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Chapter 694 Turning Point

Chapter 694 Turning Point

Real world, Xianlin's hometown, Zhao Xiaoxiang's room, Zhao Xiaoxiang is lying on the bed, with a rosy complexion, slow breathing, and even a smile on his face, like the Sleeping Beauty in the story, falling into the deepest sleep. .

If not, no matter how much you call, you can't wake her up, the scene in front of you will indeed be the same as sleeping.

Beside the bed, Father Zhao and Mother Zhao looked at Zhao Xiaoxiang who was sleeping soundly, with worried expressions on their faces, but not panic. Not only Zhao Xiaoxiang, but also they also had a blind confidence in Zhao Cheng. Subconsciously, they felt that in the world There was nothing that could stump Zhao Cheng.

However, despite this, worries are inevitable.

As for Zhao Cheng, he was very calm on the surface, just watching quietly without making much movement.

In the world, there is no absolute omniscience and omnipotence, and everything is under control.

Perhaps, in the future, Zhao Cheng's concept will be overturned, but at least for now, after exhausting the limits of his imagination, this is the final conclusion he came to.

It has to be said that the curse of the multiverse cage is really something. Even Zhao Cheng, if it weren't for the spark that penetrated the dimension and showed its invulnerability, he would have wanted to use the superdimensional sword to cut off The cause and effect of the curse also requires some effort.

However, Zhao Cheng was also thinking at this moment. Spark had evaporated the curse. How was Zhao Xiaoxiang affected by the curse?!

If it was because of cause and effect, Zhao Xiaoxiang shouldn't be the only one who got hit. Obviously, there was a deep-seated reason that he had never seen.

Now, Zhao Xiaoxiang's little aura has been banished to the depths of the multiverse, an extremely distant world of time and space from the world in front of him, a time and space that far exceeds the limit of Zhao Cheng's current "sight".

This is also the terrifying thing about the cage of the multiverse. Once the aura is exiled, it is difficult to return.

Zhao Cheng has discovered that in the parallel world, there is a force for outward expansion.

In other words, the parallel world is splitting all the time, constantly expanding and deriving outwards.

And as the parallel world evolves, the aura will become further and further away from the original world.

At the same time, if you die in other parallel worlds, the more times you die, the aura will continue to be exiled farther away. At the same time, the aura will gradually become obscured and be constantly worn away.

At first, you will still remember your origin, but gradually, you will gradually forget everything until it disappears completely.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng also had some doubts that the world he was in might be the original world and the source of all parallel worlds.

Because in the many parallel worlds he can observe, in many worlds, there will be people who travel from one time and space to another due to chance and various cosmic phenomena.

Only the real world doesn't have it.

As for him, it is not time travel, but reincarnation, and the source is not the current world.

Of course, this is just a conjecture, and it may not necessarily mean that this world is special.

As for the situation in front of him, thanks to Zhao Cheng's sense of consciousness touching the multidimensional world and the mystery of the multidimensional quantum foam, he was able to roughly determine the location of the other party by following the cause and effect between himself and Zhao Xiaoxiang, as well as the other party's body.

But that place is too far away. Even if there are existences that can be used for coordinate positioning, and there are also peers in that world, Zhao Cheng used simulation to steal time in the dungeon, spending a lot of time and energy. I finally managed to see what that parallel world looked like.

After that, he even used his extra-dimensional body to come to reality, burned it out, and then sent some power to prevent Zhao Xiaoxiang from hanging directly inside.

If she dies, it will undoubtedly be more difficult to bring her back later.

As for the fact that his peers in the parallel world were violently beaten, Zhao Cheng does not hold grudges.

It's just that he feels that Zhao Xiaoxiang is too weak at the moment, and she seems to have some secrets in her body. She has a body that is prone to accidents. He needs to make her as strong as possible. After she comes back, she will be trained properly.

As for how Zhao Xiaoxiang will die, according to the future development of that world, Zhao Xiaoxiang will go to the Eternal Garden built in space to participate in an event soon. Except for Zhao Cheng, who is not interested in this, he escaped.

In addition, his whole family made sacrifices to heaven.

Later, he lost everything and woke up, but it was already too late.

Later, in order to take revenge, he joined the sect and wanted to obtain extraordinary power through rituals.

But the power of the sect, unlike superpowers, is a gift from the devil, and is only given to those humans who are inherently special.

As for ordinary people, the devil is not a philanthropist. If you want to sell yourself, you must be willing to do so.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng chose another path, hoping to use mortal skills to transcend into the extraordinary.

But throughout his life, it was not until the age of fifty that he finally became a swordsman with his sword skills.

In the real world, this is undoubtedly a sad story.

But in that world, it was like opening up the world, because there was no such thing as a sword species in that world.

In this regard, Zhao Cheng feels that this may be the result of parallel time and space interference.

Zhao Cheng himself could clearly see that as he became stronger and stronger, he had interfered with parallel time and space. As for himself in the time and space that was closer to him, after he observed them, their swordsmanship talents

, there has been a certain degree of improvement.

You know, compared to Diversity, Zhao Cheng is undoubtedly not even an ant today, but even so, this phenomenon will still occur.

In this case, does it mean that if he is strong enough one day, all the people in parallel time and space will become a part of him?!

Unless he, with his absolute great supernatural power, cuts off all cause and effect and cuts off the past and future, will he be able to become independent.

Therefore, after realizing this, Zhao Chenggong has begun to interfere with himself in the parallel world to make them stronger!

In the room, the world in Zhao Cheng's eyes is divided into two layers. One layer is Zhao Xiaoxiang lying on the bed, and the other layer is Zhao Xiaoxiang in the parallel world. The time flow rate on both sides is not equal. In reality, an hour has passed.

, that’s ten hours over there.

This kind of thing is also very strange.

Because if the difference in time velocity between the two worlds is really that big, logically, the historical development and length of civilization in that world should be ten times that of reality.

But the result is not like this. The timeline over there is even a little later in the evening.

Therefore, Zhao Cheng was thinking that the reason for this was because this parallel world was derived later, or because his observations caused changes in the flow of time.

After all, for the quantum foam called parallel space-time, when it is not observed, it is between existence and non-existence. It will only come into existence after it is observed.

With such a huge time difference, Zhao Xiaoxiang ran to the parallel world and began her pleasant heart-breaking plan.

As for whom to kill, of course it’s Zhao Cheng’s heart. She can’t defeat the invincible Zhao Cheng, but she can do this!

However, before that, she had to face one more thing, and that was Monday, and she had to go to class!

Finally, she was about to graduate from college, but in the blink of an eye, she was back in the first grade of high school.

And in the three days after the Demon God's Disaster ended, the real world was also in turmoil. This was a turning point, a turning point in a new era.

(End of chapter)

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