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Chapter 3105 Get rich

"You, a seventh-level Immortal, dare to come here alone? Get over there, and when will you dig up a thousand Black Essence Stones for me, then you will dig them out for yourself."

"Don't worry, as long as you dig up a thousand Black Elemental Stones for me, I will protect you in this area from now on."

The monk pointed at Wang Fan's nose and said arrogantly.

Wang Fan suddenly became speechless.

Outside, although the three monks had this idea, at least they didn't say it openly. .??.

But when we got here, some people started to act blatantly.

It really makes no sense.

Wang Fan also clearly saw that while the monk was speaking, five monks not far away also stood up and looked at him with evil intentions.

However, perhaps because he was only at the seventh level of human immortality, the five people thought that this monk could defeat him, so they did not come over.

Wang Fan looked at the monk in front of him and said only one word, "Get out!"

As soon as the word "Scroll" fell, the monk became angry.

"What did you say? Ant, if you have the guts, can you say something more?" His eyes were almost splitting. As he spoke, murderous intent was already surging crazily in his body, and the aura of a ninth-level immortal man was also spreading crazily.


"Don't you understand people's words? Didn't you hear me telling you to get out? But since you don't want to get out, then I don't think you need to get out."

Wang Fan said disdainfully, and the shadow knife in his hand had already drawn a bright light and struck directly at the monk.

In a place like this, it is useless to talk about reason. You can only talk about cultivation and strength.

"You are looking for death!" The monk became furious when he saw that Wang Fan dared to take action.

But just as he yelled out the words "You're looking for death," his expression suddenly changed.

He felt like he was being restrained by an invisible force, and even his movements became sluggish.

The next second, with a sneer, the shadow knife had already cut through his body, tearing him apart completely.

Split into pieces.

The other five people looked at this scene and their expressions changed greatly.

Obviously, he did not expect that Wang Fan, a seventh-level human immortal, would have such ability.

It's just that they didn't come over, but it was as if they didn't see what was going on here.

Obviously, they were unwilling to offend a powerful monk like Wang Fan.

Some of the casual cultivators who were mining also noticed this scene, and they were also shocked in their hearts.

No wonder this person, who is only a seventh-level immortal, dares to come here to mine alone. It turns out he has great strength.

Wang Fanke ignored the shocked expressions of those people. After walking to a deserted place, he began to look for the Black Essence Stone.

Not only that, he also placed a shield around himself to block other people's eyes and mental probing.

He didn't want to cause trouble again after he dug up the Black Elemental Stone.

After all, the five people didn't come over just now, and no one else came to trouble him, just because the benefits were not big enough.

Once he digs out a large amount of Black Elemental Stone, everything will be different.

When he was in the Mojiabao mining area, Wang Fan's mental power, with the blessing of the mixed pattern marks, could penetrate twenty meters underground.

Now that his cultivation and mental strength have improved, he will naturally not be worse than before.

Even in this mountain of death, his mental power can still penetrate twenty meters.

In just a short time, Wang Fan saw dozens of Black Elemental Stones.

It's just that the dozens of Black Elemental Stones are scattered and not together.

Although Black Elemental Stone is easy to dig, Wang Fan can easily dig up dozens of Black Elemental Stones, but he

But I'm really too lazy to dig it out.

If he digs and searches piece by piece like this, then there is no point in coming here.

Wang Fan wandered around for a long time and found that there were no piles of black elemental stones in this area.

Apparently this situation occurs because there are too many people digging here every day.

He doesn't plan to stay on the outside, but plans to go deep.

Because the deeper you go, the stronger the poisonous mist becomes, and there will be fewer monks digging in, so naturally, there will be more Black Elemental Stones.

The monks around him could not help but be speechless when they saw that Wang Fan had entered the depths not long after.

Is this guy crazy? He dares to go deep.

You know, if you enter the human immortal realm, you will definitely die.

Not to mention those who are human immortals, even those who are in the early stage of earth immortals would not dare to enter easily.

Wang Fan didn't know this. At this time, he had already gone thousands of meters deep.

There are indeed fewer monks in this area, only a few here and there, but the cultivation of those people has all reached the third level of Earth Immortal or above.

They were all a little surprised when they saw Wang Fan, who was only a seventh-level immortal, come in.

This guy is only a seventh-level human being. Why is he here? Is he tired of living?

Of course, they just thought about it and didn't meddle in other people's business, let alone make trouble for Wang Fan.

It's not that they are kind-hearted, it's just that they are just seventh-level immortals and have nothing to bully.

In addition, the poisonous gas here is very strong. Every extra minute you stay here will cause the greatest damage to your body.

Naturally, they would use the time they had to dig up the Black Essence Stone, but they did not want to waste time on Wang Fan.

Wang Fan didn't pay attention to those people. He deliberately stayed away from those powerful Earth Immortals, and then started to look for them.

stand up.

This search didn't matter. In just a few minutes, he saw a place with at least a thousand black stones. However, Wang Fan did not dig it, but continued to search.

A few minutes later, he saw at least several thousand more Black Elemental Stones.

Wang Fan still didn't dig it, he was still searching.

This search didn't matter, he found that this mining area was a treasure, and there were black stones almost everywhere.

In less than half an hour, he found hundreds of thousands of Black Elemental Stones, but he didn't dig any of them.

After another half day, Wang Fan saw a pile of at least one million black elemental stones.

The black elemental stones were simply densely connected together.

Wang Fan's heart was pounding, and he knew that he had found a treasure.

If he can search and dig here without limit, then at least he won't have to worry about his cultivation resources in the next few years.

However, if you want to dig out these Black Essence Stones safely, you still need to plan carefully.

After all, there are so many strong people of the third level of Earth Immortal around, Wang Fan is sure that once they see that he has dug up hundreds of thousands or even millions of black yuan stones, they will definitely come and snatch them regardless of their status.

Wang Fan continued to search while thinking about countermeasures.

Half a month later, he found at least more than 100 million Black Elemental Stones, but they were all twenty meters underground.

However, he didn't dig a piece, he just looked for it.

On this day, Wang Fan did not intend to continue searching, and he began to secretly set up restrictions.

He began to place restrictions on all the places where there were Black Elemental Stones enclosed by him.

He wanted to be on the safe side. Once the earthly immortal monks around him noticed his situation and came to snatch it, he needed to have enough means to deal with it.

This chapter has been completed!
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