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Chapter 238: Kizaru passes fire, the first generation is about to awaken!

 The first generation is a leader with a strong personality, which is very consistent with the personality and character of a hot-blooded comic hero.

It is both easy and difficult to convince such people.

The simple thing is, maybe he will believe anything you say without any doubt.

The difficulty is that if your proposal goes against his thoughts and dreams, no matter how much you say, he won't listen.

So what was the dream of the first generation? Of course it was to bring peace to the world and completely end war.

It is precisely because he understands the character of the first generation that Kizaru starts with peace and invites the first generation to chat alone.

After everyone else left the room, Kizaru controlled the natural energy and placed a barrier around the room to prevent eavesdropping.

Watching Kizaru's movements, the first generation was amazed at his ability to control natural energy.

"Sir, Shodai, I believe that my uncle Danzo, on his way back to the village, told you what happened in the village in the past twenty years." Sitting in his seat, Kizaru looked at Shodai and said. "While talking.

Before I come up with my thoughts, I want to ask you a question first."

"What do you think brings about the conflict and hatred between ninjas?"

Sitting cross-legged, with his hands folded in front of his chest, and his right hand touching his chin, Senju Hashirama did not answer the question directly, but fell into deep thought.

"Mission. No, it should be profit. For the survival and interests of the family, there are fights among the ninja clan. The fights bring casualties and hatred." Senju Hashirama recalled the past experience and replied.

"Then why do ninjas and ninjas rely on missions to survive?" Kizaru continued to ask.

"Because of money, if you want to support a family, you need a lot of money." The first generation answered straightforwardly.

"Then why can't we create money ourselves? Instead, we have to accept tasks in exchange for money?" Kizaru asked.

"Because." Of course Chudai knew the reason, but he didn't say it out loud.

Just like the samurai in the past, ninjas are armed and violent professions. Ninjas do not produce, but rely on taking on tasks in exchange for bounties.

"Because compared to the hard work of farming, the bounty obtained by accepting tasks is more and faster!" The first generation of the Kizaru Gang answered.

"But I don't think so. I feel that from the birth of the Ninja Sect to the emergence of the ninja profession, the Ninja Sect's path has gone astray. Although Chakra has a powerful power in combat, the role of Chakra is by no means just

Reflected in combat.

If a ninja who masters earth and water escape is used to farm, one ninja can be worth dozens or hundreds of farmers.

Ninjas who master Yang Release are the best doctors and biological scientists. If they specialize in medical ninjutsu and biotechnology, maybe we can cure most diseases, and maybe we already have poultry that can mature in 20 days.

If we can use the power of chakra for people's livelihood, it will completely change the world!"

After listening to the story, Shodai was shocked by Kizaru's idea. This was a path he had never imagined.

The idea of ​​establishing a ninja village in the first generation was very simple, so that young children could get proper instruction and training without being sent to the battlefield early to fight desperately.

At the same time, the village is used as an organization to receive tasks, and they are graded according to the difficulty of the tasks, so that ninjas can freely choose the tasks that suit them according to their own strength, and will not lose their lives in vain.

These ideas of the first generation were very advanced for the Warring States Period, which was extremely chaotic and the average life span was less than 30 years old.

However, limited by their background and vision, the reform and innovation that the first generation thought about was still based on the profession of ninja.

This is caused by the limitations of the times and personal cognition. It cannot be said that the first generation of the Ninja Village system was bad or backward.

But Kizaru is different. In his previous life, he lived in an era with more advanced ideas and more modern science and technology, which gave him a broader vision, allowing him to stand on the shoulders of giants and bring new changes to the world.


"I have been thinking about a question, what did the emergence of the ninja profession bring to the world?" After speaking, Kizaru paused, "Later, I understood that ninjas did not bring anything to the world.

Just a samurai with more strength and more autonomy."

Hearing this, the first generation really felt the huge ambition of Kizaru. Compared to Kizaru's unbridled thoughts, the shinobi village system he created was just a piece of cake.

"Do you want to completely change the profession of ninja?" Senju Hashirama looked at Kizaru with a solemn expression. He seemed to see huge chaos in the future, but he also saw a glimmer of light.

"Yes!" There is nothing to hide, Kizaru admitted directly.

"Ninja should be one of the professions chosen by chakra practitioners, not the only one!"

"Sir, do you really think that a ninja who is proficient in water escape or earth escape, after systematically learning agricultural knowledge, will create less value and wealth by farming than the tasks he accepts?"

"I don't know." Senju Hashirama, who had never farmed before, did not comment casually.

"This point has been proven by your grandson Naoki. With his Wood Grass Release, his achievements in agricultural science are priceless. No matter how many tasks other ninjas complete, the value created is still

Not as good as him.

I can even assert that the rope tree will become a saint in this world, and everyone in the future will thank him and worship him from the bottom of his heart!

People will spontaneously build temples for him, erect shrines for him, and put on the cloak of God for him, and the incense will be endless year after year!"

"Rose tree?" With his eyes wide open, Senju Hashirama couldn't believe what Kizaru said. It wasn't that he didn't want to believe it, but what Kizaru said was too exaggerated.

"I don't know if you know about agricultural production, let me explain it straightforwardly. Wheat, one of our staple foods, ordinary wheat, the harvest of one acre of land is about 100 to 300 kilograms. The difference in the middle is determined by the farming methods and

Determined by the fertility of the soil.

And the super wheat developed by Rope Tree using grass escape can produce a harvest of more than a thousand kilograms from one acre of land! You should be able to understand the significance of this."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Of course Senju Hashirama understands this, which can be seen from his shocked expression.

You can harvest a thousand catties per mu! What is the concept of this? If it can be promoted, the world's wheat output will increase 4 to 10 times, and no one in this world will starve to death due to lack of food.

Now Senju Hashirama understands why Kizaru thinks so highly of the rope tree?

"Are you thinking now that if the wheat seeds developed by the rope tree are promoted all over the world, then there will be no people in this world starving to death." Just looking at Senju Hashirama's expression, Kizaru guessed him.

thoughts in mind.

He nodded quickly, Senju Hashirama's expression was a little excited, and he was also proud and gratified for his grandson's success.

"No, I'm sorry to tell you! Even if the seeds are promoted, there will still be many people starving to death in this world." Kizaru can only say that he is worthy of being a grandson of the same blood. The expressions and thoughts of the first generation and the rope tree

, all very the same.

"Why?" Senju Hashirama asked eagerly.

"Because some people don't want to see it, because most of the land that can grow food is concentrated in the hands of daimyo, nobles, and businessmen." In order for Senju Hashirama to understand clearly, Kizaru decided to use a more straightforward way of telling the story.


"My Lord, if you are a noble with tens of thousands of acres of land, you will gain a lot of wealth every year through the food produced in the land.

At the same time, through your control of food, you indirectly control the civilians under your rule, allowing these civilians to maintain their food and clothing every day, selling their labor, their loyalty, and even their lives for a bite to eat every day.

At this time, someone comes to you and tells you that he has more powerful wheat seeds that can increase the wheat yield per acre to 1,000 kilograms. What will you do?"

"I will." Senju Hashirama wanted to accept it and promote it in his own land.

However, Senju Hashirama, who had been dealing with daimyo and nobles before, during and after the establishment of the Ninja Village, understood the character of these nobles very well.

"Ambitious nobles may collect it and plant it on the land under their rule, but they will never sell the food to civilians at low prices. They will buy the food elsewhere to strive for more profits.

I can even say that even if all the nobles cultivated new wheat seeds and had a good harvest, they would not significantly reduce the price of grain. They would rather rot the grain in the granary, feed the grain to the livestock, and burn the grain.

We won't sell it at a low price to the common people who don't have enough to eat."

As if a bolt of lightning struck in his mind, Senju Hashirama sat there blankly, his expression a little confused, but in the confusion, a spark seemed to emerge!

It’s too late, I’ll write during the day tomorrow and pick up the time.

This chapter has been completed!
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