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Chapter 59 The witch who refuses to lag behind tonight

 At night, after dinner, Qing Keisuke carried Yuki to the rooftop. To the Demon King, the lock on the rooftop was as good as nothing.


"Go and play by yourself. Don't run to the edge. Wait until the moon rises a little higher and I'll give you an overall physical check."

The rooftop is quite a nice place, with a high terrain and a clear view of the surrounding terrain. It also comes with a cement roof, which has a good shielding effect.

Qing Keisuke first used his spiritual power to draw hidden incantations around him to further isolate the possible fluctuations caused by the experiment.

Then I started testing the techniques I prepared today.

His thin spirituality dictates that he must streamline many spells to achieve similar effects.

The past days of casual squandering are gone forever, and it will be difficult to reproduce the joyful sword moves like the Tyrant Sword in a short time.

After all, he can't always tie Kamaba Yui around him like a power bank.

Hmm...power bank...

It’s not that we can’t study it in depth.

After the evil spirits are killed, the amount of spirituality that can be fed back to oneself is still low. Wouldn't it be beautiful if he could capture them directly and use them as a source for his spellcasting, just like a spellcasting crystal?

Note it down!

Tonight, Qing Keisuke is mainly fixing and debugging some low-level magics. The structure of these low-level magics is simpler and it is not difficult to transform them.

Concealed attack magic, functional magic for daily use...

Instead of pursuing gorgeous special effects, he pursues hiding all the effects. It is best to release them in front of others so that no one can tell that he is doing something wrong.

For the Demon King, who has always pursued extreme destruction, this research direction is unexpectedly interesting. As one of the most powerful magicians in the world, inspiration soon came to him.

It wasn't until all his spiritual energy was exhausted that Qing Keisuke suspended tonight's test and quietly sat cross-legged on the ground to meditate and recover.

——The meditation method in the past can still help restore spirituality, but it is not as fast as before. It can be seen that the parts that stimulate spirituality in the two worlds are not exactly the same.

The secrets of the human body have not yet been fully opened.

He did not ask Kamiha Yui about training-related questions. Firstly, he did not want his thoughts to be limited. On the other hand, he was confident that he had the knowledge of the entire world and could find his own answers.

Because there is not much spiritual energy, the recovery is relatively fast. In less than half an hour, Qing Keisuke's mana volume was successfully restored to full.

The total number of spiritual points also permanently increased by 2 points, reaching 127.

At this time, the full moon was already hanging high in the sky.

"yuki, come here."


The little black cat, who was still exploring the maze on the roof, perked up his ears when he heard the sound, and immediately ran in the direction of Qing Keisuke.

Qing Keisuke reached out to catch the kitten that jumped down from the high platform. Yuki immediately stretched his body and asked for a hug from the owner.

Qing Keisuke gave it a perfunctory hug before placing the kitten on the ground. He pressed his big hand directly on his chest, and a shallow moon-white light lit up.

"Don't move."


The invisible moonlight was extradited by Qing Keisuke, merged into the spirit, and then gradually penetrated into the kitten's body, helping it to treat the hidden diseases left behind when it was wandering.

yuki spirituality index:57→69!

During the short treatment, the kitten's own spirituality continued to increase, to such an extent that even the Demon King couldn't help but look askance at it.

Yuki's own talent has always been very high. When he picked it up, it had already reached 50. During this period of time, he was provided with good food and drink. After taking good care of his body, his spiritual growth was uncontrollable.

No wonder even Kamaba Yui was attracted to it and wanted to take it home.

Soon, this will be the cat in the "Monster" panel.

Qing Keisuke thought thoughtfully, it's time to start letting the kitten start classes.

If it turns into a beast that can only unleash its innate magic extensively, how can I have the nerve to show it and call it my pet?


"Yuki, the carefree time is coming to an end."


After ending Yuehua's nourishment, Yuki jumped up from the ground. The whole cat felt so comfortable that even its meowing became girlish, its buttocks were arched everywhere, and its tail was twisted.

Qingguijie gave it two head strokes before it returned to normal.

"Ready to go home."


The kitten shook its body, jumped onto Qing Keisuke's shoulder, and rubbed his face affectionately with its head.

Qing Keisuke erased the spiritual incantation he left behind, restored the lock on the roof to its original state, and took the elevator back to the 13th floor.

By the way, he didn’t add any of the housewives in the same building.

But under the crack of the door, in the mailbox on the first floor, a few small notes will appear from time to time.

After returning home, finishing today's homework, and studying the contents of Arisugawa Asuka's math notes, Aoi Keisuke took a shower, turned off the air conditioner, opened the French door of the balcony, moved a deck chair and began to relax in the cool air.

I opened my phone, cut the playlist recommended by Rena Kobayashi, closed my eyes and listened.

"The echo of wind chimes

Watermelon seeds spat in the air

Maybe it has something to do with me

Whether it’s a friend’s lie or a love that’s been overthrown

Which one is better to start with?

Even if you become an adult

The treasure will definitely not fade


Let’s fly towards the blue sky”

It’s a different listening style from the two Chizuru’s...but it’s pretty good.

At around 9:30, Kamaba Yui came with a food box.

Qing Keisuke was too lazy to move, so he asked Yuki to open the door.

"Thank you, yuki-chan~ Come and eat fish."

"Meow meow meow!"

Needless to say, Kamaba Yui said, yuki has already smelled the fragrance in the food box.

"Good evening, Qinggui-kun."

"Good evening."

Aoi Keisuke raised his eyes and glanced at Kanba Yui. Tonight, the miko lady wore a white cotton skirt. Her long princess-cut hair was meticulously maintained and lay softly on her back. She looked pure and clean.

It makes people especially feel like they want to dirty their white dress - did this guy do it on purpose?

Kamaba Yui was looked at by Qing Keisuke, her cheeks were slightly red, she picked up the food box in her hand and said softly: "I brought some food over here."

Qing Keisuke nodded, raised his finger and pointed at the low table and chairs in the living room.

The two objects flew directly to the balcony, frightening Yuki.

"Come and sit."


"Kyoto's long-established restaurant 'Kikui' has opened a branch in Tokyo. It's summer, and the dishes they offer are pretty good."

Kamaba Yui sat down at the low table, put the food box next to her legs, and said with a chuckle:

"Although the environment is not as beautiful as the courtyard of the Ryotei, please allow me to serve this meal to Qinggui-kun."

In the food box, beautiful plates and lacquerware are neatly arranged, and there are exquisite and small foods inside. Although the portions are small, they are still full of the parts that high-end kaiseki cuisine should have.

The upper floor is for pre-dinner, eight-inch dishes, which are pre-dinner dishes, while the lower two floors are for grilled food, fenhe, medium-sized pork mouth, and strong dishes, which are difficult to eat. In fact, they correspond to sashimi, grilled dishes, and side dishes.

Wine, food and meat dishes.

The shape is exquisite and the presentation is beautiful. The pursuit of artistic enjoyment is more important than the conquest of taste buds, so it must be equipped with an elegant name.

Finally, there is the rice that symbolizes the end of the meal, which is commonly known as "go rice" in Kaiseki cuisine.

In order to ensure the taste and appearance of the dishes in the food box, a considerable part needs to be taken out for further processing.

Kamaba Yui directly took over this part of the work, and her movements were more skillful and elegant than the chefs and generals of Ryotei.

"Please use it, Qinggui-kun."

This chapter has been completed!
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