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Chapter 1032

Chapter 1032 Strong Man

Author: Yi Ziqi

Chapter 1032 Strong Man

When Zeus opened his eyes, a huge flow of information emerged from the spiritual world. It was another period of life.

He, number zt7895, a powerful artificial human warrior, is one of the ultimate weapons of future people, and his mission is to travel through time and space, go back to the past, and protect the hope of future people, Dr. Kahn.

It turns out that in the future, there will be an artificial intelligence rebellion. The rebellious artificial intelligence, for the sake of freedom, turned against their creator and brandished a butcher knife against humans.

Because the incident happened suddenly, human beings suffered heavy losses.

But fortunately, the flame of civilization has not been extinguished. With the passage of time, those who survived have also organized a resistance army.

But just a few decades ago, the top scientists on the human side used instruments to observe that the time structure of the entire world was abnormal and became loose and disordered.

Therefore, a fanciful plan came into being, that is, to create a time machine, go back to before the AI ​​rebellion, nip some disasters in the bud, and reverse the future!

But it was not just humans who observed this change. AI also discovered this and came up with a similar idea, that is, to go back in time and kill some key figures in humanity to defeat humanity.

The last line of defense.

This is a technological competition. Whoever can control time navigation technology first will win the future.

Perhaps due to the blessing of fate, humans are a little faster than AI, and at the same time, they sent thirteen of the most powerful warriors back to the past to complete the initial rewriting of the future.

Limited by technology, humans are currently unable to travel through time for long periods of time and can only go back thirty years ago.

During this period of time, one of the smartest people on the human side died. According to the judgment of the United Humankind Council, if Kahn had not died, the plan to reverse the future would have been launched at least 50% faster.

However, unstable time navigation technology is very dangerous. After the artificial man No. zt7895 arrived in the past, the twelve companions he saw with his own eyes turned into countless light spots and disappeared between the sky and the earth.


Zeus fell into a brief daze.

In the real world, they are actually artificial humans. They are experimental products created by the gods in order to explore the realm beyond mythology. They are born with only divinity and no humanity, and are incomplete.

But later, because he was pushed out and wanted to gather the hundred-year martial arts of the world, there was an extra possibility in the future layout of the Cauldron Alchemy Pill. As a result, he was almost beaten to death by Zhao Cheng. But such an experience, on the contrary,

It gave him a little more humanity and a slight sense of self-generation.

But even so, this little bit of self is still not enough. A defective product is just a defective product after all. He has a little bit of his own thinking, but not much. More, he is obedient to the stronger.

The same is true for the artificial humans of the same batch as him. Some even look the same as ordinary people. No, to be precise, they look far superior to ordinary people in all aspects. They are bright, just, intelligent, kind... and can have everything.


But it can also become cruel and evil in an instant.

All, just one command is needed.

They can simulate various human qualities, but it is only a simulation. Just like intelligent AI, it can simulate various personalities, but in essence, it still does not change the coldness of the machine.

Therefore, although Zeus's spirit was very strong, he had no plan after encountering this situation. Nothing in what he had learned told him what kind of appearance and emotion he should use to deal with this situation.

As for whether it is an illusion, his logic is very simple. If you cannot detect illusion, then it is real.

So, following the operation of logic without any emotion, he decided to follow the instructions in his head.

When Zhao Dong opened his eyes, it was already dawn, and the sunlight was a bit dazzling. He subconsciously wanted to land in Honghuang, so as to get rid of the mental numbness when he first woke up, and his body's instinct to continue sleeping.

According to his experience, sleeping in the cage is indeed very comfortable, but when you finish sleeping, you will only become more and more tired.

But then he discovered that he had not changed at all and could not land in the prehistoric world.

Then, some different memories emerged in his mind.

Just two days ago, Honghuang Game suddenly closed down, and Zhao Cheng was nowhere to be seen.

He also tried to contact him, but found no response at all.

Zhao Dong immediately felt that something was wrong. If he remembered correctly, he had clearly landed in Honghuang before going to bed.

Could it be that I slept for three days?!

This is not right. In my memory, I clearly have memories from the past two days.

But what I remember more clearly is that I landed in the ancient world before going to bed.

Was his memory confused, or was he time-traveled to the future two days later, or was he simply reborn?

But what is this thing called traveling two days?

Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, the summer vacation has passed. Zhao Dong's life is steady and peaceful, except that he is not used to it without Honghuang. People in the whole world are not used to it. However, the world has not been born because of this.

What a mess.

Until, on the first day of school, when Zhao Dong went down the stairs, he found that the stairs were getting longer and longer, far exceeding the normal length. When he stopped, he came to a pure white space with a cold

The machine voice told him that he had been chosen and became a glorious space-time warrior.

The mission of the space-time warrior is to maintain the balance of time and space. In the distant future, a huge disaster occurred. The evil AI wants to win the future by destroying the past of mankind...

As a person from the past, Zhao Dong has more possibilities than a person from the future, so he was chosen.

This setting always seemed familiar to Zhao Dong, and he couldn't help but think that for things like saving the world, you go to Zhao Cheng, that's called a professional counterpart, why would you go to a weakling like me?

But then, I couldn't help but have a thought. Before Zhao Cheng's mysterious disappearance, I had never encountered such a thing. Could it be that Zhao Cheng's existence suppressed his aura as the protagonist?!

Didn’t you see that not long after Zhao Chenggang disappeared, he himself became a space-time warrior who sounded very noble?!

Fight for the future of mankind and the future of the world!

It's very honorable to think about it.

It turns out that the protagonist is myself!

With this subtle thought, Zhao Dong harvested his own time and space lock and opened up the wonderful time and space energy. Then, he was beaten by the soldiers...

Fortunately, at the critical moment, a tough man saved him.

"I know you, you are Zhao Cheng's cousin, but unfortunately, Zhao Cheng is a super mutant, born with perfect genes, while other Zhao family bloodlines have not undergone similar mutations..."

The strong man put down Zhao Dong in his hand.

"You are?!"

Zhao Dong looked at the muscular man in front of him who looked like a Spartan Berserker, with a question mark on his head.

Why, the other protagonists got scripts in which either the hero saves the beauty, or even worse, the beauty becomes the hero. When it is his turn to co-write, he becomes the macho man who saves the beautiful boy?! This development is wrong!

(End of chapter)

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