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Chapter 218 Uncle, let’s unify the world!

 After seven o'clock in the evening, Kizaru, who had read all the documents, left the Hokage Building, walked slowly towards the main residence of the Shimura family with his hands behind his back.

On the way back, many villagers and children greeted Kizaru happily and enthusiastically.

Some merchants who opened stores even took out the products in their stores and wanted to give them to Kizaru.

Kizaru accepted the kindness, but did not accept the things. He just chatted with the villagers for a few words, then said goodbye and left.

Just like what Uchiha Itachi said to Naruto in the anime, it's not that you can be recognized by everyone if you become Hokage, but only those who are recognized by everyone can become Hokage.

Since his debut during the Second Ninja War, Kizaru has brought real benefits to the village, both in terms of his achievements and the reforms he promoted after the war.

With Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo deliberately spreading the truth, the villagers of Konoha were very aware of Kizaru's achievements.

Not to mention such large-scale achievements as defeating powerful enemies and protecting the safety of the village, from the time Kizaru proposed reforms to when he served as the principal of the Ninja School to promote the reforms, both the Ninja clan members and ordinary villagers have truly enjoyed the benefits.


The ninja school is divided into classes, with just the right people teaching, so that children from civilian backgrounds have the opportunity to be exposed to more knowledge and ninjutsu.

Many results developed by the Scientific Research Institute and Konoha Hospital have allowed villagers to make money, gain product experience, and even many sick villagers have been cured.

Huang Yuan may not have directly participated in the research and development and invented these achievements, but with the publicity in the village, the villagers knew that these things were promoted by Huang Yuan behind the scenes. Without Huang Yuan's support, there would be no these research results.

The output and accumulation of more than three years of reform have made the villagers who have truly felt the benefits fully recognize Kizaru, the new Hokage, and feel grateful and loved.

The people's support is the greatest confidence that Kizaru has in being the Hokage, in addition to his strength.

As long as Kizaru continues to promote reforms and improve the quality of life of the villagers in his position as Hokage, the support he will receive will only get higher and higher.

Kizaru's current conquest rate of 9% is at least 2-3% provided by these villagers.

After reading all the documents about the village and daily affairs today, Kizaru has a better understanding of the middle and lower-class ninjas who make up the majority of the ninja population, as well as the ordinary villagers of Konoha.

Perhaps in this life, Kizaru, who is a direct descendant of the ninja clan and is a born super genius, is still unable to fully empathize with ordinary villagers and feel the same way, but he does have more and clearer understanding of these people.


On the way home, Kizaru was also thinking that as he was on the road to becoming a god, he might be able to lead the villagers who supported him to a better future and a better life.

With the knowledge and knowledge accumulated in his previous life, Kizaru, as the Hokage, can make even a small change, with the leverage of the large supernatural organization Ninja Village, make the lives of ordinary villagers much better.

Families that cannot afford to eat will no longer be hungry in the future; families that barely have enough to eat will be able to eat meat every now and then; families that cannot afford to go to school will be able to provide their children with the most basic education in the future.

With a little change and a little accumulation, everyone's life will get better and better.

Ordinary people only pursue basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. In Naruto, a world where most people and regions are still in a feudal society with backward productivity, as long as Kizaru can make people's lives a little better, then he will have the loyalty required to become a god.

and adoration will come to him like a sea.

Amid the enthusiasm of the villagers, after walking home, Kizaru suddenly felt that it was really easy to gain people's loyalty and admiration!

Be fair to everyone and let everyone live a better life, and people will naturally support and support themselves!

"Kizaru, have you eaten? Why are you back so late? It must be very hard!"

When Kizaru walked into the main house of the Shimura family, the first person to greet him was Keiko. Keiko must have been waiting in the courtyard behind the gate for a long time.

After twisting his neck and moving his body, Kizaru said lazily: "Hokage and other things, it's such a troublesome job!"

After taking off the cloak jacket behind Kizaru and folding it, Keiko smiled softly when listening to Kizaru's complaints.

"The Hokage is the pillar of the entire village, so of course it's very tiring." Keiko agreed, "I attended the morning ceremony. You looked so handsome when you stood on the high platform!"

"Hahaha!" The compliments from people around him made Kizaru feel very good, "What an embarrassing comment! Sister Keiko!"

"Everyone is very happy that you have become Hokage! They were all praising you on the way back. Everyone is saying that if you become Hokage, the future of the village will be better and better."

Helping Kizaru tidy up his clothes, Keiko felt happy from the bottom of her heart for her "younger brother" who had taken care of her since childhood.

"Sister Keiko, what's for dinner today?" Kizaru, who was already hungry, asked with some anticipation.

"It's the beef sukiyaki you like to eat. I've prepared it and will wait for you when you come back."

After touching his stomach, Kizaru felt even hungrier after hearing Keiko's answer, "Let's go quickly!"

Covering her mouth and smiling softly, Keiko took Kizaru and returned to Kizaru's residence together.

After eating the dinner prepared by Keiko, he closed his eyes and rested for a while in the room. At nine-fifty, Kizaru yawned, rubbed his head, and walked out of the room.

Stuck, at ten o'clock exactly, Kizaru walked to Danzo's room.

In the study, Danzo, who was sitting in his seat, had been waiting for a while. When he saw Kizaru come in, he did not get up, but just smiled and said jokingly: "The Fourth Hokage, please take a seat!"

"Oh ho ho! Elder Danzo, you are so polite!" Kizaru replied cooperatively.

After saying that, in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, Kizaru pulled out his chair and sat across from Danzo.

"After leaving the office, Yan and Koharu expressed considerable concern about your proposed changes to the village's management system." Seeing Kizaru sit down, Danzo went straight to the topic.

Kizaru knew that Danzo's concerns were actually due to the opinions of the two advisors.

"Those are all trivial matters. Two outdated old guys can't affect the overall situation." Kizaru really looked down on the two consultants.

Regardless of the anime plot he watched before time travel, or what he saw and heard after time travel, Kizaru really didn't feel the influence of these two people.

Not to mention my own teacher, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, although in the original plot, he did a lot of stupid things after he grew old, but his merits definitely outweighed his faults. The achievements he made during the three great ninja wars are real.

As for uncle Danzo, although he has a black heart and a black heart, and in the original plot, he becomes more and more extremely selfish as he gets older, it is undeniable that he has done countless dirty things for the village and the Hokage.

In the adult world, there are not so many black and white distinctions between good and bad. It's just about different positions and different pursuits of interests.

These two men have their merits and demerits, but at least they have done a lot for the village.

As for the two consultants, Kizaru really didn't see them doing anything practical. Don't say that management is also a contribution. As far as the management ability of those two people is concerned, in Kizaru's opinion, it is better to just throw it to two ninjas from the Nara clan.


"Yan and Koharu still have great abilities, don't underestimate them." From the bottom of his heart, Danzo had some feelings for these two former comrades. Hearing Kizaru's contempt for them, he still tried to persuade them.

"Let's not talk about them first, let's talk about business!" Kizaru said, ending the first topic.

Danzo's expression became serious when he heard what was going on. He was looking forward to Kizaru's next words.

"Uncle, let's unify the world!" Kizaru said very seriously in Danzo's expectant eyes.

Danzo couldn't help but tremble, and his hands clenched tightly. He had been looking forward to Kizaru's words for who knows how long.

This chapter has been completed!
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