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Chapter 325: Five years later, the dragon’s veins changed.

 Five years, five years is a very long time for an individual, but for a country, five years is a very fast time.

In five years, most of the goals of the First Five-Year Plan were achieved.

In five years, the Kingdom of Light completed the unification of the entire continent. All places on this continent suitable for human survival became the territory of the Kingdom of Light.

In five years, Kizaru realized the division of administrative regions in the Kingdom of Light. The entire Kingdom of Light was divided into 27 administrative provinces and a district directly under Konoha.

In the past five years, Kizaru has successfully promoted the super wheat and super rice cultivated by rope trees throughout the country, increasing the food output of the Kingdom of Light by nearly ten times.

The several-fold increase in food production has allowed the citizens of the Kingdom of Light to achieve freedom from staple food. Among the deaths counted in the latest year, no one died of starvation due to lack of food.

This achievement is Kizaru's proudest achievement in the past five years.

Compared to unifying the world, becoming an omnipotent god in the eyes of the people, and allowing no one under his rule to starve to death, Kizaru is even more proud.

The abundance of food makes it easier to promote the education of yellow monkeys.

If the warehouse is solid, you will know etiquette; if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace.

This principle is universal no matter which world it is placed in. When people can eat well and wear warm clothes, they will naturally have time and energy to invest in personal study.

After realizing people's freedom from staple food, the basic education promoted by Huang Yuan in various places, especially night schools for literacy, has won the support of the people.

In five years, the illiteracy rate in the Kingdom of Light has dropped from 84.3% to 21.9%.

Huang Yuan is confident that in the next five-year plan, illiteracy will be eliminated.

In the past five years, in addition to achieving great results in the two fields of people's livelihood and education, Huang Yuan has also made considerable achievements in the four fields of thought, military, science and technology, and commerce.

Ideologically, Kizaru carried out legal education in the Kingdom of Light, allowing the idea of ​​rule of law to initially enter the hearts of people.

At the same time, Kizaru also promoted a personality cult ideologically, allowing his name and deeds to be widely spread throughout the Kingdom of Light.

The benefit of this is that the degree of conquest in Kizaru's mind has soared to 73% in five years.

Now Kizaru can be regarded as a true planet god on this planet.

Militaryly, Kizaru completed the reform of the ninja profession.

Kizaru was initially planning to demilitarize the profession of ninja, but after listening to the opinions of the people below, Kizaru adjusted the reform method and fully incorporated the profession of ninja into the army, retaining this

Thousands of years of tradition.

Now, only professional soldiers who have entered the army are qualified to be called ninjas, while former ninjas who have not entered the army can only be called chakra practitioners, monks or adventurers for short.

This type of person can accept non-military civilian tasks at the task delegation office managed by the state.

Ninjas in the army are divided into seven levels, namely trainee ninja, genin, chunin, elite chunin, special jounin, jounin, and elite jounin.

These seven levels only represent military ranks and do not represent specific positions. The affairs that ninjas in the army are responsible for are divided according to the specific positions they hold.

Today, the number of active soldiers (ninjas) in the Kingdom of Light army totals 100,000.

At the same time, in the census conducted by the Kingdom of Light, there were a total of chakra practitioners.

In other words, only a little over one-third of all chakra practitioners have become professional soldiers.

This headcount ratio is mainly because Kizaru and Senju Tobirama implemented a policy of elite troops in order to reduce military expenditures.

During the initial reform, many ninjas who were not selected to join the army staged demonstrations in protest.

These protests were suppressed by Kizaru using his personal authority.

In addition to the military, Huang Yuan's reforms in the fields of science and technology and business are more in line with the people's hearts and minds.

Kizaru vigorously encouraged the development of private business and established patent laws to protect the interests of scientific researchers and companies.

After five years of development, the Kingdom of Light has initially achieved industrial development in important cities, led by Konoha.

It can be said that the development of these five years is a fundamental transformation of the Kingdom of Light from an agricultural country to an industrial country.

According to the calculations of Kizaru and his subordinates, the Kingdom of Light should be able to completely realize the leap from an agricultural country to an industrial country within three to five years.

Konoha, the capital of the Kingdom of Light, has tripled its size in five years, and almost all the ninjas from the five old ninja villages have immigrated to live in Konoha.

The influx of a large number of talents and funds has made Konoha the most advanced and prosperous city in the world.

In the center of Konoha, the Hokage Building, where the central government of the Land of Light is located, is no longer the three-story building it once was.

The current Hokage Building has not only more than doubled its width, but has also been built to nine floors.

Kizaru's office also reached the top floor of the Hokage Building, on the ninth floor.

Five years of rapid development means that Kizaru, the Fourth Hokage and the leader of the Kingdom of Light, does not have to be as busy as he was in the early days of the founding of the country.

Now, all political affairs are under the responsibility of Prime Minister Senju Tobirama. Kizaru, the leader of the country, plays more of a role in stabilizing people's hearts and choosing the direction of development.

Sitting in a low-key and luxuriously decorated office, Kizaru sat back on a leather chair, holding a cigar in his hand, and a cup of freshly brewed coffee on the desk in front of him.

It is now past nine o'clock in the morning, and Kizaru, who has just arrived at the office, is still awake.

"Hokage-sama, there is an urgent report." Kizaru's secretary, Shinobu Shimuratan, opened the door of the office and walked in quickly.

"Young! Do you want one? Tani-nin." Looking at Tani-nin walking in, Kizaru opened the drawer with a smile, ready to share his cigars.

"Hokage-sama, it's urgent." After five years of training, Tannin is no longer the shy and introverted young man he used to be. He walked quickly to the desk with a dry aura on his body.

"If you have anything to do, just leave it to the Prime Minister directly." Kizaru said with a smile as he looked at the documents Tan Shinobu put down.

"This is what the Prime Minister asked me to give to you." Pushing the document in front of Kizaru, Tan Shinobu said seriously.

"You guys are getting more and more boring." Kizaru complained as he reached out and picked up the file.

"Hokage-sama, there is something unusual in the dragon veins. The Prime Minister hopes that you can pay close attention to it." Watching Hokage-sama begin to flip through the documents, Tannin began to describe the contents.

After reading the contents of the file, Kizaru put down the file in his hand and looked at Tannin again.

"Go and call Minato Namikaze."


After answering, Gu Ren turned around and quickly left the office.

After Tanin left, Kizaru picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip, then took a puff of the cigar, letting the smoke billow in his mouth.

There was an abnormal reaction in Loulan's dragon vein. Senshou Tobirama was worried about some conspiracy behind it, so he asked Kizaru, who had nothing to do, to spend all his energy to pay attention.

Kizaru, who had seen the theatrical version of Loulan's Dragon Vein in his previous life, still had a big impression.

He remembered that in the movie version, Uzumaki Naruto traveled to the past through the dragon vein and met Namikaze Minato.

Thinking of this plot, Kizaru couldn't help but become curious. In this Naruto world that is completely different from the anime, will there be a Naruto who time travels back?

If there really is, then does this Naruto come from the future of his own timeline or the future of the anime timeline.

What an interesting question.

Thinking of this, Kizaru couldn't help but reveal a playful smile on his face.

Kizaru was not kept waiting for too long, and Tannin, who left the office less than ten minutes ago, brought Minato Namikaze, who was already a jounin.

"Hokage-sama, I called Minato." Tannin said towards Kizaru.

"Hello, Hokage-sama." Namikaze Minato greeted politely with a gentle smile on his face.

Looking at the two people entering the office, Kizaru nodded with a smile and waved to them with the hand holding the cigar.

Seeing Kizaru's movements, Namikaze Minato and Tanin took two steps forward and walked in front of Kizaru.

"Minato, I have a task for you. I want you to go to Loulan. The energy of the dragon veins there is abnormal, and I want you to go and see the situation." Kizaru looked at Minato and said with a smile.

"Yes!" As a soldier, facing the Hokage's mission, Minato simply agreed.

"After you arrive in Loulan, pay attention to any unusual situations and see if any strangers appear. If so, bring them to Konoha." Kizaru warned in advance.

"Hokage-sama, is the abnormality in the dragon's veins caused by humans?" Minato asked with concern after hearing Kizaru's words.

"It's not certain yet, but it's possible." Kizaru said calmly.

"I understand, as long as I find any suspicious person, I will definitely bring his uniform back to Konoha." Minato promised.

"Okay, you go back and prepare, take your companions, and set off before noon."


After accepting the mission, Minato left the Hokage's office directly.

After Minato left, Shinobu Tan, who had been silent, said with concern: "Hokage-sama, there is a lot of energy in the dragon vein. If Minato's team goes there, will there be too few manpower?"

"I know Minato's strength well. With him here, there will be no problem."

In the past five years, Namikaze Minato's strength has grown rapidly, and he is one of the few strong men in the Kingdom of Light today.

However, there are no opponents or wars in the Kingdom of Light today. Naturally, a young and powerful man like Minato doesn't have a good chance to take action, and his reputation cannot spread.

"I understand. If there is nothing else to do, I will leave first." As the permanent secretary of the Secretariat, Gu Ren has many things in his hands.

"Go down!" Kizaru said with a smile.

At noon, after bidding farewell to Kushina, Minato left Konoha with his two team members and embarked on his journey.

Because of Kizaru's reform, Minato's team members are not the two in the movie version, but a former Sunagakure jounin and a Hyuga family jounin.

The former Sunagakure Jonin is very familiar with the terrain on that side of the building and can serve as a guide.

The jounin of the Hyuga family has excellent investigative abilities and has mastered relatively skilled sealing techniques, so he can assist Minato in sealing.

I want to mention here that as Kushina's fiancé, Minato learned a lot of sealing techniques from the Uzumaki clan from Kushina, and he is considered a master of sealing techniques in the Kingdom of Light.

At the same time, in the five years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Light, Kizaru, who valued sealing techniques very much, found a large number of Uzumaki survivors in the country and helped them re-establish the Uzumaki clan.

Kushina, the direct bloodline of the Uzumaki clan and the number one master in the clan, naturally became the leader of the rebuilt Uzumaki clan.

Just when the Minato team left Konoha and headed for Loulan, Loulan, the former country of China and now a popular tourist city in the Kingdom of Light, also welcomed several uninvited guests.

Wearing Konoha's forehead protector, Naruto and his two teammates Sakura, Sakai, and captain Yamato walked in the bustling streets of Loulan City.

"Why do they look at us so weirdly?" Naruto, who was walking in front of the team, noticed the strange and curious looks from the people around him and felt uncomfortable.

"Everyone, please be careful, I feel something is wrong here!" As a responsible captain, Yamato was already very energetic at this moment.

Just when Team 7 was still confused about the situation, two security team members who had received reports from the masses came from a distant street.

"Hello, please show me your ID." Two members of the security team stood in front of Class 7 and looked at them warily.

"What certificate? We are ninjas of Konoha." Naruto looked at the two guys who suddenly appeared a little stupidly and said loudly.

After hearing Naruto's words, the two security team members looked at each other and then looked at Naruto and the others again.

"We are the security administrators of Loulan, and this is our ID. You said you are ninjas from Konoha, please show your ID to prove your identity." The security team members first took out their IDs and showed them to Naruto and the others.


Yamato took a step forward to stop Naruto who was still talking, and said with a smile: "We are ninjas from Konoha, and we came here after chasing the rebellious ninja."

"Please show your ID, otherwise we will arrest you for impersonating a soldier." The tone of the leading security team member became serious.

"This is our forehead protector. What do you mean by the certificate?" Yamato first pointed to the forehead protector he wore on his head, and then asked doubtfully.

Seeing Yamato's actions, the two security team members confirmed that there was definitely something wrong with the people in front of them.

After the two security team members looked at each other again, one of them took out a flare gun from his waist and fired it directly into the sky to sound an alarm.

Another person took out a pistol, pointed it at Yamato and others, and said sternly: "Hand over your weapons and don't resist!"

"Wait a minute, is there any misunderstanding between us?" Yamato made his last effort, his body already in combat mode.

Not only Yamato, but the three members of Team 7 also made a gesture of resistance, facing the two security team members warily.

A conflict seems inevitable.

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