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Interlude: Part of Qian Zhihe’s diary (3)

 【A certain day of a certain month】

It is truly the eye of divinity, so amazing.

Although I still have a lot of doubts in my heart, I will never forget the scene I saw in that corridor: the lonely old man who had no training and could not use magic escaped Marcia and

Ivan's first two attacks, the third time he even directly caught the wooden stick. Unbelievable.

It is almost impossible to complete all the actions with hearing alone. What's more, Mr. Gu Lao's hearing is not ideal. He even missed my name. It cannot be a factor of luck. There is only one reason that can be explained by Mr. Gu Lao -

—He has divine eyes.

It’s incredible. Even now, I still keep replaying the scene in my mind. The power of God appears within my reach. I am so lucky!

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Gu Lao is indeed full of mystery: he cannot use magic, and he is an immortal existence. If he did not live in our small town but in a more prosperous area, he would undoubtedly cause a sensation.

However, there are still many uncertainties - why does the Divine Eye not have a corresponding divine partner? Does this mean that Mr. Gu Lao is qualified to sign contracts with other partners? Wouldn't it be possible to use both at the same time?

A special ability?

No, as for Mr. Gu, even if I told him these questions, he probably wouldn't care.

Mr. Gu Lao is the representative of "eternity". He cannot care about the distant war. He has other things to deal with. In other words, this time, I selfishly interfered in his life.

I couldn't help Mr. Gu Lao, and I used shameless tricks to force Mr. Gu Lao to reveal his secret. This is an extremely shameful thing for an elder who is more than a hundred years old. He will definitely tell this matter.

See it as our humiliation to him, although this is never our intention.

Therefore, I think I should calm down and not infringe on the rights of Mr. Gu Lao because of my own selfish desires. If he clearly refuses, I will not force it. Divine gifts are gifts from the gods, but everyone is guaranteed to have their own freedom. This

It is the will of God. I should also apologize to Mr. Gu Lao for my behavior as soon as possible. In any case, all the conflicts are caused by me. Marcia and Alvin are just acting according to my wishes.

However, I am still looking forward to it. After all, Mr. Gu Lao’s vision is much longer than ours. What will he think after he calms down? What decision will he make in the end? I am sincerely looking forward to it.

【A certain day of a certain month】

Several things happened that surprised me.

The first thing is that Mr. Gu Lao actually forgave me. I thought his anger would last for a long time, but he showed tolerance as if he didn't care. This is the magnanimity of an elder. One of my previous ignorant guesses

It is unbelievable that none of them have been confirmed. Sure enough, it is foolish to secretly speculate on the elder's heart. You can't do the same thing again in the future.

The second thing is that Mr. Gu Lao not only forgave me, but even expressed his curiosity about the purpose of divinity, and he actually asked us to explore the divine gifts with him regardless of previous suspicions. It is really an unbelievable fact.

Naturally, I immediately agreed to Mr. Gu’s request. In order to better respond to Mr. Gu’s mood, I must make sufficient preparations to make up for my mistakes.

The third thing is that Rita said that my sweater knitting skills have improved a lot, and my long-term practice has finally paid off, which is great.

I haven't been so happy for a long time, so much so that I cherish every minute of today. If I could store those beautiful emotions somewhere like writing a diary, I should be happier than I am now. After all, I

You will always forget.

【A certain day of a certain month】

Recently, the Guard Corps has been dealing with more and more urgent matters. Not only has there been a slack in training, but the diary has not been written for a long time. Fortunately, the lord has sent someone here. All he needs to do is hold on for a while longer.

It seems that the day after tomorrow is little sister Raya’s birthday. I have received a lot of care from her in the past, so I have to prepare a gift that she likes.

Little sister Raya is not very old, but her words and deeds always make people feel that she is mature. She probably doesn’t like dolls and the like. How about giving her a scarf that I knitted by myself? Rita happens to be good in this regard.

The knowledge is rich. Although it is a bit tight in less than two days, I am sure to catch up... However, it will be summer soon, and it is not appropriate to give a scarf...

Both Marcia and Alvin began to directly call Mr. Gu Lao "Gu Lao". It seemed that doing so would appear more cordial, but wouldn't it be a bit rude?

The most important thing is to resume training as soon as possible. One year will pass quickly. If you don't seize the time, participating in the war will become empty talk and a joke - I will never allow this to happen.

【A certain day of a certain month】

Grandpa Rub's dementia symptoms are getting more and more serious. Not only can he not recognize anyone, but he can't even speak a word clearly. The doctor has come many times, but to no avail.

I once again experienced a strange feeling, as if a part of my soul had been cut away, which kept me in a state of confusion all day long.

My mother and the caregivers have done their best, but there is nothing we can do about Grandpa Rube becoming like this. Maybe, I have to prepare to say goodbye.

He is like a relative of mine. If possible, I would be willing to share my life with him.

Please, God, please let Grandpa Lu Bu get better, otherwise, please let him leave in less pain. Grandpa Lu Bu suffered too much during his lifetime, which is enough. Please, God, please don't.

Be stingy with your power.

【A certain day of a certain month】

The strange gentleman I met in the church yesterday turned out to be a soldier. According to the lonely old man, that gentleman can also cast spiritual magic such as Li Fenghuo. It is not yet clear whether he has a mate, but even if he does not have a mate now, he must

I have the experience of signing a contract with my spouse.

The danger level of that gentleman was not low, and Gu Lao was extremely calm when dealing with him alone. In fact, everything was thanks to Gu Lao, and I didn't help at all.

The gentleman said that he was a deserter and fled the army because he killed a demon with his own hands.

Killing can have such a great impact on a person, which makes me involuntarily think about my own future - how will I feel when I kill the enemy for the first time on the battlefield? Could it be that I feel it too?

Feeling guilty and developing fear?

There will be resistance when killing people, so killing also needs practice...

But I have never regarded demons as human beings. Demons are demons. Isn’t that the case?

【A certain day of a certain month】

The lonely old man found a job for the gentleman and gave him a new name and identity, thereby helping the gentleman live in the town. Although he could not completely relax his vigilance, things went like this under the leadership of the lonely old man.

It went smoothly, which is really a blessing.

When the gentleman really calms down, I plan to find a time to ask him about the killing. I need to know exactly how he felt at the time to re-evaluate my views on the war, although I don't think I

This will cause a huge change in your views.

Perhaps it would be better to ask the lonely old man.

【A certain day of a certain month】

Today, for some reason, Grandpa Rube burst out laughing and regained consciousness briefly. During that time, he kept asking me if he was sick.

I subconsciously thought of the story that the lonely old man told me, and comforted Grandpa Lu Bu again and again, telling him that he was not sick.

Grandpa Lu Bu no longer recognizes me. I am sure that there is no trace of emotion in his eyes when he looks at me. Perhaps Grandpa Lu Bu only has the memory of his youth. No wonder I have always had an illusion recently...

...thought Grandpa Blue was getting younger.

Slowly, he should forget everything and eventually become a brand new person.

【A certain day of a certain month】

My mother is not my biological mother, but my adoptive mother, but she treats me as lovingly as she treats her real daughter, so I always regard her as my real mother.

There are not many memories left about my parents. I can vaguely recall the small manor and their vague smiles, but I can’t remember their voices, their appearance, their faces.

The only thing profound and clear about life is their death.

They were not killed by war, they were killed by demons; they did not die in war, they died with high honor; they did not die for war, they died for the victory of the empire - exactly

Because I know this, I can retain the hatred in my heart without letting it fill up my chest or letting it gradually fade over time. I need the existence of hatred in my heart, and it is also the meaning of my existence.

Therefore, neither Mr. Mundy's regrettable experience nor my reluctance to leave the town can stop me. I should move forward. If I don't move forward, I will be at a loss. Stagnation is not my style.

Therefore, even if one day I lose all my companions, I will still risk everything to burn the hatred in my heart.

I am really lucky to be able to express my will to the lonely old man today. His words must be able to understand my thoughts. Just as I already know his dependence on the town, he will eventually feel the intensity of hatred in my heart.

That is not hatred against anyone. I sometimes even think that this hatred has been with me since I was born, but it was only noticed by me when my parents met with misfortune.

I am destined to respond to this hatred, and for this I must take action. Fight against the evil demons with an ordinary blade.

【A certain day of a certain month】

The bonfire party is coming, and I’m sure I’ll have to get busy again soon.

This is the last time to do something for the town, and everyone in the guard regiment seems very motivated.

Having said that, the shortage of supplies is really difficult to cope with. The town of Annaba is the only place that merchants must pass when they come to the town of Vige. The outbreak of the plague will definitely make most traveling businessmen give up going to the town of Vige.

I think the only way is for us to take the initiative to purchase outside the town.

Not only the items needed for the bonfire party, but other winter necessities also need to be purchased.

In addition, I have to take this opportunity to find a medicine that can cure Grandpa Rube. Even though the chance is slim, I still have to give it a try. I can’t just watch Grandpa Rube in pain indifferently. I must do something.


There are too many things to care about.

After all, the people in this town are the ones I feel most sorry for. I am such an incompetent person.

This chapter has been completed!
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