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Chapter 30 Shura

Previously, under the oppression of the Grays, Zhao Cheng's spirit was in a state of extreme excitement and tension. Some of the special effects of the first level of battle blood were reflected in this aspect.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng suddenly lost the pressure of external danger, and Zhao Cheng's spirit was like a tight rubber band that suddenly relaxed, and he immediately ushered in another extreme.

Zhao Cheng felt that his spirit was suddenly empty. It was not the empty feeling of exhaustion, but a certain emotion that seemed to have been burned clean. His whole person directly entered a state similar to the sage mode.


I don’t want to think about anything, I don’t want to do anything.

It is similar to someone who is so empty mentally that he wants to have the thought that life is meaningless, but he is so empty that he is too lazy to even have such a thought.

Zhao Cheng can be said to be unprecedentedly decadent. In terms of mental state, even people with negative emotions in their hearts are probably more energetic than him.

Emotions are also conserved and must follow the law of conservation. There is no situation where emotions can explode infinitely as long as the heart is big enough.

If this were true, this world would have become a paradise for delusional people.

No matter how violent the emotional outburst is, there is a limit. Although it can indeed be turned into strength to a certain extent, there must also be a recovery period.

The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak. It is unrealistic to want to become stronger through operations such as "blackening".

After sitting on the ground for more than ten minutes with empty eyes, Zhao Cheng's eyes regained a little luster. Then, he gasped for air and breathed fiercely. It seemed that only in this way could he feel that he was still alive.

a feeling of.

After another ten minutes, Zhao Cheng's thinking finally came around completely, and his emotions recovered enough to support the normal operation of his thinking.

Zhao Cheng reflected on the previous battle and felt the severe pain of his broken arm. He only felt that he was really brave before.

Brave! Fearless!

That's him.

"The effect of the first level of battle blood is definitely not that good. My previous state should have been blessed by enlightenment, so I performed extraordinary. The real effect is at least as good as the second level of battle blood, or even the third level, so after the end, the backlash

That’s why it’s so huge.”

Zhao Cheng thought to himself that he had a rough judgment on this.

The first level of battle blood is the same as the first level of Zhanfeng. It is a passive effect. As long as he swings his sword, it will be the sword of Zhanfeng. However, as long as he fights, the battle blood will be added to him.

This special effect, if the effect is digitized, is estimated to be: using all emotions in the heart as fuel, transforming fighting spirit, will +1, concentration, deterrence +1, immune to all negative emotional effects.

The so-called will and concentration are attributes that are difficult to digitize, but they also exist. Why are some people able to calmly deal with dangers, take their time, and calmly crack them, while others are at a loss and make a fuss?


Is the former more powerful than the latter?

This is not necessarily the case!

But one thing is certain, the will attribute of the former is far stronger than that of the latter.

It's the same as studying. Some people study for five minutes and then become distracted, and some people can study for an hour continuously. Does this mean that the latter is smarter than the former?!


But the concentration attribute of the latter is definitely much higher than that of the former.

The same swordsmanship, the same vitality, why are some stronger and others weaker?!

This also has the influence of will, concentration, and these attributes that are difficult to quantify.

However, in Zhao Cheng's opinion, the most powerful part of the special effects of battle blood is not the increase of will and concentration, but its effect of transforming fighting intention.

In terms of increasing will and concentration, and even being immune to the influence of negative emotions to a certain extent, the 17th set of basic swordsmanship six editions can also do this, and the effect is not bad.

Otherwise, even in the simulation, knowing that he would not really die, but facing such an oppressive monster, Zhao Cheng might not dare to take action directly, and would have to hesitate for a long time and do a good job of psychological construction for himself.

But in battle, the most important thing is not calmness, but fighting spirit.

Only with the will to fight can we fight more bravely, win in danger, and survive in death.

Calmness can only allow one to fight against evenly matched opponents, but fighting spirit can allow one to defeat the weak against the strong!

Otherwise, how could Zhao Cheng, an ordinary student, be brave enough to use his own arm and shoulder as a shield in his first actual combat to achieve his ultimate move?!

The effect of fighting spirit is fully reflected here.

If it weren't for the battle blood, it's very likely that Zhao Cheng wouldn't even be able to defeat the first miscellaneous soldier in the game, and would be stuck in the novice tutorial.

"However, sometimes having too much talent is not always a good thing. Growth is fast, but the negative effects are also too great."

Zhao Cheng looked at the content on the panel and murmured to himself, but he knew the reason for his epiphany.

His swordsmanship talent has been accumulated too much. Similar to his previous life, the upper limit of swordsmanship level was lv8. Even if he is a swordsman genius once in a century, his current level limit is lv16. The level limit has been doubled, but his talent is

It has increased more than ten times.

Under this circumstance, he has extraordinary understanding in everything related to swordsmanship.

Only then did it appear that in actual combat, the spiritual growth that should have been obtained through dozens or hundreds of battles, or even more actual combat, was directly condensed into an instant.

If his will was not weak, I am afraid that the terrible state just now would have left an indelible psychological shadow on him, and his personality would have completely collapsed.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng also understood that even if he had experienced hundreds of battles, he might not be able to awaken the blood of battle.

Although the self can be molded, this process is by no means easy. The most important thing for him to be able to awaken so "easily" is that he was born with this attribute in his self. It was just that he had been sleeping until

Just now, I finally woke up.

Not just him, everyone's self has a sleeping part, and they are all different, but one thing is the same, that is, there are very few people who can wake it up.

"In summary, this battle has yielded huge gains."

Zhao Cheng said to himself that his temperament was already somewhat different from before the war.

Even if the battle has ended and the special effects of the battle blood have not been activated, it is inevitable that the awakening of the self will bring about normal changes.

The seeds have been planted, and how far they can be cultivated depends on Zhao Cheng's subsequent practice.

Zhao Cheng's strength will also lead to his own strength!

"In total, after awakening one level of battle blood, the mental attributes increased by 0.3, the proficiency of entering tranquility increased by 3%, the swordsmanship proficiency increased by 20, and the evolution level of the Sky Tribulation Sword also increased by 0.1%. This is my own

Property changes."

Zhao Cheng did the math.

Among them, ten points of swordsmanship proficiency depend on overcoming psychological barriers, and the other ten points are obtained by actual combat.

Proficiency in swordsmanship depends not only on practice, but also in actual combat. Of course, this actual combat is about life and death fighting, not sparring. In swordsmanship, anyone who can survive a hundred battles, even if he is less talented, will definitely achieve something.

That is, most people died in the process.

And those who can survive are all fierce men who have achieved the way of Shura, or Shura!

This chapter has been completed!
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