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Chapter 729 Life

In Tianwu City, Zhao Cheng was wearing some old but very clean clothes, holding an umbrella and walking in a hurry.

Tianwu City is a medium-sized city. It is about a three-hour drive from Shonan. After all, Shonan is still too small. Although Tianwu is not that big either, after walking out, Zhao Cheng no longer wants to go back.

Young people always want to have some adventure.

Zhao Cheng himself doesn't know where he will go in the future, but he knows that as long as he is strong enough, the future will be bright.

He thought back over the past again and again and found that, as far as he was concerned, it seemed that all his pain and all his regrets were due to his own lack of ability.

If I were strong enough, my life would definitely be different, and I would have no regrets or regrets.

Although I have come out of the lowest point in my life, occasionally, at certain moments, I still have such thoughts.

It's a pity that time is like passing water and there is no chance to come back again.

Life is not a game, there is no option to restart it.

Everyone has only one choice since birth, and that is to move forward.

In August, a little bit of rain made the air more dull. Although Zhao Cheng had been practicing swordsmanship hard in the past two years, there was still a long way to go before the cold and heat would invade him.

It was past seven o'clock, and there were many cars and people coming and going on the road. Of course, there were more cars than people.

At 8:02, Zhao Cheng finally arrived at the Hongyu Kendo Hall. At this point, there were actually no guests here, but regardless of whether there were guests or not, the fact that Zhao Cheng was late was true. As for the reason for being late, there was an accident.

It was closed, so he took a detour and spent a little more time, otherwise he would have arrived at 7:55.

"I've told you before that your shoes won't get wet when you walk by the river. You go to work every day. Look, you're late today."

A girl at the front desk smiled when she saw Zhao Cheng.

The girl also just graduated, but because her family is well off, she lives very close to her. After leaving home, she can walk to work in three minutes, unlike Zhao Cheng.

In fact, the two of them have known each other for a short time, but young people get to know each other quickly.

"We encountered something unexpected."

Zhao Cheng smiled and did not elaborate on what he encountered.

They haven't gotten to know each other well enough yet, or maybe he's used to keeping a distance from others, so the so-called familiarity is just a disguise.

For half an hour, Zhao Cheng checked all the equipment in the kendo gym to make sure there were no problems, and then took some time off.

The work at the kendo gym is not busy. It mostly involves checking, maintaining, and returning equipment, and occasionally cleaning, and running errands for students. Zhao Cheng chose this job partly because of his leisure time.

Only when you are free will you have more time. Only then can you have time to rest, time to read, learn and think, and time to practice swordsmanship. Instead of turning yourself into an emotionless machine that keeps running twenty-four hours a day.

"Zhao Cheng, is there anyone in your family urging you to go on a blind date?!"

Seeing that Zhao Cheng had finished his work, the girl at the front desk chatted with him. She had already watched a round of videos on her mobile phone and got a little bored, so she invited someone to chat.


Zhao Chengyan's words are concise and concise.

"Boys are good. I have just graduated, and my family is urging me to go on a blind date, saying that it is difficult for girls to marry when they are older. Unlike you boys, even if you are in your thirties, it is not too late to get married."

The girl complained.

"Yes, that's right."

Zhao Cheng was actually in a state of wandering mind and didn't think about what the other party said. He just followed the other party instinctively.

A long time ago, if two people had different ideas, he would go back and argue with the other party, but now, it is right, right, and you are right.

"By the way, Zhao Cheng, it looks like you don't have a girlfriend yet. What kind of girl do you like? I have many single sisters."

"Soft sister, royal sister, everything you need."

After chatting for a while, the girl suddenly changed the subject.

"Everything is fine."

Zhao Cheng said.

Speaking of this, Zhao Cheng was suddenly stunned. It seemed that he was not like this at the beginning. When faced with such a problem, he would definitely say what he liked, but now he can do anything.

Have you grown up, or have you succumbed to reality?

Zhao Cheng fell into such thoughts.

However, such thoughts did not last long, because after the girl complained, "You are so boring," she changed the topic to this year's World Sword Trial, who is so handsome and so awesome.

During the summer vacation, it was the time for the annual World Sword Trial. Zhao Cheng had been watching the competition again, but all he watched were edited versions.

When they were very young, how many people never thought that they would shine in the world of swordsmanship in the future?!

Unfortunately, for 99% of people, this kind of thing only happens in their dreams.

Zhao Chengcheng had a dream. Not long ago, after watching the first scene of the sword test in the world, he dreamed that he was wearing white clothes, one man and one sword, sweeping through the crowd. In the dream, there was also a pretending man who said he wanted to be weighed.

His sword was heavy, and he was instantly killed by his sword.

Finally, he reached the top amidst the cheers and attention of countless people and became the number one in the world.

Not only that, in the dream, the most beautiful girl from their high school also came to the scene and wanted to give him flowers...

Then, he woke up.

In fact, over the past many years, he had almost forgotten the other person's name. He only remembered his name, Li. The reason why he remembered the last name was because there was a famous senior in the school named Li Huang'er.

He didn't know why he suddenly dreamed of this girl he had never met several times.

That day, after he woke up, he was stunned for a long time, immersed in an empty and nihilistic emotion. Even his morning swordsmanship was wasted for a whole day.

In the dream, he is a young genius, dressed in white with a long sword, commanding the world with his sword, and bewitched by beautiful women. But in reality, he is just Zhao Cheng, a twenty-two-year-old who has just graduated and has nothing. He is running for life and anxious for the future.

However, after that dream, he had an inexplicable feeling that practicing swordsmanship seemed to be much smoother. Originally, he had hardly felt the progress of his swordsmanship for some time, but during this time, that sense of progress appeared again.


Listening to the chatter of the girl at the front desk, Zhao Cheng actually didn't remember what she said. At noon, he had a simple meal. After the lunch break, the restaurant suddenly became lively.

But there is something different today, that is, not only all the coaches are here, but even the boss, who may not appear once a month, also appears.

Later, Zhao Cheng found out that there was a new coach coming to the gym. He was only in his early twenties and was already a swordsman.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yan Sisi. Please give me your advice in the future!"

A girl with a single high ponytail, full of youthful vitality, clasping her fists handsomely in front of everyone, is approachable and has no airs.

Zhao Cheng stood in the corner, looking at the girl holding the moon among the stars, but he felt a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen her before somewhere.

This chapter has been completed!
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