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Chapter 177 The essence of the practice system is different, the way to longevity in the immortal model

 In half a month, Kizaru completed all the first to third stages of Miaomushan Senjutsu training. He can freely maintain the balance of natural energy and chakra between movement and stillness, and enter the sage mode to fight.

Standing under the tall stone statue of a toad that first demonstrated the power of senjutsu, Fukasaku Sennin faced Kizaru.

"Little Kizaru, you first try moving the stone statue with only chakra." In order to let Kizaru better understand the amplifying effect of senjutsu, Fukasaku Sage said.

"What a terrible request!" Kizaru said, stroking his chin as he looked up at the stone statue.

"Come and try it!" Fukasaku Sennin urged.

"Know it!"

In response, Kizaru walked to the stone statue under the watchful eyes of Fukasaku Sennin, Jiraiya and Gamabunta who were watching from a distance.

After knocking the stone statue with his hand, Kizaru bent down and stretched out his hand, and inserted his left hand into the bottom of the stone statue.

Standing still on both feet and exerting all his strength, Kizaru did not use chakra, but only used pure physical strength.

Under Kizaru's huge force, the solid toad statue began to shake and slowly left the ground.

Lifting up little by little, the toad statue was lifted up by Kizaru.

Following Kizaru's movements, as the toad statue was gradually lifted up, the onlookers Fukasaku Sennin, Gamabunta, and Jiraiya all opened their eyes and mouths dumbfounded.

I originally wanted to let Kizaru understand the powerful Fukasaku Sennin by using only chakra and using senjutsu chakra, but I almost couldn't stand it anymore.

This...is this something people do?

Not only did he not use magic, he didn't even use chakra. He lifted the solid toad statue simply by using his body strength?

This stone statue is 7 meters high! It’s still solid!

This guy Kizaru is simply not a human being, he is more of an animal than an animal!

In addition to Kizaru, there were two toads and one person at the scene, all of whom had practiced celestial arts and had excellent sensory abilities. They were able to confirm that there were no natural energy or chakra fluctuations in Kizaru's body.

"Jiraiya, is this something you humans can do?" Gamabunta, whose body was already growing in size and was almost as tall as a stone statue, asked in confusion.

Gamabunta, who is close in height and build to the stone statue, would never be able to move the toad statue simply by relying on his physical strength.

It was precisely because of his personal experience that Gamabunta was even more surprised by Kizaru's effort to lift the stone statue.

"Yeah! I'm used to it." The surprise in his heart was no less than that of Gamabun Tai, but the past few years of getting along with him had made Jiraiya accustomed to Kizaru's perversion.

Glancing sideways at Jiraiya who was standing at his feet, Gamabunta teased knowingly: "Can you do that?"

"I'm not a pervert!" Jiraiya crossed his arms on his chest and responded angrily to his friend's question.

"Cough cough cough!"

Ignoring the conversation between his son and Jiraiya, Fukasaku Sage finally came to his senses. He looked at Kizaru, who raised the stone statue above his head with his hands raised, coughed a few times, and then began to speak.

"Little Kizaru, put down the stone statue!"

Twisting his waist and abdomen and using his whole body to exert force, Kizaru threw the stone statue held high above his head to the open space aside, causing the ground to briefly shake a few times.

Kizaru clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It's really dangerous! If it lasts longer, I won't be able to hold on."

Regarding Kizaru's words, not a single toad or person present believed them, not a single word.

Can't you stand it with your performance?

"You now enter the sage mode, use natural energy and try again." Fukasaku Sage continued.

Smiling and nodding, Kizaru took a few steps to the side and walked to the edge of the stone statue again.

Closing his eyes, refining chakra and sensing and absorbing natural energy, Kizaru quickly entered sage mode.

The image of Kizaru Sage's mode is similar to that of future Naruto, with eye shadow appearing on the upper eyelids and corners of the eyes.

It's just that Naruto's is orange, while Kizaru's is yellow.

With the increase of the immortal mode, Kizaru's lifting of the stone statue is very simple this time.

Bending down and reaching out to grab the stone statue, Kizaru stood up as if standing up normally, and raised the stone statue to his head again, again with one hand.

Holding the bottom of the stone statue with one hand, Kizaru threw the stone statue into the sky casually as if playing a ball, and then caught it easily.

Kizaru repeated this action several times, which made the two toads and Jiraiya on the side tremble with fear. They were worried that Kizaru would accidentally miss and hurt himself.

"Okay, put the stone statue down!" Fukasaku Sennin said quickly for the sake of his own heart.

Holding the stone statue with his right hand and gently throwing it forward, Kizaru threw the stone statue back to its original position.

"Little Kizaru, have you felt the increase in magic on you?"

Faced with this question from Fukasaku Sennin, Kizaru recalled the feeling of lifting the stone statue twice, "Yeah! The increase is very big! Thank you, old man!"

"Hahaha!" Fukasaku-senshi laughed and said kindly, "If you want to thank me, make a big meal before you leave!"

After saying that, he seemed to recall the delicious insect food that Kizaru had made, and Fukasaku Sennin instinctively stretched out his tongue and licked his mouth.

"No problem!" Kizaru agreed with a smile.

True to his word, after today's assessment, Kizaru made a sumptuous insect feast for the two Toad Immortals using insects from Mt. Miaomu.

This time, Jiraiya got to eat the feast, but his friend Gamabunta didn't make it.

Gamabunta, who was also greedy for Kizaru's delicacies and wanted to eat, was shut out by his parents because he was too big and ate too much.

What made Gamabunta even more angry was that Jiraiya, who had finished eating, ran up to him with a mouthful of oil to show off.

Because of this, Gamabunta ignored Jiraiya, a bitch, for three whole days.

"Old man, I'm ready to leave!"

After finishing the feast, Kizaru, who was about to return to Konoha, ran to the palace and said hello to the Great Toad Sage.

"You...who are you?" Squinting his eyes and seeing Kizaru walking in, the Great Toad Immortal became "demented" again.

"Stop pretending, I am Kizaru!" Sitting casually on the ground, Kizaru looked up at the Great Toad Immortal and said.

"Hoo ho! Don't break the old man's game casually! You're not cute little yellow ape!" He laughed, and the big toad fairy's eyes widened a little.

"Old man, before I leave, I have one more question to ask you."

"You want to know why I've lived so long?"

"Can you read minds? What a scary old toad!" Kizaru complained.

"Hahaha! I guessed it." He laughed and said proudly.

After speaking with a smile, the Great Toad Immortal stopped his smile, showed a serious attitude, and answered Kizaru's question.

"As you might think, me, Fukasaku, Shima and the rest live so long because of natural energy."

"Then why can't humans? Is it because the magic of Miaomu Mountain is not really suitable for humans?"

"You can say yes, you can say no."

"Hey, hey, the Riddler is the most annoying one!"

"But I am a riddle toad, not a human being! Hahaha!" The Great Toad Immortal laughed again.

Facing the giant toad sage who looked like an old naughty boy, Kizaru sighed helplessly.

Therefore, these old guys are the most troublesome!

After laughing, the Great Toad Immortal continued to answer Kizaru's questions.

"It's not that the magic of Miaomu Mountain is incompatible with humans, it's that your and our cultivation systems are fundamentally different."


"When Fukasaku guided you to practice Senjutsu, he should have told you that the core of Senjutsu is to maintain the balance of natural energy and chakra in the body."


"The toads of Miaomu Mountain did not have chakra when they first practiced senjutsu. We sensed natural energy, absorbed natural energy, and then maintained the balance between natural energy, mental energy, and physical energy in the body.

If this balance can be maintained, natural energy can remain in the body and continuously nourish our body.

With physical training and spiritual practice, our own mental and physical energy continues to increase, the more natural energy we can absorb, the more nourishment and strengthening our body will have, and we will naturally be able to live longer.

At this point, the giant slug in Shigulin is the most powerful. Its physical and mental energy can be said to be the strongest in the world, and it also has the most natural energy accumulated in its body.

Theoretically speaking, giant slugs are the longest-lived creatures in the world.

And you humans, or ninjas, have a practice system with Chakra as the core. What you maintain in your body for a long time is refined Chakra. It is very difficult to always maintain the balance between Chakra and natural energy.

Ninjas will not always maintain a large amount of chakra in their bodies. You will refine chakra and consume chakra according to the situation.

This also leads to a problem. If a ninja wants to maintain the sage mode, he must always maintain the balance of chakra and natural energy.

But the chakra in your body itself is not a stable energy.

Naturally, you will not be able to maintain the fairy mode all the time, and you will not be able to keep the absorbed natural energy in your body for a long time and nourish your body."

Listening to the detailed explanation of the giant toad sage, Kizaru nodded thoughtfully. He probably understood why ninjas could not maintain the sage mode for a long time and use natural energy to extend their lifespan.

The chakra of a ninja is different from the internal power in martial arts novels. It doesn't matter how much he accumulates through practice, it will always exist in the body.

Regarding the use of chakra, ninjas use it based on real-time conditions. When chakra is needed, the ninja will combine his physical energy and mental energy to extract chakra and use it.

Like in daily life, when there is no need to fight, most ninjas only retain a small amount of chakra in their bodies in case of emergency.

Therefore, ninjas have an extremely basic training, which is to refine chakra in action.

On this point, when becoming genin, all ninjas who are responsible for leading and guiding genin will teach them.

Because of this, it is difficult for ninjas who have learned senjutsu to maintain the sage mode all the time. Naturally, they cannot keep natural energy in the body for a long time like the sages of the three holy places, nourish the body, and prolong life.

On the contrary, during the initial practice, the toads of Mt. Miaomu directly absorbed natural energy into the body and maintained the balance between natural energy, spiritual energy, and physical energy in the body, instead of maintaining natural energy like ninjas.

Balance of energy and chakra.

This also determines the fundamental difference in practice and fighting methods between the toads and ninjas of Mt. Myoboku.

The toads in Mt. Miaomu usually do not refine chakra. The energy in their bodies is only natural energy. Only when they need to release ninjutsu in battle, they will refine chakra and merge it with the natural energy in their bodies to use powerful

The magical chakra.

On the contrary, ninjas who have practiced senjutsu usually only have refined chakra in their bodies, but no natural energy.

Only when they need to enter the sage mode, they will absorb natural energy into the body, briefly maintain the balance of chakra and natural energy in the body, and fuse more powerful sage chakra.

The final battle mode presented by these two systems is the same, but the most basic training concepts and starting points are completely different.

This is also the reason why ninjas who have practiced senjutsu cannot live as long as the toads of Mt. Myoboku.

Of course, not all toads from Mt. Myoboku can maintain the balance between the three energies in the body for a long time like the Great Toad Sage, Fukasaku Sage, and Shima Sage.

Therefore, there are only a few talented toads in Miaomu Mountain who can extend their lifespan with the help of natural energy.

Those ninjas who have practiced celestial arts may understand the difference, but their strength mainly relies on the chakra system. For this reason, they cannot give up the daily combat system dominated by chakra and give up their strong strength.

Re-cultivate a new system.

Ninjas who have access to senjutsu are strong men in the ninja world. They have things to protect and their own enemies, and they need strength to deal with them.

But coincidentally, Kizaru didn't have these worries.

It's not that Kizaru has no enemies, or that he doesn't have anything to protect.

But even if Kizaru doesn't rely on chakra, he is still a strong man at the top of the ninja world.

The awakened fruit ability, the physical fitness of the peak general, the two-color domineering of the peak general, the swordsmanship of the great swordsman level, Kizaru has completely integrated the template of the peak general, even if he does not use chakra, he has almost no opponents in the ninja world.

From this point of view, the magic system with natural energy as its core matches me quite well!

Now that the ninja world is relatively stable, I can completely switch to the senjutsu training system instead of just practicing in sage mode.

In Kizaru's opinion, the senjutsu system, which has a higher upper limit of strength and can extend life, is more suitable for him than the chakra system.

Thinking of this, a slightly lewd smile appeared on Kizaru's face.

Hohoho! I’ve changed the track!

next chapter

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