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Chapter 237: Making trouble, Li Er ranked first

 Johnny Wang was well prepared. After a fierce battle, his men wiped out all the disciples of Guan Haishan and began to move the arms from Guan Haishan's warehouse.

"The basement, their largest warehouse is hidden on the first floor, transport it all away for me." Johnny Wang shouted proudly. It seems that he has done his homework and at least has a needle next to Guan Haishan, so he will know about the other party.

secret warehouse.

"Alang, I've finished my work, and the rest depends on your performance!" Johnny Wang said to Jiang Lang with pride on his face.

Jiang Lang took a deep drag on his cigarette: "Brother Johnny, you have taken down Uncle Hai's warehouse. He will no longer be a threat to you in the future. Why don't you let him live as a way of respecting him?"

"Let him go? What a joke!" Johnny Wang shouted angrily: "If you come out to mess around, you will die or I will lie down. Do you think if today's situation is reversed, Guan Haishan will give me a way to survive.


Jiang Lang was silent. He was also a Jianghu person, so of course he would not be so naive.

"Whoever has a gun in this world is a god!" Johnny Wang shook the gun in his hand: "Now that I have the trump card, of course I have to win all the chips, otherwise what will happen if the opponent overturns?"

Jiang Lang remained silent.

Ever since Uncle Hai kept lowering prices for shipments, the conflict between him and Johnny Wang became irreconcilable. There was no room for two tigers in one mountain, and one of the two sides was bound to die.

"I know Guan Haishan is kind to you!" Johnny Wang pointed at Jiang Lang and said, "But people nowadays will only see how you succeeded, not how dark your methods are."

"Understood! Thank you Johnny!" Jiang Lang spit out the cigarette butt and smiled.

By this time, Guan Haishan had already rushed to the warehouse with three cars of his men.

And one of Johnny Wang's men also found the container where Li Er was.

"Ah——!" Johnny Wang's man opened his mouth wide and was about to shout loudly. As soon as he opened his mouth, the muzzle of Li Er's grenade gun was thrust into his mouth.

"..." Of course Li Er didn't dare to fire the grenade gun at such a close distance, otherwise the explosion would cause both of them to throw themselves into the street. Li Er raised his palm to form a knife, and knocked out the unlucky guy in front of him with a hand knife.

"Master——! Are you okay?"

As soon as Li Er walked out of the container, Bai Anni found that her master's communicator had a signal again.

"I'm okay! What's wrong?" Li Er asked in a low voice.

Johnny Wang asked his men to clean up the scene and prepared to hide and ambush Guan Haishan. One of his men stuck his buttocks out and hid behind an obstacle, with his back to Li Er.

Li Er held a grenade gun in one hand, stretched out his other hand, quickly grabbed the other person's neck, and choked the other person unconscious.

This was a good position for an ambush. Li Er choked Johnny Wang's men unconscious and threw them aside, and occupied this position himself.

"Master, I may have done something wrong."

After Bai Anni heard that Li Er was fine, she stuck out her tongue and confessed to Li Er that she had called the police station for support.

"How long ago?" Li Er asked.

Bai Anni looked at her watch: "It's been more than twenty minutes."

Li Er: "Then let them slow down."

"Slow down?" Bai Anni said strangely.

"Yes, slow down, don't be in a hurry, there's a fight going on here, come over and claim the prize." Li Er said sternly.

"Oh——! I understand. Master, I will inform Instructor Hu right away." Bai Anni responded, and then quickly informed Instructor Hu that after arriving at Wan Chai Pier, don't rush into the venue and wait for the next instruction.

"Master, I have entered the warehouse! Where are you?" Bai Anni asked.

Li Er: "..."

Bai Anni quickly found his location based on the communication locator on Li Er's body.

As soon as Guan Haishan and his men rushed into the warehouse, they were surrounded by Johnny Wang's men.

"Uncle Hai!" Jiang Lang said ashamedly.


Guan Haishan looked at the guns around him and smiled bitterly. He was not surprised to see Johnny Wang. Just as Johnny Wang said, if you come out to fool around, either I will kill you or you will kill me. Guan Haishan was sad to see Jiang Lang.

"Jiang Lang, you Yan family shovel, Uncle Hai is so kind to you, but you betrayed him." One of Guan Haishan's men immediately drew a gun and pointed it at Jiang Lang's head.

"Bang bang——!"

Two gunshots rang out, and Guan Haishan's men lay down.

Johnny Wang laughed and shook the gun in his hand.

Guan Haishan's men raised their guns one after another, and Guan Haishan's expression changed drastically.

"Put down the guns, put down all the guns!" Guan Haishan turned around quickly and angrily threw all his guns to the ground.

Johnny Wang's men all looked at Johnny Wang and asked if they wanted to shoot. Johnny Wang shook his head slightly. He wanted to see what Jiang Lang would do and whether he could work for himself wholeheartedly.

In fact, Johnny Wang knew very well that after taking away Guan Haishan, he was the only big arms dealer left in the entire Hong Kong Island. If Jiang Lang wanted to continue to work in the industry, he would have no choice but to rely on himself.

It's just a pity that Johnny Wang didn't know Jiang Lang's identity, so he was destined to be disappointed at the beginning.

"Uncle Hai, there are more than a dozen of you, why don't you fight to the death?" Johnny Wang looked at Guan Haishan's pale face and was very happy: "You are so old that you don't even have the courage to resist!"

After Guan Haishan glanced at Johnny Wang, he turned and walked towards Jiang Lang.

"Depending on the situation, I'm dead tonight." Guan Haishan said with a lonely look on his face.

Jiang Lang's eyes flickered to the side, not daring to look directly into Guan Haishan's eyes.

"Alas!" Guan Haishan nodded, patted Jiang Lang on the shoulder and said, "I have been thinking about who betrayed me and leaked the location of my warehouse when I came on the road. I thought about more than a dozen people.

But I never thought it would be you."

Jiang Lang's expression changed.

Johnny Wang could probably think of what Guan Haishan wanted to say, and his face changed slightly.

Sure enough, as soon as Guan Haishan exited, he wanted to kill Jiang Lang.

"Alang, I don't have a son. I have always regarded you disciples as my biological sons. I believe that I have not seen the wrong person for so many years." Guan Haishan looked free and easy, and then shouted loudly: "I can die, I hope you let me go."

Ah Hua and the others, I guarantee that they will leave Hong Kong Island immediately and never come back."

Jiang Lang's heart trembled. He didn't dare to turn his head and look at Johnny Wang behind him. Just as he was about to explain, he was interrupted loudly by Guan Haishan.

"Alang, come on! Either I betray you or you betray me in Jianghu Road. Only those who are vicious enough can survive to the end." Guan Haishan shouted loudly.

Jiang Lang's face suddenly turned green.

Johnny Wang's face also turned green. If Jiang Lang could betray Guan Haishan today, he could betray him tomorrow.

"Hahaha, only those who have no ability will be abandoned. A Lang is a hero who knows the current affairs, and I know heroes and value heroes." Johnny Wang laughed boldly and stretched out his hand to hand the gun to Jiang Lang.


"As for you!" Johnny Wang glared at Guan Haishan fiercely: "A dying old dog, why is it struggling? Such a low-level alienation plan also wants to alienate the relationship between me and Alang."

Guan Haishan smiled coldly. People who have lived to Guan Haishan's age have long known that alienation schemes don't matter whether they are low-level or not. As long as you plant a seed, it will amplify infinitely. Johnny Wang wants to use Jiang Lang now, so he will naturally ignore it deliberately.

Jiang Lang also understood this. He looked at Guan Haishan with red eyes. How much a person loves you, when he encounters betrayal, he will hate you.

Guan Haishan hated Jiang Lang extremely, but he also couldn't figure out why Jiang Lang chose to surrender to Johnny. Wang was a dog, and he had revealed several times that he wanted Jiang Lang to be his heir.

Jiang Lang quickly raised his gun and pointed it at Guan Haishan's forehead. Just as Guan Haishan said, if you are a gangster, you will die or I will die. If Jiang Lang doesn't kill Guan Haishan today, he won't be able to get out of this warehouse.

Guan Haishan: "Alang!"


Jiang Lang pulled the trigger, and a bullet hole opened in Guan Haishan's forehead, and a lot of blood splashed on Jiang Lang's pretty face.

"Uncle Hai——!" Guan Haishan's men shouted angrily.

Jiang Lang dodged the submachine gun fired by a gangster next to him and was about to shoot and kill all Guan Haishan's men.

"Master——!" Bai Anni was surprised to see her master stand up.

"Uncle Hai, we are here, and we must avenge you!" Li Er, a despicable guy, said as he fired the grenade gun in his hand.


The recoil of this grenade gun exceeded Li Er's expectations. Li Er failed to stabilize the gun stock in time, and the muzzle of the gun bounced diagonally toward the ceiling. One shot blasted a big hole in the glass ceiling of the warehouse. This was simply a grenade launch.


Glass shards from the ceiling of the warehouse fell down. Johnny Wang's men hurriedly put their heads in their hands to avoid being stabbed to death by the glass, but Guan Haishan's surviving men squatted down and picked up their pistols.

"No!" Jiang Lang reacted quickly. He must kill Guan Haishan's men at this time, otherwise they would be the first to kill him if they ran away.

After seeing her master shooting, Bai Anni threw two smoke bombs with understanding.

"Bang - bang -"

Smoke bombs exploded, Jiang Lang's shooting was blocked again, and Guan Haishan's men had all obtained pistols.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

"Da da da da da..."

"Ah——! Ah——"

"Kill Jiang Lang and avenge Uncle Hai!"

"Ah——! I was shot."

Fierce gunfights and screams rang out in the smoke. This kind of close-range group shooting indiscriminately would make the gun master rush to the street.

"Cover me!" Johnny Wang was shot by an unknown source for no apparent reason. The guy immediately ran back smartly.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Li Er also pulled his precious apprentice to move his position, which was already exposed.

Yuan Haoyun spit out a puff of black smoke with a black face. What a ghost. He was hiding on the ceiling of the warehouse and was attacked for no reason. He was almost hit by a grenade gun and was shot dead.

'Have you been discovered?'

Yuan Haoyun jumped down from the ceiling and joined the battle circle in advance.

There were no other police officers in the entire warehouse. Yuan Haoyun held a pistol in each hand and killed everyone he saw.

This chapter has been completed!
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