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Chapter 164 One thought becomes a demon (1000 plus tenth monthly ticket)

Zhao Cheng looked at these things and his mind was filled with confusion. You are a monk and you have unleashed the Great Freedom Demon Fist. What kind of serious monk do you think you are?!

However, the painstaking person doesn't look like a serious monk, so that's okay.

After Zhao Cheng's mind went around like this, he didn't read the diary first, but read the Great Freedom Demon Fist.

Although the quality of this boxing technique is not as good as the name, the name is somewhat too impressive.

Great Freedom Heavenly Demon Fist:

Shuiyue Temple is only a small temple, but its temple style is simple and simple. The monks inside are all sincere people who worship the Buddha. They are willing to do good and give alms, and adhere to the concept of not eating a day without doing anything.

Monk Huijue is a sasou monk in Shuiyue Temple. Every day he just sweeps the floor and reads sutras, comprehends Buddhist principles, and also learns some boxing techniques. He does not practice martial arts, but he naturally acquires a body of knowledge from Buddhist principles.

If the strong Qi continues like this for a long time, it may not be possible to achieve enlightenment with wisdom in the future and become a living King Buddha.

But suddenly one day, soldiers attacked. It turned out that it was a time of trouble, and there were 800 temples, monks and soldiers united to form a Buddhist army, hoping to build a Buddhist kingdom on earth.

Because Shuiyue Temple had a good reputation, it was tabooed by the monks, so they took the initiative to destroy its orthodoxy and push it to the imperial court to arouse public resentment.

That night, Monk Huijue saw the ancient temple stained with blood and the Buddha statue decapitated. He was even chased for hundreds of miles by Monk Kongzhi, who was known as the son of Buddha and was born into the world. He suddenly realized that the Buddha has disappeared and I am the only one who is supreme.

At the time of enlightenment, at the end of the Dharma, all kinds of demons are rampant. If you want to subjugate them, you can only be more evil than the demons.

Then the Buddha's heart was broken, and he became a demon with a single thought. He understood the realm of the Great Self and the Demon, and integrated the Buddhist principles and boxing principles he had learned throughout his life to suddenly realize the Great Self and the Demonic Fist.

That night, the real demon came to the world and the false Buddha shed blood!

After Zhao Cheng read the introduction, his only feeling was not that the world at that time was chaotic, but that this background was too reasonable.

How can a person with the true seed of Buddhism, who has realized that the four elements are empty, have a great reputation?

Most of them are just demons, acting in the name of Buddha.

As for the Great Freedom Demon Fist, the reason why its quality is so low is probably due to its creation.

Although Monk Huijue became a demon in one thought and the real demon came into the world, it was inevitable that the general trend would prevail, and he probably failed to grow up in the end.

And if this Hui Jue is the painstaking person himself, Zhao Cheng feels that he will gain a big harvest this time.

What a profound foundation it is to be able to create a boxing technique close to purple quality once you realize it. If you revise and polish it later, there will be no problem in turning this martial art into a true purple.

If I could gain the opponent's martial wisdom, my own Four Tribulations Heavenly Sword would probably be able to improve to a higher level.

After all, a few days ago, the opponent's spark had been exhausted, but Zhao Cheng chose to play it safe.

Thinking about it in his mind, Zhao Cheng opened the diary of the hard worker.

First page:

It seems that because his family was poor, he was picked up by the master of Shuiyue Temple.

There are many young monks in the temple. The master who adopted me said that if I have good bones, I should go back and learn boxing and strengthen my body so that I can protect the temple in the future.

Later I learned that the world is very chaotic. Bandits pass through the border and plunder the people. Military disasters pass through the border and plunder the people.

The second page:

Life in the temple is very hard.

There is a large piece of land behind the temple. Very early on, everyone in the temple went back to work, including the old monk and the young monk.

The young monks who are strong and healthy can carry water, while the old monks and young monks who are weak can do the job of sprinkling water.

At that time, the only feeling I had was that the land was so big that I couldn’t water it all.

The third page:

When I got a little older, the temple began to teach me how to read.

Each word can be barely understood when taken out individually, but when they are combined into a Buddhist sutra, they are incomprehensible.

I asked the old monk who taught me how to read what the four elements were all empty.

The old monk said, when I stop thinking about what the four elements are empty, then the four elements are all empty.

At that time, my head was very small and my question marks were huge. I didn’t know how serious it was, but I felt it was powerful.

Page 4:

After a long time.

I seem to feel the interest in the boring scriptures.

Buddhist scriptures are difficult to understand, but you can always have a flash of inspiration and new feelings.

In addition to Buddhist scriptures, there are many boxing techniques in the temple. I didn't read them at first because I didn't think they were as interesting as Buddhist scriptures.

In the Buddhist scriptures, some of the words spoken by the Buddha always give me new ideas.

The boxing technique is back and forth, just a little bit.

However, later I discovered that there seemed to be Buddhist principles in boxing, but there were very few.

So, after I finished reading the Buddhist scriptures in the temple, I also started to read about boxing and martial arts. Of course, I read more Buddhist scriptures that I had already read countless times.

Page 5:

The years pass very slowly, but they seem to go very quickly.

The world is very chaotic. The warrior monks in the temple often go down the mountain, and the excess food in the temple is often sent down the mountain.

But compared to the vastness of the mountain below, the food on the mountain is too little. I often hear senior brothers who come down from the mountain say how many people have died outside.

At that time, I didn't have much feelings about death.

I just feel that the Buddhist scriptures say that life and death are a cycle, just like plants and trees, they die this year and will revive next year.

When people die, this is what happens after all!

Page Six:

My master, but the master who didn't let me call him master, that is, the old monk who picked me up died. Other great monks said that my master had reached Nirvana and went to the kingdom of Buddha, the pure land of Lingshan Mountain.

At the beginning, I was happy for the master.

But gradually, when I would never see him again, I couldn't suppress the sadness in my heart.

It is clear that going to bliss is something that countless people long for, so why am I like this?

At that time, I didn't understand.

Later, I understood that life and death are indeed reincarnations, but that is the realm of Buddha. We are only human beings, not Buddhas, so we will be sad.

Page Seven:

I don’t know how much time has passed, but all the old monks in the temple have passed into nirvana.

The little monks have all become big monks, but there are always new little monks.

As for me, I still work hard at reading scriptures. Occasionally, old monks who come back from traveling abroad will bring back some scriptures that they have never seen before.

Inside, there are parts that look great, but there are parts that just don’t feel right.

And I gradually noticed some changes in my body. I had never exercised, but my body became stronger and stronger. Later, I only needed to sleep for two hours a day to feel full of energy.

Some of the boxing techniques I have read seem to have mentioned this situation. It is said that after the nourishment is completed, the energy and spirit will become more and more abundant, and sleep will become better and better.

Therefore, I didn't think much about it, nor did I express anything in particular. I just worked harder and harder every day.

I don't really understand what compassion is, but I know that one more grain of food may save one more person in this world.

This chapter has been completed!
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