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Chapter 62 Meeting

The head followed the instructions and ate the familiar. After losing the frame to support the body, the familiar quickly turned into a pile of colorless powder, leaking out of the head's mouth.

Ying Ye Lunzi stretched out his hand to catch some powder, rubbed it away, then lowered his head and smelled the smell.

"Most of the materials are not unfamiliar. How is the structure of the technique?"

"It cannot be analyzed." The golden head said in shock: "It is simply... it seems to be incompatible with all branches of mysticism in the General Alliance."


Yingye Renzi was also shocked. You must know that the Holy Shinto Federation includes the sum of gods, onmyoji, ghosts, swordsmen, superpowers and other groups. What other practice system can escape the outside world?

"Foreign forces?"

"This question is beyond my capabilities, Ms. Renzi."

On the way back to the apartment, Qing Keisuke ran into the evening breeze, not thinking about the sudden sense of crisis at night at first.

He was thinking about his own emotions. There was a clear difference between Hina and Shiraishi, which made him realize that his judgment of human emotions may have improved.

Various vivid expressions of Shiraishi Chizuru flashed through his mind, and sometimes he recalled the witty words she once said to him.

These memories gradually become gleaming.

After the separation, just for a brief moment, the emotion called "missing" hit the Demon King's heart.

Until the image transmitted back by a certain familiar before his death caught his attention.

That was the rooftop of the building he was very familiar with - he and Shiraishi were chatting here not long ago, and it was the building where "lavishsound" was located.

The familiar has no eye structure, but possesses a variety of detection magic. The picture presented to the owner is very different from normal observation with the naked eye.

Then Qing Keisuke saw the colorful spirituality rushing towards the rooftop like a tide. However, the huge spirituality that could make people instantly enlightened was abruptly erased in the center of the rooftop, as if the picture had been erased by an eraser.

, leaving only an abrupt blank space.

In the real world where spirituality is rare, such a scene is a wonder.

While Qing Keisuke was in admiration, he immediately realized that if he didn't look directly at this scene, everything would seem to be normal in his mind, and even those magnificent spiritual tides would seem to be ordinary scenes.

What a wonderful technique!

His attention was completely drawn to what was in the center of the spiritual tide?

Is it the source of the sense of crisis at night?

The familiar cannot "observe" the central scene. What is happening?

Qing Keisuke stopped and changed direction. He once again tried to directly call Hanako's pure domain, but was still rejected.

He was thoughtful - he was far away from the Meguro area and could not be found again, so the reason why Hanako rejected his contact was not because of the existence of spiritual tides.

But since they appear in the same place, there must be a connection between the two.

Although Sister Hanako did not show up, this attitude was a reminder.

Moreover, maybe this ally has already shown her kindness and righteousness - when she picked up Tsukishima and Shiraishi, she showed her hand.

Qing Keisuke thought clearly, cast a flying technique on himself, and flew straight to the Meguro area.

Now that things have happened, he is really curious about who is hiding behind his back and plotting against him and Hina.

During the flight, he sent a message to Yui Kamaba by the way. On the one hand, it was just in case there was a big commotion, so that the shrine could get the truth, and on the other hand, he wanted to ask if he knew any relevant information.

But Kamaba Yui did not reply immediately.

Based on her personality, she probably was unable to check her phone immediately.

After describing the situation in more detail, Qing Keisuke put away his phone and didn't pay much attention to it.

Now that he is relying on Meiji Shrine, with Kamabata Yui endorsing him, he doesn't have to worry about a nuclear bomb falling on his head one day, so there is no need to hide himself as much as he did at the beginning.

Of course, if you can hide behind the scenes, Lord Demon King will naturally be grateful.

He galloped all the way, and because of the heavy concealment magic, he did not attract any attention.

Before arriving at the Meguro District, he controlled half of the familiars scattered throughout the Tokyo area to approach the Meguro District, while the other half went to the identified location of the powerful force to monitor the movements from a distance.

After entering the dark city after the power outage, Qing Keisuke stopped on the roof of an office building. He looked toward the center of spiritual surges. The dark magic eyes glowed dimly, and the distant scene finally appeared in his eyes.


He saw an ethereal white shadow, which vaguely revealed the nature of his curse under the distorted and obscured force field.

The extremely cruel curse was compressed into a humanoid mold, and the soul and flesh became the shackles of the trapped curse, with no possibility of returning to its original state.

In addition to this, there are layers of false "coats" that try to cover up this essence and create a harmless appearance.

——This is a weapon comparable to a nuclear bomb.

With just one glance, Qing Keisuke confirmed this fact. This was a weapon specially made in the field of occultism to cause powerful damage!

If considered alone, it is definitely a greater threat than nuclear bombs to those in the field of occultism.

Fortunately, by analyzing the three apparent "gold weapons", it can be determined that the target of this weapon is not him.

Unfortunately, when he saw "it", he was also discovered at the same time.

The concealment magic cast on himself was directly broken, and the flying spell was also stripped off.

Aoi Keisuke immediately waved his hand and protected himself with a few more spells. This time, Renko Yingano's evil-breaking spells could no longer work on him.

"This spirituality... can't be wrong. This person is the owner of the unknown spirituality." The golden head noticed Qing Keisuke's spell and immediately said, "That familiar should also be his."

The expression on Ying Ye Renko's paper mask is much more serious. Through previous investigations, she has determined that Qing Keisuke possesses many secrets and his strength cannot be underestimated.

She flew high into the sky, and her white umbrella opened up, covering the sky.

It wasn't until the shadow cast by Qing Keisuke was also covered that she asked: "Who are you?"

Aoi Keisuke did not refuse Rinko Yingye's umbrella like a barrier, because he had realized that there was no malicious intention in it for the time being.

Under the umbrella, there is only "secret".

Qing Keisuke raised his head and looked at the mysterious woman with flying clothes. As the distance got closer, he felt more and more the hidden beauty of this ferocious curse.

Behind the beauty, he felt a certain "tenacity" in Yingye Rinzi's spirit, which was enough to support the will of the soul not to collapse.

When he was about to speak, a bloody arm suddenly stretched out from the void and covered his mouth.

Sister Hanako's sad voice came from it: "Be careful with that woman, all your actions will eventually appear on the high-level table of the Federation."

Before Sister Hanako could complain about Keisuke Aoi and force herself to be exposed as a reminder in order to gain more benefits, Renko Yingye suddenly replied:

"No...it won't."

She stretched out her hand to grasp the golden head, and the scorching heat shot out from her palm, directly melting it into a pool of molten iron that was nothing special.

"Is it actually Hanako? There are some things that follow that I don't want the General Alliance to know either."

Renko then took off her mask and looked down at Qing Keisuke - even if the head deliberately did not remind her, she also realized that Qing Keisuke and Teruo Ying Ye were in the same space not long ago!

This chapter has been completed!
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