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Chapter 790 Ring of Immortality

Chapter 790 Ring of Immortality

This change was so sudden, without any prior signs, that it felt like a soap bubble that burst when exposed to a gust of wind.

Obviously, things were not that simple, and Zhao Cheng felt unnatural.

And with the fragmentation of a parallel time and space, from Zhao Cheng's perspective, a new parallel world is filling the gap.

This kind of filling is not that one disappears and the other one directly fills in, but a kind of parallel time and space that is calculated by thousands and hundreds, and seems to be squeezing towards this point at the same time.

Such a phenomenon undoubtedly exhibits a certain pattern of diversity.

Zhao Cheng saw it in his eyes, but couldn't help but wonder whether this meant that parallel time and space were actually instinctively moving closer to the original time and space.

The real arrangement of parallel time and space is obviously not the pattern of thousand-layer cakes seen from Zhao Cheng's perspective, with one layer next to the other, with the previous layer disappearing and the next layer filling in.

The phenomenon at this moment undoubtedly refreshed Zhao Cheng's understanding of parallel time and space.

The arrangement of parallel space-time may be a three-dimensional spherical lattice.

Initially, space-time is the center point of the "sphere".

The sphere is divided into countless layers, and each layer is composed of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even more parallel time and space.

The closer to the center point, the higher a certain weight value.

As for the parallel time and space from Zhao Cheng's perspective, some are close and some are far away, which is most likely just a visual error.

After all, Zhao Cheng only touched the creation, rather than truly reaching it.

Parallel time and space are changing, changing rapidly, with fleeting glimpses.

At the same time, Zhao Cheng also saw himself for a few moments, and sometimes he couldn't see himself.

And seeing his own world line, his identity is also constantly changing.

Kings, rich men, poor people, magic boys, low-level immortal cultivators, underworld giants, martial arts masters...

The world line is constantly changing, and the world in which he exists is also constantly changing.

In some worlds, they have just been born, in some they are already old, and in some worlds, only their tombstones are left. In some worlds, even the graves have been raised because of the passage of time.

In addition, the power system and the background of the times in parallel time and space are also constantly changing.

It seems that the more distant the parallel time and space, the greater the difference.

According to the rules observed by Zhao Cheng, if it is far enough away, not even the earth and the universe may exist, but something else.

Of course, as far as Zhao Cheng has seen so far, there are hundreds of thousands of layers, or even more, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of layers of parallel time and space. Although the number is large, the "distance" in them may not be far, so

, the earth exists all over the world, and most of them have human beings as the protagonists.

And in this extremely rapid change, until a certain moment, suddenly, the speed of change slowed down.

A powerful interference force came at this moment, seeming to forcibly lock in a certain fixed result.

It was only at this moment that Zhao Cheng was sure that this was the work of the empire.

Through this, Zhao Cheng also determined something, that is, the distance between the empire and the real world was far further than he expected.

With the technology displayed by the Empire, it is very easy to lock onto a parallel time and space if they are very close.

The phenomenon at this moment, in Zhao Cheng's eyes, was similar to a giant trying to catch a shark with an extra-long and thin fishing line.

It's not that the giant's strength is too small, but that the fishing line is too long and thin. It seems like it will break with the slightest movement.

Very reluctantly!

However, Zhao Cheng was thinking about one thing, that is, in the future a hundred years later, Zhao Cheng had also seen many parallel times and spaces. There were indeed changes in them, but there were no traces of the empire.

Does this mean that the empire's action this time failed?

Or maybe it was the butterfly effect caused by dealing with two virtual beings.

As for the purpose of the empire's intervention in this parallel time and space, Zhao Cheng also had some insights. It was probably to establish a place similar to a frontier port so that he could look at the original time and space, or even use this as a transfer station to allow the empire's

The power can be truly unleashed.

For Zhao Cheng, if the empire succeeds, it will be a mixture of good and bad, with good and bad depending on each other.

Indeed, the situation will be more dangerous, but at the same time, it also means that Zhao Cheng will have another channel to obtain knowledge and will become stronger faster.

But in this case, the risks are naturally huge.

Therefore, after some calculations, Zhao Cheng chose to play it safe.

After that, Zhao Cheng focused almost all of his attention on the changes in parallel time and space, observing and learning to obtain more multidimensional mysteries. At the same time, he was also studying how to cause destruction.

In fact, Zhao Cheng also felt that it was very subtle. He had always been kind to others, and he had never even been out of trouble in the earth and universe, but inexplicably, he became the enemy of everyone in the world.

There is a powerful enemy on the "opposite side" of the multidimensional time and space, and there is currently an empire deep in the multidimensional time and space.

As for these two enemies, Zhao Cheng's own feeling is that the enemy on the opposite side is undoubtedly stronger than the Empire, but the distance is too far and it is difficult to operate.

On the other side, deep in the multiverse, there is a huge "matrix". This matrix is ​​the body of the Ziyue Empire. It floats in the multiverse, and its powerful mass makes all time and space around it appear.

Huge distortion phenomenon.

To be precise, the matrix itself is a huge black hole.

This matrix is ​​composed of many parallel times and spaces. The empire used technology to modulate each universe to create this ultimate civilization creation, the Ring of Immortality.

From a high-dimensional perspective, the matrix is ​​actually a square, but the empire is named after a ring. The so-called ring is a perfect circle, a self-contained system, and a self-contained whole. Only in this way can we truly achieve "immortality".

This is exactly what the Empire is after.

Become immortal and the protagonist of eternity!

As early as many epochs ago, after the empire's technology reached its peak, the prophecy of the empire's collapse was already known, and a ruined future was locked in. Such a future, no matter how you resist and stop it, you can only change the process.

Or it could delay the process and make it impossible to change the outcome. Everything is already doomed.

This is a curse, but at the same time, in the cognition of many powerful civilizations, it is a powerful causal force and the key to becoming immortal.

Once you realize it and then escape, immortality can be achieved.

A civilization that cannot understand the prophecy of destruction can only say that those civilizations are not qualified to become immortal at all.

At this moment, many thoughts inside the matrix are exchanging information at an extreme speed. At the same time, the matrix body is emitting an extremely intense purple light.

(End of chapter)

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