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Chapter 808 Probability

Chapter 808 Probability

"Mr. Zhao Cheng, I also know that it is not a good habit to ask others for help when encountering problems."

"But in a critical situation, all we can do is to grasp every possibility of victory..."

"Originally, I should have come to see you in person to show my sincerity, but unfortunately the current situation does not allow it. Please forgive me."

When Luo Zhen completed the pulling with difficulty and handed the communicator to Zhao Cheng, the figure of the Human King appeared in the communication.

This old man's eyes were firm at the moment, neither humble nor arrogant.

Although he came to seek help, it was not his style to be begging for mercy or to talk about his own difficulties and the difficulties faced by mankind.

As for Zhao Cheng, he was very calm. To be precise, it gave people a very relaxed feeling, as if even if the world was destroyed in the next moment, he could not be moved.

When Zhao Cheng heard this, he did not refuse, but said: "If you are willing to believe me, just do nothing, and nothing will happen in the end."

As the words fell, the air became silent.

Zhao Cheng did not explain how things would develop if nothing was done. On the one hand, he was not a nanny or a holy mother. He was willing to point out the direction. It was already a kindness. After all, Zhao Cheng did not ask for anything from them.

, there is no equivalent transaction.

On the other hand, if they want to believe it, there is no need to explain it. If they don't want to believe it, no matter how much they say, it will be useless, unless Zhao Cheng shows his power in front of everyone to convince them.

"There is still a 40% chance that the Demon God King contacted them first, making them reach some kind of consensus. There are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies. The Demon God King may have something in his hands that we don't know about.

, About the secrets of this world, about the secrets of lost civilization, they may have been exploring these not long after they woke up. Only in this way can they explain why the other party gave such a ridiculous plan."

The King of Light said without hesitation.

In the light and shadow, a very smart middle-aged bald man said.

The King of Light nodded fiercely.

"But why would she give you proof?!"


There are many senior officials whose masters are higher than the senior officials in terms of intelligence, but one is an official and the other is a citizen.

As the words echoed, everyone believed that the truth of the matter was probably within the 95% range. As for the remaining 5%, they couldn't help but feel how far-fetched this 5% statement seemed.

This is also the reason why Zhao Cheng has not completed the deciphering after taking so long.

"Zhao Cheng, when did you become the Riddler?!"

Zhao Cheng responded.

It's just that the people in the field are still unwilling to speak. The main reason is that they can't accept the words. They just do as Zhao Cheng said. They themselves feel ridiculous and can't convince themselves, because this is a matter of completely changing their own destiny.

, hand it over to others.

"What if the person who told you this is Sora?"

The energy of the sun is indeed vast, but it is not concentrated enough.

"According to our calculations, the probability of this happening is 5%. This probability mainly comes from the strong man's own credibility. He can easily kill three level 10 natural disaster beasts. If such a strong man says that, even if

It’s ridiculous, but it’s possible.”

The so-called countermeasures team is actually a human think tank. High intelligence does not mean strong force, nor does it mean the ability to control power.

In fact, for Zhao Cheng, this is also an exchange of equal value. He gives methods and the other party gives trust.

I asked the other party for help, but I didn’t trust him.

"I don't believe it until she proves it to me."

In short, they have a lot on their minds.

Zhao Cheng asked.

In the world, how can anyone who wants to save someone need to perform tricks on the person being rescued to prove that he has the ability to save people?!

If this situation really happens, it can only prove that these people have a right to die.

"Actually, whether I say it or not, the result is the same. It is impossible for a dynamic civilization to entrust its hope to a stranger."

The fifteenth prince could only use this method but did not understand its operating logic.

"If I told you that as long as you lie down flat, you can become stronger while lying down, would you believe it?!"

Therefore, after another moment of silence, the Human King said: "The countermeasures team has already discussed this matter. Let's listen to their opinions."

They have thought about many expectations, such as Zhao Cheng is not willing to help, or the knowledge given is difficult to achieve, or there are many conditions to negotiate, and they need to exchange things...

You can say it's absurd, but you can't be the first to say it's absurd.

After the call was hung up, the entire temporary war room fell into a long silence.

Finally, the Human King spoke, breaking the silence.

But Zhao Cheng had no reason to do this.

The off-road vehicle was speeding, and the King of Light complained. She felt that what Zhao Cheng said was too simplistic.

But the reality is that Zhao Cheng did not make any demands and happily gave a solution. The only problem was that this solution was too unreal.

At this moment, he has many threads running simultaneously, and most of them are deciphering the "information lock" of this world. It is a self-contained circle technology. It is also the key to temporarily resisting the power of doomsday. It is a method from prehistoric civilization.


But if you say it bluntly, it is ridiculous. It is indeed ridiculous, as if you are just teasing them. But if you say it directly, it seems that they are like a group of clowns.

"What do you think?!"

Don't do anything and things will resolve themselves.

No matter what angle they calculated from, they could not figure out this possibility.

"In addition, the probability that this matter is a joke is 55%. It belongs to the bad taste of the strong. Maybe the strong before the Forgotten Era did have the same origin as us, but because of the Forgotten Era, they may not have the same origin.

We are of the same race. The reason why they killed the three natural disaster beasts was not necessarily to protect humans. It was just because the three natural disaster beasts hindered them. They had no ill feelings toward the aberrant beasts because one of them,

There are traces of distortion on his body, and they may not have much favorable impressions of humans, so when faced with our request for help, he made a joke."

Zhao Cheng is doing intellectual training for the King of Light.

It can’t be that in the end, a meteorite will fall from the sky and kill the Demon King directly?!

Even if a meteorite really hits, unless the stone is turned into a black hole bomb, even if it hits the sun, it will not be able to kill the Demon God King.

The opponent's use is similar to how primitive people use computers. It is difficult, but not too difficult. As for Zhao Cheng, he just uses the computer to push back the entire skill tree.

What takes the most time inside is not the process of reversing skills, but that many things are intentionally locked to prevent others from easily copying them.

In this short period of time, Zhao Cheng seemed to be traveling and experiencing the customs and customs of another world, but in fact, he was not idle for a second, making progress all the time, and harvesting life, genes, materials, energy...

..., various aspects of knowledge are constantly being melted into his spiritual world.

Yes, you are getting stronger even with your eyes closed.

(End of chapter)

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