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Chapter 30 The Simple Trap (Part 1)

Chapter 30 Simple Trap (Part 1)

The Moon Blade was the natal talisman that Guo Twelve had just refined, and it was still being cultivated in his soul. Unexpectedly, it would fly out on its own. Guo Twelve didn't know what would happen, and he didn't dare to stop, and continued step by step.

The ground continued to move forward, but the speed slowed down a lot and the pace gradually became more serious.

Countless virtual talismans gathered in the air, forming virtual talisman groups, and then quickly penetrated into the moon blade. Guo Twelve was pleasantly surprised. He found that the altar could not only inherit, but also help him refine his natal talisman. Countless strange virtual talismans

The combination entered the moon blade one by one, and then the red light flashed randomly, and the entire moon blade began to change, but Guo Twelve could not control this change.

However, Guo Twelve liked this change very much. He knew that there were many problems in the refining of the moon blade. Due to the limitations of level and strength, he could not refine the natal talisman beyond his own level. With the help of the altar,

The power of this moon blade can be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, the Giant Spirit Ax Talisman was not his natal talisman, so the altar would not help him refine it. The altar ignored the beast talisman and insect talisman, which made Guo Twelve feel a little regretful.

The moon blade always floats in front of Guo Twelve, but it does not affect his progress.

Guo Twelve did not stop and walked upward step by step. Although the speed was very slow, there was no stagnation at all. He knew in his heart that in the process of inheritance, the most taboo thing is to stand still, which is very detrimental to the inheritance.

Kumu and Monier stood not far from the altar and watched. They could clearly see the situation at both ends. They could see Ying Mo and Luo Zhan walking up step by step, and Guo Twelve walking up at the other end. The entire altar was flashing.

The colorful talisman light. Dead Wood said: "The little guy's luck is so good, it's a pity, it's a pity... we can't get the inheritance..."

Noila Mo said with a smile: "As long as the baby can get the inheritance, it will not be in vain."

Kumu was speechless. He had seen people doting on their children, but he had never seen his wife doting on her children like this. He said lightly: "It's time to give you a child..."

Mo Nier couldn't help but feel ashamed and cursed: "You're an immoral idiot!" However, her body involuntarily moved closer to Kumu and reached out to hold his arm. She and Kumu had a quarrel because of whether they wanted to have children or not.

Open business.

A smile appeared on Kumu's cold and stiff face. At this moment, he felt that he really owed Mo Nier a little.

Suddenly, two green rays of light shot down from the stone tablet and enveloped the two people. Their souls heard a sentence at the same time: "Come down to the stone tablet..." Kumu and Mo Nier looked at each other, and they did not hesitate.

They flew towards the stone monument. What was strange was that the green light always shrouded them, moving as the two of them moved.

The Eagle Demon walked much faster than Luo Zhan. His original foundation was very good, and his soul was strengthened by the stone tablet, so he walked faster. He didn't slow down until he was halfway through.

Luo Zhan has been walking very slowly from the beginning, and his willpower is extremely tenacious. It is not easy for all professionals to be promoted to the master level in a low-level continent like Beifumen. He also has inherited experience, and is very familiar with walking.

Soul Altar is no stranger at all, and I know how to get the most benefits.

His foundation was laid by the Ancient Talisman, and he was later passed down by the Fire Sect in the Earth Fire Continent. However, because he was a foreign professional, the inheritance he received was very average. Now the help this altar gives him is very different, with a lot of

The inheritance poured into his soul, and he walked up step by step slowly and firmly.

Kumu and Mo Nier came to the foot of the stone tablet, and a voice sounded in their souls again: "Sit down, since you two can't get the inheritance of my son, then I will give you some benefits, don't move around..."

A loud bang shook the souls, and both Kumu and Mo Nier were immediately dizzy. Soul shock is a very scary thing. I don’t know how long it took for the two of them to wake up. There was silence around them, and Mo Nier Surprised: "What is this?"

Kumu stretched out his hand to stop Mo Nier and signaled her not to speak. His mind immediately sank into his soul, and then he was surprised and said: "I actually got a inheritance... Ni'er, check it out, you should have it too!"

Mo Nier inspected it and said in surprise: "Yes, I have also received a inheritance, let me see what it is."

There were expressions of surprise on both of their faces. What they received turned out to be a piece of inheritance about how to build a soul altar. Many sects in the advanced mainland did not have this kind of heaven-defying inheritance. They did not expect that they would get it here, and it was a complete inheritance. , ranging from virtual altars to real altars.

Large-scale sects in high-level continents can only obtain the inheritance of constructing virtual altars at most, and only elite disciples trained by the sect can obtain it. It is impossible for outsiders to obtain such inheritance. If Kumu joins a large-scale sect in a high-level continent, At best, he can only obtain the inheritance required by a high-level saint master. It is almost impossible to get a step higher. No matter how hard he tries, it will be useless.

Mo Nier suddenly covered her head and said, "I have a little headache. I feel like my soul is... tumbling! It feels so uncomfortable!"

Kumu's face turned pale. He also felt very uneasy, but he couldn't find the reason.

After calming down a little, Mo Nier suppressed her dizziness and said, "I wonder how my dear is doing?"

Kumu and Mo Nier still don’t know that the inheritance that Guo Twelve and the other three people have received is also incredible. Guo Twelve has received the inheritance of building the soul altar, and it is the inheritance of building a two-layer altar. In other words, he has obtained this inheritance. The complete inheritance of the owner of the altar. Eagle Demon and Luo Zhan are slightly worse, because the owner of the altar is a spell professional, and the inheritance of the Talisman profession is relatively less.

Therefore, in Tan Ya Secret Realm, the ones who really gained big profits were Mr. Kumu and Guo Twelve. The three of them found what they needed most. However, benefits and dangers coexisted, and the three of them did not realize the seriousness of the problem.

Moniere said: "Let's go to the altar. I don't know if the baby is finished." The two came to the altar and saw three people sitting cross-legged on the top of the altar, all sitting in meditation with their eyes closed. Guo Twelve muttered something in his mouth, I don't know what he is talking about. Neither Kumu nor Monie understand it. They just feel that their souls are very comfortable.

The two looked at each other and flew to the top of the altar at the same time, sitting cross-legged next to Guo Twelve. Both of them found that the feeling of extreme uneasiness gradually disappeared.

Guo Twelve tried his best to keep his soul quiet, chanting sutras over and over again to calm his restless soul. He received too many inheritances at once, and he was a bit overwhelmed. He didn't know yet that if his soul couldn't calm down quickly, Not only will all the inheritances disappear, but also the inheritances he received before will be destroyed. Such inheritances are dangerous and may even be fatal, but he had no idea in advance.

The so-called danger is soul collapse, which is something that often happens to ancient talisman people when they inherit it. If people with weak souls receive advanced talisman inheritance, their souls will collapse.

Ying Mo and Luo Zhan were also very uneasy. After they heard Guo Twelve's voice, their souls immediately felt that it was beneficial and unknowingly sat next to him.

The churning souls gradually calmed down. The most dangerous level in the inheritance was passed safely in the sound of Guo Twelve's chanting. If they could not pass this level, the five of them would probably die here, and their souls would dissipate.

, without leaving any traces, the better result is to become an idiot.

This sitting lasted for eight days. During these eight days, the five people had undergone earth-shaking changes. Kumu was directly promoted to the intermediate Great Saint Master, Mo Nier was also promoted to the Junior Great Saint Master, and Eagle Demon was promoted to the intermediate Fuwu Saint.

Master, Luo Zhan was promoted to senior mad master, and was almost promoted to holy master. The biggest gain was Guo Twelve, who was directly promoted to senior holy master, and was almost promoted to junior great saint master. Because he became a professional

The time is too short, and the accumulated soul power is not enough to support the promotion to the Great Saint Master.

Guo Twelve had no idea that he had inadvertently saved everyone's life, including his own. The top master of the Gu Miluo family had no ill intentions, but carried out the inheritance as a matter of course. Little did he know that these people were not Gufu people.

, there is no such powerful soul receiving inheritance. This kind of inheritance is much more powerful than the inheritance of the intermediate altar. It belongs to the scope of advanced inheritance and cannot be carried out without reaching the level of a senior great saint master.

No one knew the danger involved. When they saw the Soul Altar, their first thought was to accept the inheritance. They never thought there would be any danger.

Kumu opened his eyes. When his soul completely calmed down, he understood what was going on. Even though he was so bold, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat and said: "Lucky! Lucky! Lucky!" He said three times in a row.

It was a fluke, and the clothes on my back were soaked with cold sweat.

Noila Mo also woke up, hugged Guo Twelve and said, "Baby, you saved us all!"

Eagle Demon and Luo Zhan looked on inexplicably, neither of them aware of the danger.

Kumu asked: "Twelve, what were you talking about just now? Why can't I understand? It can actually calm my soul."

Guo Twelve couldn't say anything. Deadwood couldn't understand this scripture, nor could he understand that Guo Twelve was reincarnated as a human being. He could only say vaguely: "Nothing, I'm just looking for the knowledge of this inheritance. I don't know.

I made a sound unconsciously."

Kumu shook his head slightly, but did not continue to ask. He felt clearly in his heart that Guo Twelve was repeating something, and the soul shock caused by it was cyclical. He was definitely not repeating any inheritance content.

Mo Nier hugged Guo Twelve with a smile, let go and said: "Damn wood, why are you asking so many questions!"

Guo Twelve breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "The benefits are great this time. Master, have you been promoted? Hey, Master, you have been promoted to the Great Sage Master!"

Noila Mo said with high spirits: "Hehe, I'm finally catching up with your wooden master. I'm very lucky this time."

Kumu nodded and said: "I advanced. Ni'er, if it weren't for Twelve this time, not only would we not be able to advance, but we would probably die here... It's really scary."

Eagle Demon asked: "What happened? I didn't feel any danger."

Kumu explained for a while, and everyone couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. Guo Twelve also felt scared in his heart, no wonder the master said three lucky things in a row. He was secretly thankful that he started reciting the scriptures as soon as he felt uncomfortable, otherwise it would have been terrible.

This chapter has been completed!
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