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Chapter 747 Intuition

In the ancient emperor's world, the meaning of the so-called territory is nothing else. It is the resources, treasures, and general resources produced. For Banjun, it is indeed useless, but for people under Banjun, it is

It's a huge help.

Although the Civilization Council and the Dark Territory Alliance are a whole, the reality is that once the front is reduced and the territory is reduced, it will undoubtedly mean the redistribution of resources, and what everyone can obtain will be reduced.

If an alliance fights all the way, expands all the way, and gets richer and richer as it fights, it will naturally be united. Once it suffers a setback, there will naturally be many obstacles to reallocating internal resources.

Many members of the Civilized Parliament cannot see the cost of fighting to the death. They also know that shrinking the battle circle is a relatively correct decision, but how to shrink it and where to shrink it are all problems. Moreover, the current situation does not seem to be

It's such a bad situation.

No one is stupid who can enter the civilized parliament, but because they are too smart, they are all smart people, so some things are difficult to handle.

"Shrinking the front line is not a trivial matter. Expansion is difficult, and contraction is equally difficult. It cannot be completed overnight. Population migration, how to move, where to move, such a big move, how to ensure that the enemy does not cause destruction, after all, the wilderness is not as good as a big city.

With the protection of the divine formation, and then the inventory of resources..."

"These matters need to be discussed again."

Someone would say, but the tone of speaking was different from when he defended Zheng Xin before. Although it seemed like kicking a ball, the attitude was much better.

Zheng Xin saw all this and had to sigh, in the final analysis, it is still strength.

If he is also a half-king of the fourth level of heaven, even if he has no merit at all, his voice will definitely not be low.

"These problems are not problems, Zheng Xin, let's talk about it."

Zhao Xiaoxiang waved his hands and spoke carelessly.

Zheng Xin immediately stood up, and his magical power evolved, immediately forming a beautiful map of mountains and rivers. When he zoomed in, he could clearly see the mountains, rivers, and big cities.

Not only that, each city's various resources, the number of people, and the share of various occupations are all clearly visible.

Naturally, he is not a person who talks on paper. He has a clear and feasible method for how to shrink the battle line and how to give up territory.

The protagonist of the era, and also the son of destiny in a big world like Ancient Era, naturally has something extraordinary about him.

In a sense, unlike Zhao Cheng and Zhao Xiaoxiang, he is the purest, a person who is dedicated to the development of civilization and possesses holy virtues.

The power of civilization's destiny did not show its power in the dark realm of the past, but in ancient times, the power of civilization's destiny is real.

The fact that Zheng Xin was able to create countless miracles and reach where she is today in just a few decades has something to do with the help of civilization and luck.

And when Zheng Xin finished telling everything, many people had nothing to say.

After that, there was another round of voting, and the resolution was passed.

At the top of the list, Zhao Xiaoxiang glanced at him again and finally said: "Leave the matter of population migration to Zheng Xin!"

"I think that Zheng Xin is too enthusiastic about this matter. How can there be a completely selfless person in the world? If it is all handled by him, if he has any problems, things will be disastrous. I suggest that this matter should be left to others.

People will handle it, Zheng Xin should avoid suspicion."

Wang Lian said suddenly.

He "speaks for justice", on the one hand, he suppresses Zheng Xin, his enemy, and more importantly, with Zheng Xin around, it will be difficult for him to cause trouble, so he must be suppressed, severely suppressed.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately triggered a burst of private discussion.

Of course, the discussion was not about whether Zheng Xin had any problems, but the feeling that Zhao Xiaoxiang's arbitrary behavior was a bit too much. After all, she was not the real chief.

It doesn't matter if you promote your own people, but since you have won the previous resolution, you should make concessions in other places. This is the strategy of power, or the balance of power.

What's more, what Wang Lian said is quite reasonable. Zheng Xin seems to be too selfless.

"Are you questioning Zheng Xin, or are you questioning me?!"

Zhao Xiaoxiang said suddenly, his eyes changed a little and became a little scarlet.

She knew that Wang Lian had secrets, and she also knew that he was not what he looked like, but she didn't care about these things. No matter what the other person thought in his heart, as long as he was still being used by humans, she could tolerate it.

But at this moment, the other party was still contradicting him, and she had begun to wonder if this person was absolutely disloyal.

"Actually, I probably know what you are thinking. It's just that I'm too lazy to engage in these conspiracies and calculations. That's all on normal days. No one has selfish motives, but at this time, I still resort to selfish revenge."


"Wang Lian, I can conclude that your doubts at this moment mean that you have betrayed humanity and the Dark Territory Alliance."

Zhao Xiaoxiang's eyes turned completely crimson.

Wang Lian immediately felt something was wrong and was a little confused. He didn't know what Zhao Xiaoxiang had assumed.

He possesses the jade book of the heavenly book, he is also a man of all kinds of changes, and his grasp of people's hearts is also the most acute and subtle. It is precisely because of this that he can have both sides, and he can still be watertight after so many years.

After taking all the benefits, no one has caught his tail.

According to his thinking, his performance can be said to be impeccable. He is both loyal and selfish. He is undoubtedly a qualified model member.

Wang Lian can guarantee that there is nothing wrong with his performance. No matter from any angle, it is impossible to connect him with a traitor.

How did Zhao Xiaoxiang assume that he had betrayed humanity?!

You can’t say it’s intuition, right?!

He subconsciously glanced at the jade book floating in the sea of ​​​​his consciousness. The treasure bloomed with scorching brilliance, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Wang Lian reacted quickly and did not refute directly, but solemnly said: "Indeed, my suggestion just now was selfish. In order to make up for my sins, I am willing to go to the prison camp and guard it for ten years!"

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately silent, but they all felt that Wang Lian was undoubtedly a loyal and courageous person. When faced with doubts, he did not refute, but used this method to prove himself.

After all, no traitor would take the initiative to send himself to the prison camp, the most dangerous place.

At this moment, Wang Lian's image is undoubtedly bright.

But in Zhao Xiaoxiang's feeling, at this moment, under the seemingly bright appearance of the other party, there was a surging darkness, and all kinds of evil thoughts and vicious plans emerged in his heart.

The Heavenly Book and Jade Book is indeed powerful, but she has had the experience of traveling in multiple places, which is different from ordinary lives. However, she usually pretends to turn a blind eye to the dark side of people's hearts.

Otherwise, if she takes it seriously and punishes evil and promotes good, at least one-third of the MPs present will die.

But although many people have the dark side, those who can reach such a level of darkness are rare in the world.

So Zhao Xiaoxiang took action.

I have something to do today, so I came back late. I still have two chapters that I am writing. I will post them as soon as I finish them.

This chapter has been completed!
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