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Chapter 1223 People who help you

 Seeing this scene, the faces of the surrounding diners changed drastically, and they couldn't help but scream. Even Jiang Xiaoliang couldn't help but hold her breath.

Since she was very close to the half-step innate middle stage, she felt the murderous aura on the opponent's body more intuitively.

"Kick me? Are you worthy?" Wang Fan grinned, not bothering to continue talking nonsense, raised his fist and followed me.

His boxing style is not strong at all, and it looks light and airy, which is not proportional to the power of the half-step innate peak.

Is this guy crazy?

He is looking for death!

Seeing this scene, the dozens of eldest lady's subordinates were stunned for a moment, and then their eyes became sarcastic.

Who doesn't know that what Zang Sanqian is good at is strength? Although his strength is only half-step to the mid-level innate, even a true mid-level innate would not dare to directly compete with him in strength.

Jiang Xiaoliang's expression was also full of worry. She didn't understand why Wang Fan was so trusting...??.

Not to mention that the power of the two fists was not proportional, let's just say that Wang Fan was already passive and at a disadvantage just by sitting down.

Under everyone's nervous and expectant gazes, Wang Fan and Zang San's fists collided with each other.


There was a sound, and strong energy overflowed, and the dishes and bowls on the table were torn into pieces in an instant!


There was another sound, and under the incredulous gazes of everyone, Zang Sanqian's entire arm bone seemed to have been exploded from the inside, shattering into pieces, and flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Then, he spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew out in a panic.

The three Houtian Peaks did not escape and were knocked over directly, with broken bones and bleeding. Zang Sanqian fell to the ground and could not get up again.

The whole place was dead silent.

Everyone opened their mouths in shock, as if they didn't believe this scene.

That's Zang Sanzen, he's a mid-level half-step innate master, and he's also good at strength.

But like this, he was actually defeated by Wang Fan in a head-to-head encounter. Isn't this too damn funny?

Wang Fan stood up unhurriedly, walked to Zang Sanqian, and stepped on him.

"Aren't you going to kill me? It seems that your ethics are not enough. And looking at you like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to teach me how to write the word "death"."

His words were very disdainful, "Originally, when I saw how arrogant and arrogant you were, I thought you were really capable of a few blows, but I didn't expect that you were so insufferable."

"With such little strength, you dare to be so arrogant. Who gave you the courage and courage?"

Zang San was stepped on by Wang Fan, and after listening to Wang Fan's words, his whole face turned red, but he couldn't say a word.

If his skills are not as good as others, what else can he say?

At the same time, his heart was also shocked. Wang Fan had definitely surpassed the masters in the middle stage of Xiantian. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to defeat him so lightly.

If he had known that Wang Fan was such a master, he would never have dared to come here to make trouble. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world.

"Madam, it's over." He couldn't help but murmur in his heart, and then his blood rushed to his heart and he died directly.

After Zang Sanqian died, the remaining ten or so people naturally no longer dared to stand up and make noise, and immediately had the idea of ​​​​evacuating.

But just as they were about to evacuate, Wang Fan already said indifferently, "Now that we're here, why bother leaving in a hurry? Is it possible that this is a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

Listening to Wang Fan's words, some of the nervous diners around couldn't help but think...

To laugh.

This is a restaurant, but isn’t it a place where you can come and leave as you please?

But they didn't dare to laugh in the end.

Wang Fan is not afraid of the people Zangsan brought here, but that does not mean that they are not afraid either. If they are retaliated by others afterwards, that would be an injustice.

The faces of the dozen or so people turned ugly after hearing Wang Fan's words.

One of the early Xiantian couldn't help but shouted to Wang Fan, "What do you want? Let me tell you, although you killed Zang Sanqian, it doesn't mean that we are afraid of you."

"The eldest lady is a serious mid-level innate master, and the eldest lady also knows friends who are at the peak of the innate level. If you offend us and offend the eldest lady, you will not end well."

"Oh, really?" Wang Fan gave this innate pinnacle a cold look, and then without any warning, he raised his fist and punched out.

Although the Xiantian mid-level man was already on guard and saw Wang Fan's fist coming, he just couldn't dodge it.

It felt like I was being restrained by some kind of force.

With a bang, Wang Fan's fist fell heavily on his body. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards. After falling to the ground, his strength was wasted and he became a complete useless person.

"You, you." He spat out several mouthfuls of blood, pointed at Wang Fan and said the word "you" tremblingly, and then passed out directly.

Wang Fan grabbed a piece of paper towel and wiped his fist, and snorted disdainfully, "How long has it been, and you still dare to threaten me? You are simply seeking death!"

The rest of the people were all silent and did not dare to talk nonsense anymore.

Wang Fan either cripples or kills people when he takes action. He is simply too ruthless.

They no longer have the courage to challenge.

Wang Fan glanced over the faces of these people one by one, "Is there anyone else who wants to threaten me? If so, just stand up and I will

Send him on his way."

None of the dozen or so people dared to speak and could not help but lower their heads.

"I thought you were tough guys, but you turned out to be just pustules. I really don't know what the point of living with pustules like you is."

He waved his hand impatiently, "Go away, don't let me see you again, otherwise I will kill each one on sight. By the way, take those two scum away too. They are here and affecting my appetite."

The dozen or so people listened to Wang Fan's words. If they were granted amnesty, they didn't dare to talk nonsense at all. They immediately picked up Zang Sanqian and the Xiantian early stage and left here quickly.

Horrible, really terrible.

In particular, Wang Fan's decisive killing left a serious shadow on them.

Somewhere on the third floor, the eldest lady watched the scene from beginning to end, and her heart could not calm down for a long time.

She never thought that Wang Fan would be so powerful.

She never thought that Jiang Xiaoliang would actually know someone like Wang Fan.

Why is this? Why does Jiang Xiaoliang know such a person?

The eldest lady has realized that she is no match for Wang Fan. If she continues to fight, she will only die.

She didn't even dare to go back to the Jiang family.

Just when the eldest lady was feeling wildly shocked, the door of the box she was in was suddenly opened, and then a man in his forties with a pockmarked face walked in.

"Who are you?" The eldest lady looked at this pockmarked face, her pupils couldn't help shrinking, and she stood up instantly.

She was shocked in her heart, she couldn't even see the strength of this pockmarked face.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that I can help you get revenge. The premise is that you must cooperate with me and agree to a condition."

He said with a pockmarked face, already standing next to the eldest lady, and then started whispering in her ear.

This chapter has been completed!
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