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Chapter 45 Family Portrait

 "Who did you say you wanted to confess your love to just now?"

Shiraishi pushed the ice powder in front of his best friend, his tone was unkind, and he stared at Qing Keisuke with his big beautiful eyes.

"Tsukishima-sensei said she would stop us from dating, so I'm threatening her."

"Huh? I haven't agreed to dating...or anything!"

When Chizuru Shiraishi heard this, he covered his face and ran back to the kitchen with big steps. When he couldn't see anyone, he remembered to ask him if he wanted to eat ice powder.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes and gave Aoi Keisuke a thumbs up, indicating that he was willing to give in and asked him not to do anything in the school and ruin the image of the iceberg female teacher in front of her students.

——This image can help her reduce trouble very well.

She snatched the light novel Aoi Keisuke had placed in her hand and flipped through it.

Qing Keisuke sat at the low table and looked at Kawayan Village in front of him.

This is a neon old-fashioned three-story house with a beautiful wooden floor corridor that connects to a large courtyard, separated by floor-to-ceiling glass doors. The afternoon sunlight fills the entire courtyard, and the corners are filled with greenery.


The edge of the courtyard is surrounded by white walls, and there is a small warehouse on the other side of the green plants.

With a house like this located in Tokyo, the Shiraishi family can be considered a "small landowner".

"Mr. Tsukishima, what do you mean Dr. Shiraishi said you haven't promised me yet?"

Tsukishima sat lazily, leaned on the sofa, and said casually: "Just think that she is being tough. After all, this is Shiraishi's first time in love."

"Oh? Dr. Shiraishi is so beautiful, no one pursues him?" Qing Keisuke asked curiously.

"What are you thinking about? That guy has been obsessed with her since kindergarten! During the spring outing, because too many people wanted to be in a group with her, it turned into a big fight, and the location of the spring outing was changed to a hospital.

When she was in junior high school, her grandfather received too many love letters and burned them on the fire.

In high school... let me think about it, ah, there was a male teacher who wanted to date her secretly, but the men from the Shiraishi family blocked him at the school gate, beat him severely, and finally resigned in despair."

Tsukishima narrates the glorious history of Baishi Qianhe, who confuses all sentient beings, with countless family treasures.

"And there is also the matter of her brother Shiraishi having a child out of wedlock, so the Shiraishi family has always been very concerned about Chizuru's emotional problems, which has resulted in her not being able to have a serious relationship until now."

"It's really amazing."

The Shiraishi family is powerful in every sense of the word.

And by the way, Chizuru Shiraishi also helped his best friend to hold back the peach blossoms. He is really a kind person.

"Will I be threatened by Dr. Shiraishi's family?" Qing Keisuke asked.

"Who knows... maybe my mother-in-law likes you very much."

Based on Tsukishima’s knowledge of Shiraishi’s mother-in-law, or the rumors he heard from Shiraishi Chizuru’s mouth—when she was young, her mother-in-law was quite obsessed with Kimura Takuya and bought a lot of related peripherals, but all of them were thrown into the warehouse by her husband.

Eating ashes.

Qing Keisuke noticed that there was a photo of the Shiraishi family on the wall of the living room. He walked over to the photo and looked at it.

The photo frame is a bit old, and the photos inside are also from a certain age - Shiraishi Joe's daughter Shiraishi Reiko was just born not long ago.

In other words, Chizuru Shiraishi in the photo is probably still in college. Keisuke Aoi took a closer look and found that he was indeed much younger than the current Dr. Shiraishi. He also had long, shiny black hair and looked dignified and virtuous.

Four generations stood in front of the gate of Chuanyan Villa, surrounded by the eldest elders.

However, the Shiraishi family makes a living by carving, and most of the men have broad frames and strong bodies. How could a dwarf like Shiraishi Chizuru appear?

Standing in the crowd, she seemed to be of the same generation as Reiko Shiraishi.

"Hey, what are you laughing at when you look at the photo?" Chizuru Shiraishi came out of the kitchen with ice powder in his hand. When he saw the smile on Keisuke Aoi's face, he felt a sense of malice for no reason.

"Huh? Did I laugh?" Qing Keisuke did not admit it and asked Shiraishi to come over and introduce him to the people in the photo.

"Hold your own bowl!"

Chizuru Shiraishi came over and looked at the way he dressed in college and felt a little old-fashioned for some reason - was Aoi Keisuke laughing at this?

She was a little suspicious and a little shy, as if her past time had been touched by Qing Keisuke's hand little by little.

"This is my grandparents. My grandfather is a stubborn old man. He has always been opposed to my falling in love, but if he has any good things, he always wants to give them to me first.

My grandma is very strict and she used to be a nurse. I ended up becoming a doctor, largely because of my grandma’s request.”

Chizuru Shiraishi pointed at the people in the photo and introduced them one by one.

This process is very strange, just like introducing myself in kindergarten. Under the eyes of teachers and classmates, I feel a little nervous, at a loss, and a little proud.

"This is my parents. They usually stay at the store and only occasionally come to stay at Sichuan Rock Village on weekends.

This is my eldest brother Junpei, next to me is my sister-in-law, and these are their children Yuichi and Yuri.

This is Jean, Miki and Reiko. Alas, Reiko was just born not long ago. She looked so small, much more obedient and cute than she is now.

But it was also because Reiko was born that I took this family photo specially."

It is a tradition of the Shiraishi family that every time a child is born, a new family photo will be taken as a souvenir.

"I originally wanted to ask Tsukishima to come with me for the filming, but she refused to agree."

Tsukishima snorted when he heard this, closed the light novel in his hand, turned around and poked Shiraishi's butt: "I stand next to your brother, just like she has two wives."

"Tsk, you pornographic guy."

"You junior high school student, hurry up and take out the watermelon!"

"Junior high school student?!!"

Aoi Keisuke lowered his head to look at the faces of the Shiraishi family in the photo, pretending not to hear the two of them bickering with each other, but strictly speaking - Shiraishi was indeed not as naive as a junior high school student, and Tsukishima was still not rigorous enough as a teacher.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Shiraishi angrily stepped on him and ran back to the kitchen to cut the watermelon.

"Is Tsukishima-sensei always like this at home?"

Qing Keisuke sat back on the sofa and ate the ice powder that Shiraishi served him. The small bowl contained special vermicelli, nuts, raisins and ice cubes. The soup was a mixture of some kind of fruit juice. It tasted sour and sweet, and it tasted very refreshing.


As expected, the great chef also excels at this gadget.

"Huh? Didn't you know that when you were in Yuzawa?" Tsukishima raised his hand towards him and asked in a low voice: "Speaking of which, I recently asked Shiraishi to show her supernatural power, but she always refused.

Can you perform?"

Aoi Keisuke was about to refuse when he heard this, but Tsukishima added: "Don't refuse in a hurry. I will exchange you for Shiraishi's photos, including those without clothes."

"Tsukishima-sensei, what do you want to see?"

This chapter has been completed!
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