and threw them into the flames respectively.

"It's over, it's over!"

He turned around with his back to the bonfire, raised his arms and shouted: "It's time for God to come!"

Blood dripped from the pale face, becoming ferocious and terrifying. The empty eye sockets of the priest seemed to be able to penetrate everything and feel the gaze of the Holy God.

Then his expression returned to calmness, even peace and happiness.

Then, he fell backwards with a smile and fell into the sea of ​​fire.

"The time has come for God to descend!"

The curses in human form instantly rioted, and they also rushed towards the bonfire one after another, offering their only curses to the supreme god to help him complete the foundation of becoming a god.

Soon, the entire core spirituality was completely infected by them, and every trace was controlled by their will.

The living person kneeling in front of the bonfire stood up like a puppet and slowly moved towards the flames.

The mighty and terrifying divine music then sounded, following the spirituality, resounding throughout the entire pure realm.

"Three sacrifices are made, and nine are bowed to my head.

The glory of the past,

With our faith,

With the bones, blood and soul of sinners,

With the vastness and majesty of Daze——!

Recast my god’s exalted position!”

"It's amazing."

If he hadn't received the information provided by Maple Leaf, Qing Keisuke would have thought that what was in front of him was a bloody festival driven by the curse instinct of Mount Osawa.

It is essentially a curse of hatred and anger towards life.

But now it seems that this festival is clearly the arrival ceremony of the new god!

The opportunity that Maple Leaf gave up was grasped by something nurtured within the shrine.

Or maybe all of this is also driven by the curse spontaneously - this possibility is even more amazing. Qing Keisuke speculates that it is probably the influence of the blood of God on these curses.

But even though he had completely restored his spirituality in the long dream, he really had no room to sit back and watch the ceremony be completed.

--what a pity.

Unable to witness the birth of this powerful enemy.

He sighed, seeming to slow down his breathing, and then stretched out his hand towards the huge bonfire. The line of his thumb and middle finger came together, and then they rubbed and separated gracefully.

A crisp vacuum sound burst out from the joints.


Hoshino subconsciously looked at Aoi Keisuke's finger, and for a moment she felt a terrifying shock, as if some invisible huge monster was passing by her.


Qing Keisuke whispered softly, and in an instant, ten bright stars composed of secret instruments were extinguished in the sky.

This spirituality that has not yet had an owner instantly transformed into Qing Keisuke's power, and issued the law of words and spirits.

All the sacrifices, including the rituals that were halfway through, were temporarily stopped under Qing Keisuke's will.

The secret ritual thrown by Aoi Keisuke is the crystallization of a high degree of magic and arcane knowledge. Its function is to block changes and gather energy, so it can take on a huge form like a star.

If he puts in enough quantities, he can even directly stop the operation of the pure domain core.

But such drastic measures are bound to be met with a crazy counterattack by Jingyu.

So now he blends violence with delicacy, presses the pause button on this huge ceremony, and then arbitrarily alters the second half of the ceremony.

The frenzied spirituality stirred up a violent wind, with the momentum to destroy the world, and wanted to tear apart all the madmen who dared to offend the respect of the gods.

But Aoi Keisuke has hidden himself and Hoshino in this spirituality, and cannot feel the wrath of this believer at all.

The curse that had been completely assimilated to spirituality roared wildly, poured into the giant bonfire, and transformed into a hundred-meter-tall flame giant, spreading flames everywhere in the space.

The giant's huge fists crushed every inch of the earth, and tongues of fire rolled out. Just when all the survivors were about to be crushed to death, Aoi Keisuke suddenly appeared in front of the fists, blocking the devastating punch.

"I have completed the ceremony for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was suddenly an extremely huge suction force that sucked the flame giant towards the door of the shrine.


The giants made of flames were twisted into a red vortex, and then they were all swallowed into the shrine gate.

The pair of copper-brown doors are like a greedy mouth, swallowing up all the free spirituality in the core, turning it into flame-like patterns that spread to every part of the shrine.

All the darkness and weirdness seemed to disappear in an instant.

Only the music dedicated to the gods is left, and with the sound of drums, it gradually becomes solemn and sacred again.

"Boom! Boom!"

A beating sound like a heart came from the depths of the shrine, and the things conceived in it were finally ripened and began their own transformation.

The bloody altar collapsed silently, and all the power contained within it was extracted.

Aoi Keisuke watched this scene expectantly and sent the survivors and Hoshino away from the shrine.

Hoshino Fujiko no longer knows how to evaluate Qing Keisuke's behavior - he clearly had a way to directly destroy the ceremony just now!

"Please, listen to me..."

The ancient and pitiful chants reappeared, and Aoi Keisuke followed the voice and stepped forward, pushing open the door of the shrine.

"Presumptuous! Presumptuous! Presumptuous!"

"Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Blasphemy!"

The rush of spirituality brought the believer's last roar, which was then strangled by Qing Gui's hand.

He walked into the door and saw a shrine inside the worship hall bound by layers of blood-colored chains. The chains were like umbilical cords, sending the last nutrients into it.

"I'm here to witness you."

"I'm here to destroy you too."

He loudly replied to what was bred in the shrine, and his unabashed hostility immediately caused the shrine to react violently. After the altar, the shrine also began to collapse, and the greedy desire to absorb seemed to swallow up even himself.

But the ritual of ascending to the gods has been modified by Qing Keisuke, and it is no longer possible for him to eat the entire pure realm as nutrients.

The life inside the eggshell is forcibly deprived of the right to inherit nutrients.

Such grievance caused a sound like a furnace exploding inside the shrine.

Qing Keisuke seemed to suddenly notice something, and without hesitation, he formed a stone sword and threw it towards the shrine.


"Stop secretly focusing your attention on our cold and beautiful president, she will only harm you!"

Amidst the roar, the wooden door of the shrine suddenly opened, and the unknown thing stretched out a red hand, climbed on the edge of the wooden frame, and then roared sadly:

"Weeping son! Weeping son!"

This chapter has been completed!
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