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Chapter 418 The Biggest Secret

The peace talks this time were much smoother than Kizaru and Senju Tobirama had imagined.

During the peace talks, almost all the conditions proposed by Senju Tojian, the negotiator, were met by the Five Old Stars.

Facing Kizaru's group, the Five Old Stars' weak attitude was comparable to that of a certain dynasty in Kizaru's previous life.

In addition to the most basic cession of the East China Sea, the conditions proposed by Senju Tobirama include the following.

1. The World Government and the Kingdom of Light establish diplomatic relations, and both parties coexist peacefully.

2. The World Government is open to business dealings with the Kingdom of Light and must not maliciously obstruct the normal trade activities of the Chamber of Commerce of the Kingdom of Light and the kingdoms under the World Government.

3. Citizens of the Kingdom of Light have legal rights of passage within the jurisdiction of the World Government and may not be blocked or detained without reason.

These are the three main conditions proposed by Senju Tobirama, and the second point is what Tobirama attaches the most importance to.

Why did the Kingdom of Light go to the world of pirates, spend material and manpower, and conduct expeditions and invasions? Isn't it just for the vast market, rich manpower and natural mineral resources in this world?

Senju Tobirama originally thought that the second point he proposed would be opposed by the World Government. After all, the two sides are still in a war relationship. Under such a relationship, it is unrealistic to conduct business transactions.

What Tobirama didn't expect was that the Five Old Stars would agree so readily. The only request they made was that commercial trade requires normal taxes.

Of course Qianshou Feijian has no objection to this. Business transactions are inherently mutually beneficial and win-win.

Of course, taking into account the chaotic and complex governance situations and tax policies of the participating countries under the World Government.

Senshou Tobirama also mentioned one additional point, that is, the taxes on trade between the two parties need to be negotiated together to come up with a fixed and universal tax rate range.

Wulaoxing also agreed with this.

The specific tax rate negotiation was not discussed at the meeting. After the meeting, it will be negotiated by professionals sent by both parties.

With the cooperation of Wulaoxing, the peace talks went very smoothly and came to an end in less than two hours.

Such a smooth negotiation gave Tobirama, who was always cautious, an unreal feeling.

Therefore, after the meeting, faced with the banquet invitation proposed by the Five Old Stars, Tobirama and Kizaru chose to decline after discussing it.

There is no way, the last death has taught Tobirama too profound a lesson.

He always felt that there must be some conspiracy hidden under Wulaoxing's weak and cooperative attitude.

Therefore, after the meeting ended and the two parties exchanged phone calls, Tobirama, who declined the invitation to the banquet, left the World Government headquarters together with Kizaru and others.

The journey back will still be carried by navy warships.

Chief of Staff He and General Kizaru, who had been waiting at the port, saw Kizaru, Tobirama and his entourage arrive at the port in a harmonious atmosphere accompanied by World Government officials.

"Oh ho ho! It seems that everything is going well." General Kizaru, who was standing next to the crane, showed a lewd smile when he saw the guest approaching.

This admiral represents the majority attitude in the navy, which is to maintain peace and stability and avoid further intensification of war.

Such an attitude is not because the navy has become peace-loving, but because the enemy Kizaru is too perverted.

The senior navy officials and elites who had experienced the Battle of the Navy Headquarters all saw Kizaru's terrifying combat power, which was like a god and a demon.

The giant of light that is tens to hundreds of meters high is a profound memory that many people will never forget.

The combination of the Navy Marshal and the three generals, plus the naval heroes, and the Five Old Stars is the most powerful combination in history. It is no match for Kizaru.

Facing such an enemy, even the bravest warrior would find it difficult to muster the will to fight.

How can an ant defeat an invincible giant?

"The order of the sea will be completely changed in the future." As the chief of staff, He is the think tank of the navy. She looked at Kizaru and his group with endless emotion in her heart.

Kizaru's words at the Naval Headquarters Square that day always came to her mind.

Liberation, democracy, equality...

Those taboo words are like Pandora's box being opened, who knows what kind of chaos they will create on the sea.

The order begins to collapse. Will the chaotic future be a dark future full of chaos and fighting, or will it be the dawn of dawn?

Crane doesn't know where the future will go, but at least for now, restoring peace again is the best situation for everyone.

"Thank you for your hard work, you two." Seeing the navy duo waiting at the port, Kizaru greeted them with a smile.

"Forgive me for being an old woman, but what is the outcome of this negotiation?" After thinking about it for a while, He chose to ask directly. This is related to all the navy's actions from now on.

"It went very well. Maybe we will cooperate more often in the future." Huang Yuan said with a hint of truth.

"That's great." A smile appeared on Crane's face.

In a peaceful atmosphere, Kizaru and others boarded the warship and sailed away from the port under the farewell of World Government officials.

After waiting for the warship to be completely out of sight, the World Government officials returned to Pangu City and reported the intelligence to Wulaoxing.

After asking his subordinates to step back, Wulaoxing started an internal meeting again.

"This peace negotiation should be able to stabilize them."

"When the weapons are successfully developed, it will be time for us to fight back."

"No, I still insist on corrupting them. We all know what power and wealth will turn them into."

"Saint Nashoulang, you are too weak."

"Everyone, there is no need for us to argue. What if we give up the East China Sea to them?"

"Satan Saint, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course! Have you forgotten our preparations?"

"The future of this world will eventually usher in destruction, and the sea will swallow up all the islands. They who now occupy the East China Sea will only reap the end."

As soon as these words came out, all the five old stars at the scene fell silent.

This is the biggest secret held by the Five Old Stars. This world will usher in the end, and the angry sea will swallow all islands and lives.

At that time, only the world's nobles who live in the Red Sea, and even the highest point of the Holy Land, Mary Joa, will have a chance to survive.

Many of the seemingly tyrannical actions of the World Government, as well as its plans to exploit the entire lake, are all preparations for that moment.

Anyway, when the end comes, most human beings will die, so it is better to squeeze their value to the maximum extent before they die.

In the early morning of the next day, after a night's sailing, Kizaru and others stepped off the warship at the port of Rogge Town.

"You two, if you don't mind, why don't we exchange phone bugs? I think we will have a lot of contact and cooperation in the future." Kizaru stepped off the warship and suggested.

Faced with Kizaru's proposal, General Kizaru remained silent and looked blank as if he hadn't heard.

As the person in charge of this escort mission, Chief of Staff He looked at Kizaru in silence for a few seconds before replying: "Give them the phone bug."

Following Crane's instructions, the navy lieutenant commander at the rear returned to the warship and captured a phone bug.

On Kizaru's side, Namikaze Minato also took out a prepared phone bug.

Under the early morning sun, the two parties exchanged phone calls and established a preliminary basis for contact.

"This is a good start." Kizaru watched the warship sail away and said to Tobirama beside him with a smile.

"The navy and the world government are not a whole." Tobirama said in agreement.

This chapter has been completed!
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