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Chapter 57 Only children do multiple-choice questions, of course I don't want them at all


"Your father said before that your relationship has become more intimate in the past two years. I didn't expect that you are still such a good friend."

Mother Zhao said with a smile, her voice still gentle, but her eyes seemed to move a little, and the smile in the corners of her eyes was full of interest, a bit like a fox.

When Zhao's mother was young, she was not as generous and gentle as she is now. Instead, she was quirky, like a vixen, who always had an endless supply of interesting ideas.

"Actually, when you, Xiaocheng, came to us and said you wanted to take Xiang'er, I had no objection, but your father didn't agree."

"So don't worry, I will keep your father a secret about your relationship. When you are adults, I will cover it for you. You can go directly abroad to get a marriage certificate. Even if your father doesn't agree, you will have to agree."

Mother Zhao said this.


When Zhao Cheng heard this, his head was already filled with questions. There was something wrong with the development of the plot.

Zhao Xiaoxiang's face turned even redder, and she said with a straight face: "Mom, don't get me wrong, how could we date? At that time, it was because I was young that I fell into Zhao Cheng's deception and agreed to get married or something."


When Zhao Cheng heard such righteous words, he was stunned and felt more question marks.

What do you mean by being deceived by him? He was obviously deceived by Zhao Xiaoxiang because he was young at that time.


"It turns out it was mom. I guessed it wrong!"

"Since you two are not dating, that's good. I originally planned to tell Xiao Cheng about this later, but now I'd better tell it earlier."

"Actually, when Xiao Cheng was just born, your grandfather arranged a baby marriage for Xiao Cheng. The girl was an old comrade of your grandfather's."

"Originally, it was such a long time ago that I just thought this matter was a joke. Who would have known that, just recently, something happened to Xiaocheng's baby's loved one's family, and her grandpa, who depended on her for life, was already very ill."

"The old man's son and daughter had a car accident in their early years, and they had always been dependent on each other. But before his death, the old man was really worried about his only daughter, so he shamelessly asked your grandfather to bring up the old things again, and talked about this family.


"After all, he is an old comrade in arms. Your grandfather couldn't bear to refuse, so he agreed."

"As for the girl, she has been dependent on her grandfather since she was a child, so she listened to her grandfather's words very much and agreed."

"Now, the baby girl is being fostered by your grandfather. I originally wanted to do some ideological work for Xiao Cheng during this period, and then tell him about this matter."

"Your dad and I met that girl last week. She is very beautiful and has a gentle personality. She is very suitable for her."

"Next week, I will take you back to see her girl. If you don't have any objections to her, Xiaocheng, just get engaged first, so as to appease her heart."

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoxiang vaguely remembered that his grandfather did have a comrade with whom he had a close relationship, and that comrade did have a daughter. He seemed to have met her when he was very young.

Then last week, my parents did go back to their hometown, saying they wanted to see grandpa.


"Ah! We still need to get engaged!"

"No, absolutely not!"

"Isn't Zhao Cheng still underage? Why are we engaged?!"

Before Zhao Cheng spoke, Zhao Xiaoxiang became a little anxious.

And Zhao Cheng, looking at the hidden smile on his mother's face, seemed to understand the truth.

Whose parents, just to amuse their children, share stories they just made up with them?!

Probably only the ones in my own home.

"The parties involved have no objections, what are you objecting to?!"

"You can't take care of Xiaocheng for the rest of your life."

Mother Zhao said pretending to be serious.

Hearing this, Zhao Xiaoxiang said subconsciously: "Who says I can't do it? As long as you let our dad break Zhao Cheng's legs so that he can't run, I will definitely support him for the rest of his life."

After hearing Zhao Xiaoxiang's words, Zhao Cheng's face turned even darker.

"Break your legs? You guys really have a deep love for each other as brothers and sisters!"

"But this is okay."

"So, Xiaocheng, do you choose your sister or your fiancée?!"

"As long as you ask, mom, I will get things done for you."

"Is there no option for me to not get hurt?!"

Zhao Cheng spoke word by word, and every word seemed to take a lot of effort.

"Mom is also very sorry, but obviously not."

Mother Zhao spread her hands, looking helpless.

"All right!"

"Only children do multiple-choice questions."

"And of course I don't want it at all."

Zhao Cheng said numbly.


"I want them all. He is indeed my son. He is indeed very ambitious."

After all the fuss, Mother Zhao finally returned to her room with satisfaction.

Only Zhao Xiaoxiang, who remained stunned, and Zhao Cheng, who looked helpless, were left.

It was only then that Zhao Xiaoxiang finally realized that Zhao's mother was teasing her with the story she had just made up, but she foolishly believed it and said a lot of shocking things.

Therefore, she felt that she was now socially dead.

"Zhao Cheng, kill me, I don't want to live anymore."

Zhao Xiaoxiang said expressionlessly.

"So I don't need to establish written evidence?!"

Zhao Cheng changed the topic.

"Almost forgot!"

"Come and give me a written document."

Zhao Xiaoxiang regained some energy, grabbed Zhao Cheng's arm and dragged him away.

"Stop pulling, I'll go by myself!"

Zhao Cheng quickly stood up.

"how to write?"

Zhao Cheng asked.

"Just write, on October 21, 2022, at 11:30 in the evening, I, Zhao Chengli, wrote a letter and promised to raise Zhao Xiaoxiang for the rest of his life. If he breaks this promise, there will be thunder and cracks. Forget it, no need.

There was thunder and crackle in the sky, so I wrote that if I break this promise, I will be single for the rest of my life."

Zhao Xiaoxiang said.


Zhao Cheng was speechless, but still said: "Okay"

After that, I picked up the pen and started writing.

Because he practiced swordsmanship, his calligraphy was a little more sharp.

In this world, there are also strong people who use swordsmanship as calligraphy, and even use swordsmanship as painting skills, swiping brush and ink.

People like that are mostly heroes from the Confucian sect.

Zhao Cheng naturally does not have that kind of realm, but it is somewhat evident in his words.


Not long after, Zhao Chengcheng handed the written information paper to Zhao Xiaoxiang.

After Zhao Xiaoxiang tore off the page, he handed it back to Zhao Cheng and said, "Write another copy."


Zhao Cheng followed his words and did not dare to provoke Zhao Xiaoxiang any more.

He actually understood what Zhao Xiaoxiang was thinking. In his opinion, this was just an adolescent child who liked to think wildly. What he did suddenly made her feel strange. In addition, the relationship between the two for so many years made Zhao Xiaoxiang confused.


As for the relationship between brother and sister, when Zhao Xiaoxiang gets older, he probably won't be so dependent on him. After all, Zhao Xiaoxiang is only fourteen years old now. He looks quite big, but he is still a child inside.

As for Zhao's mother, she has a child's nature, and she is someone who does not take things too seriously when teasing her children.

After Zhao Xiaoxiang received the second copy, he immediately picked up a pen and wrote the words "Witness: Zhao Xiaoxiang" on both pieces of paper.

After that, he handed one of them to Zhao Cheng.

Seeing this, Zhao Cheng solemnly took out a box from the cabinet on his desk, folded it, and placed it inside the box. Zhao Xiaoxiang nodded with satisfaction.

Then she turned around and went out. When she reached the door, she suddenly paused and said, "Go to bed early. Don't forget about tomorrow."

This chapter has been completed!
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