Turn off the lights
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Chapter 55 Get in the car, Lao Xi

"Master, stop at the intersection ahead, there are still people who want to get on."

"Okay, guest."

Before Qing Keisuke could send a message, Hina trotted over following the taxi's headlights.

"Ah~ Hello, senior~"

Under the illumination of the light, Hina could only vaguely see Qing Keisuke in the front row. As for the situation in the back row, it could be said to be completely dark for her.

"Handsome guy~handsome guy~it's a party for handsome guys tonight~"

She hummed a tune she made up on the spur of the moment, jumped up and down, and suddenly threw herself at the front window, smiling and waving to Keisuke Aoi.

"Senior~Senior~ Who did you bring with you?"

I wonder if senior would introduce herself as his girlfriend in front of handsome friends?

Hina's twin ponytails were dangling outside the car window, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Well... they are sitting in the back. You can see for yourself. They should all know each other."

Xina looked at the back row without knowing why, and immediately saw two familiar, mature Tokyo women smiling and waving at her.


Qing Keisuke looked at the fleeting smile on Hina's face, because this scene was so funny that he almost couldn't stop laughing.


And they were two beautiful teachers who were famous for their high status in Kukai?

Xina was stunned outside the car, looking at the back seat and then the front seat, blinking her eyes, not knowing whether to get in the car or turn around and run away.

Why are seniors with the teachers so late?!

Xina couldn't understand and didn't dare to ask.

"Xina-san, get in the car quickly."

Finally, it was Tsukishima with a "kind" smile who rolled down the window and pulled Hina into the back seat with a tone that left no room for doubt.

"Good evening, do you know us?

I am Qinggui’s homeroom teacher, Tsukishima, and next to me is Miss Shiraishi, the school nurse.”

Tsukishima has shown amazing adaptability. In just one sentence, she has returned to the calm and intellectual state she was in school.

She also emphasized Shiraishi's identity to show that she was definitely not a teacher and there was no taboo against falling in love with Keisuke Aoi.

"Good evening~" Shiraishi greeted while secretly looking at Hina.

Even she has to admit that Xina is indeed very cute.

"Ah, yes! I know! Good evening, teachers! I am Futabazuki Rhonda Hina from the first grade. Just call me Hina."

Hina won Shiraishi's sympathy with a series of trembling, shocked, and confused tone. She lightly patted Tsukishima's shoulder to signal her not to be serious with a child.

——If she were at Xina's age, she would be frightened into speaking out in such a big scene.

Tsukishima glanced at her and let out a long sigh. He couldn't fight without the three armies. He only hated the general for failing to live up to his expectations!


Qing Keisuke glanced at the rearview mirror and spoke at the right time: "Hina, because you said you were worried about your safety at night, so I specially called Mr. Tsukishima and Dr. Shiraishi to accompany you. It must be very safe."

"Thank you, senior!!"

Xina's cries of grief and indignation echoed in the carriage, creating an unspeakable atmosphere that made people laugh.

Seeing Hina's face gradually turning red, Shiraishi patted Tsukishima, who was suppressing a smile, and took the initiative to help Hina out: "Master driver, please turn on the radio and play some songs."


The driver reaches out to play with the classic "feature" of neon cars - the retro radio on the stylish car.


Then, a harsh sound suddenly came from the cheap stereo, startling the three girls in the back seat, and Qing Keisuke's attention was attracted.

"Excuse me...eh?" The driver quickly pressed the button a few more times before the voice finally returned to normal.

The title song of a certain idol girl group was sung fiercely and high-spirited:

"dokidoki my chest

The longing that keeps me awake all night

I want to tell you my feelings loudly


A love letter tucked into your sport coat

I actually forgot to write down my name.”

The warm drum beats and guitar finally dissipated the awkward atmosphere in the carriage.

"Is this channel okay, guest?" the driver asked.

"Yeah!" Xina nodded with exaggerated movements.

Two mature ladies who like rock music and Showa vaporwave. Although they are not interested in idol culture, they do not hate youthful songs either.

Qing Keisuke took another look at the simple center console. Just now, he was vaguely aware of some kind of detection type of magic being launched in the distance. The swept spirituality and the current caused some kind of collision, which caused the sound to appear when the signal was being converted.


Fortunately, the target of the detection technique was not their group, so Qing Keisuke guessed that it was possible that official personnel or some kind of monitoring technique had noticed Hanako's aura and were searching intensively.

As the instigator, Qing Keisuke silently added a layer of protection against perception to avoid being involved.

——As for Sister Hanako, she is very experienced and shouldn’t need others to worry about her.

Accompanied by the singing of the idol girl group, the taxi the four of them took slowly left the residential area and turned onto the expressway heading to the bustling business district.

Xina sat upright, even breathing very carefully, and she carefully stared at the stain on the window glass - if possible, she hoped to maintain this posture until she got off the car.

To be more precise, she was homesick.

And the culprit of all this is the profile of an unknown senior reflected on the glass.


Hina's mind was racing. While thinking about the relationship between Qing Keisuke and the two teachers, she was also struggling with how to express herself at night.

She can't expose her true nature, but she can't waste this opportunity to meet her senior either!

Hina was concentrating on planning the next KTV session, and was completely unaware of Tsukishima sizing her up.

"Why doesn't this little girl talk? How about asking her to sing a song?"

Tsukishima lowered his head, took out his cell phone and asked Shiraishi quietly.

"Be a human being, Tsukishima-sensei!"

Although Shiraishi already knew Hina's thoughts towards Keisuke Aoi, her hostility towards Hina was actually far less than Tsukishima showed -

The main reason is that she believes that she and Qing Keisuke have not officially upgraded their relationship.

Of course, this mentality has a lot to do with the reasons she explained to Tsukishima Chizuru before:

She trusts herself and Qing Keisuke.

Tsukishima sent Shiraishi a head-banging expression.

"Then why are we following you?"


"Are you really singing?"

"Hehe... I mainly want to hear Qinggui sing!"

Tsukishima's gaze went past the driver's half-bald head, past Aoi Keisuke's annoying side face, and finally locked onto the harmless face of his best friend.

No, man.

If you want to hear Qing Keisuke sing, wouldn't you ask him to go to KTV yourself?

The atmosphere in our car has reached this point. Do you want to come with me?

Tsukishima really felt like he was wasting his status as a best friend.

If she had known she could only pretend to be a sanctimonious teacher, she would have gone back to Chuanyan Village to sleep!

This chapter has been completed!
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