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Chapter 60 What is love

At the end of the party, Hina seemed to have agreed with Kinoshita Koiko to go to the studio to study the arrangement and not leave with Tsukishima and the others.

Tsukishima thought for a while, but before he expressed his opinion, Kinoshita Koiko took the initiative and said that he would contact Hina's parents to ensure her safety.

Tsukishima nodded and agreed. Shiraishi pushed Aoi Keisuke's back and asked him to say goodbye to Hina properly.

Qing Keisuke dutifully did as he was told. He looked at the girl's rare expression and was touched, but he understood more and more that when he faced Hina, he did not feel as frightened as when he faced Shiraishi.

This feeling seems to be different from the previous feelings.

A vague memory flashed through Qing Keisuke's mind. When he and Tsukishima walked down the stairs, he vaguely realized where the strange ominous premonition came from.

But he still had no idea of ​​the deeper reason.

"Okay, okay, both of you, stop looking so grim!"

Tsukishima looked back at the two of them with disgust in his eyes: "Shiraishi, what do you say? Do you want to go home with Qinggui?"


Chizuru Shiraishi jumped up to her best friend, held Tsukishima's arm intimately, and said she would sleep with her that night.

The group of people took a taxi downstairs and said goodbye to Kinoshita Riko and the band members who they had just met tonight. Tsukishima approved the friend applications of Ishihara Satoshi and Mukai Shoichi - the kind that would be deleted accidentally after returning home.

Kinoshita didn't drink, and was about to take Hina to drive her car. She turned around and said to the band members: "Be careful when you go back. You can ask me to reimburse you for the night's fare."

After a pause, she immediately added: "Of course, if you catch the second show, you'll pay for it yourself."


Satoshi Ishihara complained symbolically, because Tsukishima declined the invitation to have a second meeting with them, so he hooked up with Sho Mukai and prepared to go somewhere for a drink.

Teruo Yingano didn't join his teammates because he already had the inspiration for the new song, so he hurried back to write the score and didn't go out of his way to make waves - such as asking Hina for her contact information in front of Keisuke Aoi.

He worried that he would become the first victim of the rhythm explosion.

"Goodbye~ I will definitely go to your show if I have the chance."

Because it was a business district, the taxi arrived quickly. Aoi Keisuke, Tsukishima and the others took the same taxi and took them back to Kawagamso before going home on their own.

When leaving, Xina lowered her head without looking at him.


"Xina-chan, you are so brave, you dare to confess your love in front of so many people."

Kinoshita Renzi drove the vehicle slowly out of the underground garage, glancing at Hina in the passenger seat from the corner of her eye.

She originally thought that Aoi Keisuke and Hina were a couple who liked each other and were in an ambiguous period. After all, it was Aoi Keisuke who accompanied Hina to meet her.

In the end, I didn’t expect that Aoi Keisuke was so handsome and there were so many beautiful girls around him.

Kinoshita Koiko doesn't know the specific age of Shiraishi Chizuru, but judging from her height and face, it's totally fine to be Hina's same age.

Judging from the interaction at night, Xina's situation is not good.

"Don't make fun of me, Sister Aiko."

Xina lowered her head, fingers on her thighs, and drew unconscious words.

Kinoshita Riko smiled, slowed down the car, lowered her head and dug out a pack of women's cigarettes and a lighter from the storage basket. She symbolically asked Hina if she minded. When she shook her head, she opened the car window and lit one for herself.

"I don't mean to guide you young people's emotions." She said: "I don't mean to make fun of you or have fun. I just look at this kind of thing from the perspective of a creator.

To be honest, I don’t think it’s a bad thing.”

The smoke that Kinoshita Koiko exhaled was quickly carried away by the wind outside the window. Hina looked at her face and felt the difference between a mature woman and herself.

——But she doesn’t think this is a good thing at all!

"Haha, don't glare at me, I only said it from the perspective of the creator.

Abundant emotional experiences help us create and write better works.

Your current bad mood is a precious memory of your youth.

These little memories will gradually gather into a new you, making you stronger and calmer.

We cannot create things outside of our own consciousness, so the limit of a creator's ability lies in these memories. How much can be mined depends on the one hand, how many treasures there are in the memory, and on the other hand, whether there is anything that can be taken advantage of.


Xina didn't like to hear these big principles now, and didn't think about it, so she just said "profound".

Kinoshita Koiko laughed a few more times, and then generously shared with her several relationships she had during her student days - they were neither bloody, nor comparable to the heroine of the movie.

Hina's attention was attracted, and after a long time she asked Kinoshita Koiko a question.

"Sister Lianzi, what does it feel like to be with the person you like?"

"Hmm...how does it feel? It's like the car I'm driving right now. When I step on the accelerator, its engine roars. When I turn the steering wheel, it turns."

Xina: "Huh?"

"Every girl has a different view of love at every stage. Now I want to control my partner. I want to completely occupy his life and let his soul become the shape I want. It is best to spend the rest of my life for him.

I live.”

"How terrible!"

Xina was so shocked that she temporarily forgot her sadness.

Kinoshita Koiko threw the cigarette butt out of the car window and said: "But if I meet a man I love so much, I may be willing to give up everything for him, give up my own will, character, and career, and become completely obedient to him.

He turned into an idiot and only saw his good things in his eyes."

Xina opened her mouth and thought, Sister Lianzi's love is who becomes whose car?

This view of love was so popular that it was so dazzling that she didn't dare to look at it more.

Compared with Kinoshita's love child, her own feelings are like seeds that have not yet sprouted. Even she herself cannot explain clearly.

"What about you?" Kinoshita Koiko asked her, "What do you think of your 'Aoi Keisuke-senpai'?"


Eryeyue Rhonda Sheena did not answer.

Does this question require no answer just like my love for saury?

Senior...what do you think?

The girl gradually got rid of her sadness and began to truly think about this relationship.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Kinoshita Koiko smiled and said: "At least, your senior hasn't rejected you directly yet!

You look so cute, maybe your Aoi Keisuke-senpai will soon be obsessed with your charm and won’t be able to extricate himself?”


Hina covered her face and couldn't help but be immersed in the fantasy created by Kinoshita Koiko for herself, but she immediately blamed herself for being shameless.

This chapter has been completed!
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