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Chapter 130 Wonderful Dream (10th Monthly Pass 8/9 Plus)

In his dream, Zhao Cheng saw countless bizarre scenes. The first thing that appeared was the ocean, which seemed to be a red ocean, and he turned into a mayfly in the ocean.

Mayflies live and die, time seems to have no meaning in this sea.

And Zhao Cheng seems to have very good "luck", and his life continues under various coincidences.

It was not until later that the ocean environment changed, and some mayflies had to gather together to survive.

They each perform their own duties, cooperate with each other, and each changes in the required direction, or evolves.

When time has no meaning, this change, from Zhao Cheng's perspective, is very fast.

In the process, he also experienced many dangers, and ferocious predators gradually began to appear in the ocean.

Obviously, the ocean has moved from one era to another.

This realization jumped out of Zhao Cheng's mind, even in this dream, he still doesn't have such a thing as a brain.

But since it is a dream, there is no need to follow biological principles.

Afterwards, the environment changed faster and faster, and Zhao Cheng also split several times and evolved in various directions, and only then could he survive the fierce competition.

Some of them are still in the sea, and some of them have left the sea.

A very small part even flew into the sky.

Zhao Cheng's perspective suddenly became diverse, just like the multiple screens in the control room, evolving in many directions at the same time.

And in this process, reproduction and mating occurred between different evolutionary directions, and strange offspring were produced.

It seems that in this era, absolute reproductive isolation has not yet appeared.

Reproductive isolation is another strange word, but Zhao Cheng did not delve into the connotation of this word, and his intermittent thoughts did not allow him to do so.

Later, in many routes, his size began to shrink. Without a reference object, he could not determine how big he was when he was the largest, but he did get smaller afterwards.

Part of him became a herbivore, part of him became a carnivore, and part of him still lived in the ocean, and was also the largest.

Looks like a dinosaur?!

Zhao Cheng had such thoughts in his heart.

After that, the environment changed faster and faster, and the more powerful the life, the faster it died.

It seems that there is a certain threshold in life itself. The stronger the power, the weaker the ability to survive. On the contrary, the weaker the power, the better it can survive in a cruel environment.

Therefore, in order to adapt to this world, all life is evolving towards smaller bodies and more complex structures, so that they can adapt to various environments.

This is a cruel competition. Once you slow down a step, the only outcome is genocide.

I don’t know how much time has passed, the sky darkens and then becomes bright again, sometimes lava flows on the earth, sometimes sea water fills the sky, but in the end, it becomes stable.

Zhao Cheng's thoughts were also in a daze during this process, as if he was floating on water.

Finally, Zhao Cheng saw a monkey-like life in a crack in the ground.

At this moment, all other routes collapsed, and the evolutionary route shrank into this only one.

This seems to be accidental, but it is also inevitable.

Because he is not using the cause to deduce the effect, but working backwards from the effect to the cause.

There is a starting point and an end point. The starting point and the end point remain unchanged, but the process in the middle contains countless possibilities, even if that starting point is destined to reach that end point.

Zhao Cheng seemed to have some understanding, but his thoughts were still not clear enough.

After that, for an unknown period of time, the original monkeys also differentiated, or in other words, produced many offspring, each of which was different.

The monkey's form is also changing rapidly, until reaching a certain point, all other possibilities collapse again, leaving only one.

Zhao Cheng took a look and felt that the person seemed to be very similar to himself, but there were some subtle differences.

Every outline and every line on its body just feels just right when taken individually, but when everything is put together, there is an extraordinary sense of perfection.

It seems to perfectly conform to the golden section that is most in line with human aesthetics.

This person seems not to be myself, but he is himself!

A subtle sense of contradiction occupied Zhao Cheng's thoughts.

And it was at this moment that the perfect man walked towards Zhao Cheng, and their bodies overlapped and finally merged into one.

In reality, Zhao Cheng woke up suddenly. He looked at the time and found that it was already over six o'clock.

His biological clock was clearly accurate to the second before, but this time, something unexpected happened.

He recalled the previous dream, and everything in the dream was vivid in his mind.

"Probably the cowardly savior dug out some information contained in the genes, so I had such a dream."

Zhao Cheng thought about it in his mind, but he had a rough answer.

"As for the me you saw last, it should be the final ultimate form after the coward savior has fully exerted its effect."

Zhao Cheng recalled at this moment and found that the final self in the dream was at least 90% exactly the same as the current self.

But just that 10%, the subtle adjustments in details, made his whole person appear in a subtle perfect state. If the bonus of temperament is not included, his appearance has improved at least ten times.

Even if temperament is taken into account, it is a multifold improvement in appearance.

Obviously, in the process of growth and development, Zhao Cheng had a chance to look like that, but he ended up being disabled.

Thinking in his mind, Zhao Cheng looked at the panel, and sure enough, in the special effects column, the proficiency behind the perfect creature changed from 1 to 2, an increase of one point.

At the same time, the "heat" feeling that appeared in Zhao Cheng's body due to the rapid changes in his body disappeared, and there was only a warm and comfortable feeling.

It seems that every cell in the body has been taken care of and lubricated, giving it an indescribable lightness and transparency.

Not only that, just as Zhao Cheng breathed and inhaled, it seemed that the entire body was expelling the old and bringing in the new. With the breathing, impurities were always coming from the depths of the cells, with the exhaled breath, with the opening and closing of the cells.

pores, drained out.

Just like in biographical novels, it is said that the marrow is washed away and the hair is cut away.

Zhao Cheng just had a thought in his mind, and every muscle in his body responded accordingly. Without any movement on his part, his whole body just lay down and jumped up lightly from the bed.

After that, he landed on the ground with his bare feet and stood silently. He was even more agile and light than a cat.

This chapter has been completed!
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