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Chapter 1020: Accidental trouble!

Guangdong Airport.

The little girl cried so hard that she refused to go through the security check with her mother.

After spending time with Chen Jing, the father and daughter developed a relationship. Now that they were going back to the capital, she had to drag Chen Jing back with her.

No matter how Fang Wanqi tried to persuade her, she clamored for her father to come with her anyway. Finally, Fang Wanqi came up with her grandparents' trump card, but the little girl still held Chen Jing and wouldn't let go.

Seeing the little girl like this, Chen Jing felt an indescribable discomfort in his heart.

He picked up the girl, kissed her chubby cheeks, and said softly: "Girl, be obedient. You go back with your mother first. I will come back to see you tomorrow. Yaya likes dolls the most, right? Dad will go and give them to you in the afternoon.

If you buy a doll, you can receive a gift tomorrow!"

The little girl stared at Chen Jing with red eyes. She gradually stopped crying and said in a sweet voice: "Dad, you can't lie to me! You have to buy me the most beautiful doll!"

Chen Jing gently touched the girl's head and said: "Of course, our Yaya is so beautiful, so naturally I want to buy you the most beautiful doll!"

The little girl was successfully changed the subject and said: "Yaya is the most beautiful, and the baby is the second most beautiful..."

She glanced at Fang Wanqi timidly, put her little head close to Chen Jing's ear and said: "Dad, you are the third most beautiful, and mom can only send the fourth, Gege..."

She clapped her hands with a smile, the tears on her face were not dry, but she laughed again.

Chen Jing quickly struck while the iron was hot and coaxed and coaxed the little girl to follow her mother through the security check.

Chen Jing stood outside and watched as their mother and son's car disappeared at the end of the security check channel. During this period, the little girl almost took three steps and turned back. Her little hands kept waving.

Her voice could no longer be heard, but Chen Jing knew clearly that the girl had been shouting: "Goodbye, daddy!"

There was no one on the other side of the passage, but Chen Jing was unwilling to leave for a long time.

As soon as Fang Wanqi and her son left, he felt empty and uncomfortable.

He became a father for the first time, and the kind of care a father has for his children can only be understood when he becomes a father himself...

After coming out of the airport, Chen Jing drove on the streets of Guangdong, somewhat aimlessly.

He suddenly remembered that the girl wanted to buy a doll. Without further ado, he quickly turned the steering wheel and headed straight to the Guangdong Children's World.

The children's world is very lively, and it is a paradise for children.

In addition to selling various toys, there is also an amusement park outside. Children like to play with bumper cars, pirate ships, roller coasters and other equipment. They are all available here.

Chen Jing parked the car and walked alone in the playground, surrounded by the laughter of children. He felt very relaxed.

It is rare to have such a relaxing time. It is also rare to have the opportunity to see such innocent children playing together.

Children's world is full of innocence. Their world is simple and pure. Being with children can cleanse people's hearts. Chen Jing enjoys this feeling very much.

"Uncle Chen!"

Chen Jing suddenly heard someone calling him.

Before he could react, he saw a little carrot head running towards him quickly, waving as he ran: "Uncle Chen, Uncle Chen, I am Xiao Jinzi..."

Xiao Jinzi? Chen Jing was slightly stunned. While he was stunned, the little carrot head had already ran in front of him.

"Uncle Chen, are you coming to play too? Did you bring your sister here?" Xiao Jinzi said breathlessly, his eyes looking around for the little girl's voice.

Chen Jing's mood darkened, he reached out and touched his head and said, "Xiao Jinzi, you don't have to look for me anymore. My sister has gone back today, I came here alone!"

Xiao Jinzi was stunned, with disappointment in his eyes.

Chen Jing was also in a bad mood, and she was still thinking about Yaya.

At this moment, Gao Xia finally hurried over.

"Secretary Chen, you also came to Guangdong today? Why didn't you see the child?" Gao Xia said cheerfully.

She was dressed very casually today, contrary to her usual formal dress.

The lower body is a pair of water-polished jeans, the upper body is wearing a white floral T-shirt, and crystal-style high-heeled sandals are worn on the feet. The simple clothes make her figure look particularly tall. Between her frown and smile, she looks like a young woman.

Show all.

Chen Jing was not very interested and simply introduced the situation to him. Gao Xia said: "Why did Mr. Fang leave so soon? You can definitely stay in Guancheng for a while!"

Chen Jing smiled and said: "The one in my family has a lot of things like you, so it's great that he can come here for a week this time!"

Gao Xia giggled and said: "Secretary Chen, how can I compare with Mr. Fang? I'm just doing a small business to create some conditions for Xiao Jinzi..."

Chen Jing gently touched Xiao Jinzi's head. He originally wanted to ask Wei Hua about his recent mood, but with a child nearby, he thought about it and kept his mouth shut.

Chen Jing and Xiao Jinzi were very familiar with each other, and soon the little guy asked Chen Jing to play bumper cars with him.

Chen Jing smiled and said: "Xiao Jinzi, uncle is here on a business trip today and has a lot to do. Can I play with you some other time?"

Xiao Jinzi looked sad, but still nodded sensibly: "No problem, uncle, it's just that my mother is busy all day, no one plays with me, and my sister has also gone back..."

The corners of Chen Jing's mouth curved up, but he stopped talking.

Gao Xia pulled Xiao Jinzi over and said: "Secretary Chen, don't worry about children who are ignorant. You have something to do..."

Chen Jing nodded and said, "Okay, let's just say goodbye!"

Just as Chen Jing was about to turn his head, Gao Xia moved her lips, seeming to have mustered up a lot of courage, and said: "Secretary Chen, you...are you not going back today?"

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment and said, "I'll go back tomorrow. What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Gao Xia pondered for a moment and said: "Secretary Chen, I would like to treat you to a meal tonight. Old... old... Wei is also in Guangdong Province."

Chen Jing frowned, feeling uncomfortable thinking about Wei Hua in his mind.

Wei Hua couldn't be reused, and he had too many little things in his heart. Chen Jing's most failed employment in Guancheng was Wei Hua.

Although Wei Hua solved the 6.23 case while concurrently serving as the director of public security, objectively speaking, Wei Hua's contribution to this case was very small. Instead, it was because Wei Hua was not thoughtful enough and created a lot of trouble for Chen Jing in the early stages of the case.

Chen Jing gave up the responsibility of the Political and Legal Committee, and Jiang Shaokun took over overall control of 6.23.

As expected, Wei Hua couldn't do it. He was forced to retreat steadily by Jiang Shaokun, which could be said to be extremely embarrassing.

According to Chen Jing's original intention, he did not want to see Wei Hua.

But when he thought about it carefully, Wei Hua was Jiang Mingren's brother-in-law and Zhong Jun's biological uncle. It is said that one should not look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face. People took the initiative to find ways to meet him, and it was always not good for him to refuse too harshly.

He pondered for a moment and said: "You can give me a call when the time comes. I may not be able to arrange for you to come over. You can't say anything, but I will try my best to arrange it!"

After bidding farewell to Gao Xia, Chen Jing found a store and picked out a few exquisite dolls. He called a courier company on the spot and sent them to the capital.

He thought that the little girl would receive the gift tomorrow, and the shame in his heart was slightly reduced, and he felt much more comfortable...

In the afternoon, Chen Jing was originally scheduled to visit Governor Zhou at the provincial government, but he only found out after calling Huang Hongyuan that Governor Zhou had gone to Beijing for a meeting.

Huang Hongyuan is also very busy preparing for the provincial government system rectification special meeting to be held next week.

Chen Jing contacted Qiao Zhengqing, but Qiao Zhengqing went to Tongmen to investigate. Chen Jing could have contacted Jiang Hengyun, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

Recently, I have been busy with work and socializing a lot, so it would be best if I could socialize less now. Chen Jing had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he simply went back to his home in Guangdong to rest and relax, which can be regarded as a balance between work and rest.

Wancheng is a famous city in central China.

This is a Chu cuisine restaurant newly opened in Guancheng this year.

Now in Guancheng, Jin Lu's Nanyue Restaurant has a good reputation and a high grade. After several years of operation, it has become the top restaurant in Guangdong.

Although the famous Oriental city has recently emerged, it is said that its popularity is no less than that of Nanyue Tower back then.

Today, Gao Xia chose a famous city in central China to entertain guests. This was obviously a good choice for Chen Jing, and she had spent a lot of effort.

When Chen Jing arrived at the famous Oriental City, the greeter at the door came forward enthusiastically and said, "Are you Secretary Chen? There are already two guests waiting for you in the diamond private room!"

Chen Jing followed the welcoming guests into the elevator and went up to the eighth floor. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he was shocked inside.

The entire eighth floor is a diamond private room area, and the floor decoration is completely in Chujiang style. As soon as you get out of the elevator, the first thing you see is a towering rockery imitating the Chujiang landscape.

The characteristics of Chujiang landscape are steep mountains and rocky mountains, rapid waters and multiple waterfalls. This rockery perfectly shapes this point and can be said to capture the essence of Chujiang landscape.

Chen Jing only took one glance and felt very friendly. He couldn't help but secretly admire the owner of this restaurant for his thoughtfulness.

Chujiang covers Chujiang Province and Chubei Province. There may be millions of people from these two provinces living in Guangdong Province. It is very powerful to be able to make people born and raised in Chujiang feel at home.

A lot of effort has been put into it.

Another feature of this restaurant is the clever design of the diamond private room.

There is a lobby in the middle, with corridors on all sides.

No corridor leads directly to a private room. This design ensures the safety of guests to the greatest extent possible. Moreover, the corridor is not a straight line, but has obvious corners, giving it the artistic conception of a winding path.

The name of the private room Gao Xia booked is Hutou Mountain, located due north.

When Chen Jing heard the name Hutoushan, the picture in his mind was that of Lihe. When Chen Jing was the deputy director of the Lihegan Forestry Bureau, there was a Hutoushan timber inspection station in Lihe.

According to the geographical location, Hutou Mountain is indeed located directly north of the Chujiang River, and is considered a famous mountain in the north of the Chujiang River.

"Hutoushan?" Chen Jing muttered, with a hint of fascination in his eyes.

Those years in Lihe were destined to last forever in his memory. But he never expected that he would still have the opportunity to listen to the story after he was thousands of miles away in Guangdong, and his identity was completely different from before.

To this name... (To be continued...)

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