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Chapter 167 The Gun King Showdown


Li Er took off his earmuffs. This guy fired ten shots, eight of which hit the tenth ring. This was not because his marksmanship had deteriorated, but because he was shooting at a living target.

The difficulty of shooting a live target and shooting a dead target are not at the same level.

No matter what kind of risks you encounter, improving your own abilities is the most reliable way to deal with it. Li Er has been practicing spear very diligently recently.

"Sir Li, can you teach me another game?" Instructor Hu said sheepishly.

After Instructor Hu learned that Li Er and Bai Anni were practicing shooting at the Kowloon Gun Club, he also applied for a membership card for the gun club. In the last arrest of a bombing crime, Instructor Hu deeply realized the flaws in his marksmanship.

"You're still here? Then I'll have to pay for it." Li Er shrugged and smiled.


Bai Anni also took off her earmuffs. She also fired ten bullets, and all ten shots had ten rings. Instructor Hu's eyes were filled with tears.

Bo Anne proudly showed her white teeth. In the entire Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Unit, apart from Li Er's marksmanship, Bo Anne's marksmanship was the strongest.

"How much?" Instructor Hu asked seriously.

"Ah——!" Li Er paused for a moment and spread his hands and said, "You really want to do it again. In fact, I have told you all the key points of aiming. If you continue step by step, the accuracy of shooting will definitely become higher and higher."

"No!" Instructor Hu said with a blush on his cheeks: "Sir Li, when you helped me adjust the muzzle of the gun, I really felt like I had a good control."

Li Er: "..."

If Bai Anni is Li Er's most trustworthy and considerate apprentice in the police station, then Instructor Hu is Li Er's most important and outstanding planning assistant, not even as good as Li Xianying. Li Xianying is responsible for handling specific cases.

He is a master, but in terms of his ability to coordinate the overall situation and coordinate police officers from various departments, especially his ability to deal with management departments on behalf of the major crime team, Li Xianying cannot match Instructor Hu's all-round skills.

Naturally, Li Er didn't believe instructor Hu's lies. He suspected that he was too handsome to cause trouble. (Author's words: I'll attack you.)

Instructor Hu is really important to Li Er, especially when he likes to be lazy, so Li Er made a difficult decision to sacrifice his appearance a little.

"All right!"

Li Er asked Instructor Hu to raise the gun and aim at the target sign, then he stretched out his hands to cover Instructor Hu's gun-holding hands, and taught the opponent step by step how to practice the gun.

'Yes, that's what it feels like!'

Instructor Hu was overjoyed. Li Er couldn't feel it, but Instructor Hu clearly felt it. As soon as Li Er held his hands up, she immediately found that her gun sense reached its peak in an instant. Instructor Hu felt that she was holding the gun in her hand.

The gun is as if it grows in your own hand, giving you a super feeling of control like using your arms and fingers.


Before Li Er started instructing Instructor Hu on the key points of adjusting the muzzle, Instructor Hu took a slight aim and immediately fired.

'Ten rings!'

Instructor Hu was overjoyed and continued to shoot. She had already mastered the method, but she just couldn't find the feeling of using the gun like an arm.


‘Another Ten Rings’


Instructor Hu also shot ten bullets, seven ten-ring bullets and three nine-ring bullets. Compared with her previous shooting skills, it was like flying.

"Damn—!" Li Er saw Instructor Hu's shooting results and let go of Instructor Hu's hands. The guy cursed in his heart: "If you want to take advantage of me, just say so. In front of my apprentice, you don't give me face."


Li Eryi withdrew his hand, and Instructor Hu gradually lost his handy gun feeling.

Instructor Hu hurriedly continued to shoot, so that his body could remember the feeling of using his arms and fingers just now.


Instructor Hu fired ten more shots, five shots with ten rings, three shots with nine rings, one shot with eight rings, and one shot with seven rings.

Instructor Hu's shooting performance dropped rapidly.

Li Er: "..."

Instructor Hu did not dare to stop, quickly changed the magazine and continued shooting, trying to stabilize the shooting feeling just now.


Li Er shook his head and walked away.

"Master, can I start practicing shooting live targets now!" Bai Anni shook her head and smiled a little proudly.

"Of course!" Li Er said with a smile on his face. He had already seen Peng Yixing and Guo Liyi walking over.

"Ayi, let's compete! As per the old rules, whoever loses will be treated to a meal." In order to quickly improve his marksmanship, Li Er took the initiative to provoke Peng Yixing.

When Guo Liyi heard Li Er's words, she rolled her eyes at Li Er angrily.

"What's the point of inviting us to a meal? You treat us to free tea restaurants every time."

"Let's find another one this time!" Li Er said with a cheeky smile, and added in his mind: "Eat at the new tea restaurant."

Peng Yixing nodded indifferently. In fact, in order to maintain the best physical function, Peng Yixing was able to restrain his appetite and eat every meal strictly according to the nutritional table. Li Er would definitely not be able to do that. He

It's impossible not to eat meat.

Peng Yixing changed into his training clothes and handed the modified air gun to Li Er.

Li Er took the air gun handed over by Peng Yixing and fired a shot at the cardboard, causing a dent in the cardboard.

"Boss, can't you lower the specific kinetic energy? It really hurts to be hit by you." Li Er scolded with a smile.

Peng Yixing shook his head seriously: "The specific kinetic energy is too small, and the bullet will float in the second half. Don't you want to simulate a gun battle?"

Li Er picked up Peng Yixing's gun and tried it. This guy was very cautious and worried that Peng Yixing had picked up the wrong gun.

Peng Yixing and Li Er each put on their goggles and entered the training ground.

Instructor Hu also stopped practicing his gun and watched the showdown between Li Er and Peng Yixing with great interest along with Bai Anni and Guo Liyi.

Li Er knew that Peng Yixing was very familiar with the venue of the gun club, so as soon as he entered the training ground, he found obstacles and hid.


Peng Yixing quickly drew his gun in his hand and walked towards Li Er's hiding spot. Unlike Li Er's hiding place, Peng Yixing walked directly outside the obstacle.

Li Er listened intently to Peng Yixing's footsteps, then ducked under another obstacle with his waist restrained.


Peng Yixing fired a shot at random to test Li Er, and at the same time showed Li Er his approximate location.

Li Er quietly stretched out half of his head and aimed at Peng Yixing's position. He chuckled and raised his gun to aim at Peng Yixing. His marksmanship had reached Peng Yixing's level and he could already feel the danger. Although Peng Yixing didn't know where Li Er was, he was sure that he was being attacked by Li Er.

Two is locked.

Li Er was calculating the frequency of Peng Yixing's footsteps and preparing to shoot. Peng Yixing suddenly quickened his pace and stepped out of Li Er's aiming lock circle. Li Er's aim failed. He was heartbroken and felt extremely uncomfortable. He could only readjust his aim.


Peng Yixing fired a test gun based on his intuition. The bullet hit the foam board next to Li Er. Li Er was startled. He thought he had been discovered and immediately moved his position. However, his movement was actually caused by the highly concentrated Peng Yixing.

Found it.

"Puff-puff-puff...!" Peng Yixing raised his hand and fired six shots. While firing, he quickly approached Li Er. Li Er shrank his neck and fled in an 'S' shape.

Once Peng Yixing started to attack, his offensive was as fierce as fire. He chased Li Er and shot at him. Li Er had almost no chance to fight back.

Peng Yixing's marksmanship is obviously one level higher than Li Er's. Li Er can only stop still, but Peng Yixing can move his steps while shooting at the target.


Li Er dodged to the obstacle of an oil drum and stopped. He had to stop to shoot accurately.

"Puff--!" Peng Yixing deliberately fired two shots at Li Er's feet, indicating his approximate location to Li Er.

Li Er quickly raised his head to be on the safe side.


I went and almost got shot in the head.

Li Er saw Peng Yixing's position and raised his head to fight back.


Both Li Er and Peng Yixing were very skilled at firing two bullets in succession.

Li Er's bullet missed, and Peng Yixing immediately fired back.

"Puff puff--"

Originally, there was a gap every time the shot was paused, but Peng Yixing's gap time was extremely short, which made Li Er's counterattack very passive.

Li Er smiled sinisterly, took off his coat and threw it to the right, then protruded his body to the left.

"Puff--!" Peng Yixing shot Li Er's clothes with two bullets. He was a good player, but his actual combat experience was not as good as Li Er's.

Li Er fought back.


Two bullets were fired at Peng Yixing.

Peng Yixing fired back.


Both men were shot twice at the same time.

"Ah! It's so irritating. How come you react so quickly?" Li Er shouted angrily.

This chapter has been completed!
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