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Chapter 1044 Bad news!

There was a reason for Chen Jing's temporary leave of absence.

He received a call from his mother-in-law in Beijing, and without any buffering time, he immediately asked his third brother to drive him to the airport.

It takes two hours to fly from Guangdong to Beijing, but Chen Jing feels that this is an extremely long two hours.

My mother-in-law’s phone call was very simple, just a few words: “The old man passed away!”

Just six words sounded like thunder in Chen Jing's ears.

Of course he knew who the old man was. The famous General Fang of the Republic was one of the only remaining founding generals of the Republic.

The death of General Fang is not only a major event for the Fang family, but also a news that shakes the entire Republic.

Chen Jing and Mr. Fang didn’t meet many times.

But the limited few meetings left a deep impression on him.

Chen Jing was inspired by the old man's simplicity, his high expectations for his younger generation, and his calmness in facing life and life and death.

Chen Jing respects Mr. Fang very much. This respect has nothing to do with power, but comes from the heart.

Although Chen Jing had long known that Mr. Fang's time was running out, the moment he heard the news of Mr. Fang's departure, his heart still sank to the bottom, and then tears fell involuntarily.

There was no one to pick him up at the airport today. Chen Jing returned to Beijing in a hurry and didn't bring anyone or luggage with him.

He walked out through the airport passage like an ordinary passenger, then hailed a taxi and went straight to Babaoshan.

The farewell ceremony for the old man's body will not be held until tomorrow, and today is the day when the descendants of the Fang family will keep a vigil.

Chen Jing saw Fang Wanqi from a distance.

Fang Wanqi was wearing a black suit. There was a black gauze tied on her right arm. Her face was pale and she looked so fragile in the autumn wind.

Chen Jing walked forward quickly, and Fang Wanqi cried out "Wow!" and threw her whole body into Chen Jing's arms.

Chen Jing didn't speak, but gently stroked her hair with his hands, and then slowly patted her back.

At this time, mother-in-law Xu Lian came out of the mourning hall, and Chen Jing called out: "Mom!"

Xu Lian nodded and said: "You all go in. My uncles are all here today. Before I left, my grandfather said that it was a happy event that he left. According to the customs in the northwest, a banquet is held to celebrate. A person will grow old, sick, and die throughout his life.

.Everything is a major event. It is a natural law. So don’t be too sad.”

Chen Jing nodded and sighed: "The old man is so open-minded!"

Fang Wanqi held Chen Jing's hand and they entered the mourning hall together.

According to the tradition of the northwest, Chen Jing placed a stick of incense in front of the old man's soul and kowtowed three times.

There will be a lot of people at the farewell ceremony for the body tomorrow, central leaders will come, the entire mourning hall layout will also be changed, and the incense can only be offered today.

Chen Jing's arrival obviously caused a stir in the scene.

There were a lot of people at the scene today. Almost all the second and third generations of the Fang family were present, as well as the Gu family and other younger generations who had close contacts with the Fang family. Chen Jing scanned the crowd and saw Gu Linfeng.


Chen Jing and everyone in the Fang family basically knew each other.

But in recent years, Chen Jing has been working in Lingnan and rarely returns to the capital. Many people have not been seen for several years.

A few years ago, Chen Jing was unknown and only played a small role, but now Chen Jing is doing well in Lingnan.

Among the younger generations of the Northwest Department, no one of the same age as Chen Jing can compare with him except Gu Linfeng and Tang Zhi.

The key is that Chen Jing is currently on the rise, and if nothing else happens, he will be promoted in the next few years.

Compared with Chen Jing's popularity, both Gu Linfeng and Tang Zhi have encountered some troubles in recent years.

It was difficult for Gu Linfeng to break through in northern Jiangsu, and the Northwest Department had already considered letting him return to Beijing to take up a post.

Tang Zhi encountered problems a few years ago and is still performing in the capital. Judging from his current qualifications, it seems that the time is not yet ripe for him to be decentralized.

Judging from this situation, there is no suspense about Chen Jing catching up with the two.

Accompanied by Fang Wanqi, Chen Jing first greeted the three elders. His third uncle Fang Luping also just came over. As an important leader of the country, he has many things to do in a day.

It can be seen that he is very tired today, and the dark circles around his eyes are very obvious.

Chen Jing greeted him, and he nodded and said: "Come back in a hurry, the journey is hard, if you want to rest in the middle of the night, let your mother arrange it!"

Chen Jing nodded and said, "Yes! But I still want to spend more time with grandpa!"

Fang Luping didn't speak anymore and sighed softly, his expression full of sadness.

The one with the lowest mood among the three was Fang Lujian.

Among the three brothers, he is the least busy at work, especially in recent years, he spends the most time with the old man.

The old man likes flowers and plants, and he also likes to make them. The father and son often get together to take care of the flowers and plants, and their relationship is naturally the deepest.

Chen Jing came close to him and said: "Dad, grandpa is very open-minded, and you should also be more open-minded. Birth, old age, illness and death are all human beings, so you have to show your condolences!"

Fang Lujian nodded numbly, and suddenly he said: "Chen Jing, remember to bring the child tomorrow. Grandpa has always liked the child, so let the child say goodbye to him!"

Chen Jing nodded slightly, then turned around and started greeting other contemporaries of the Fang family.

The greetings to peers are no longer as heavy as before.

After all, there is a generation apart, and many people in the Fang family have spread their wings, so the relationship between the third generation and grandpa has also weakened a lot.

Finally, Chen Jing and Gu Linfeng met, and they both extended their hands at the same time. Gu Linfeng said: "It's not easy to meet you. We haven't seen you for several years, but you have changed more and more!"

Chen Jing smiled faintly and said: "You are the same, I may be getting older and older, but you are getting more and more mature!"

Gu Linfeng was stunned and said with a smile: "You are very sharp-tongued!" He pointed to Fang Wanqi next to Chen Jing and said: "Comfort Wanqi well. I looked over and saw that among the many grandchildren of the three generations of the Fang family, Wanqi is

It’s so sad, hey, the old man only has a real granddaughter?”

Chen Jing frowned, leaned closer and said, "What a mouthful you are! Be careful of becoming a public enemy!"

Gu Linfeng spread his hands and said, "I didn't say anything!"

While the two were talking, a dark figure rushed in from the door.

The black shadow rushed to the mourning hall in three or two steps, holding the crystal coffin and crying loudly.

Everyone's eyes were attracted, and then everyone saw clearly that Fang Lianjie was back.

Fang Lianjie, who was such a big man, cried like a child, prompting many people to come over to comfort him.

When Fang Lianjie cried, Fang Wanqi also started crying. Chen Jing hugged her and found a seat to sit down, comforting her softly...

The farewell ceremony for Mr. Fang's body was particularly grand.

Comrade Nian Xiao, member of the Central Military Commission and deputy chief of staff, serves as director of the funeral committee.

In the early morning of the farewell ceremony, the entire farewell hall was packed with people who came to say goodbye.

Most people were unable to enter the farewell hall, and only local leaders above the deputy department and military cadres above the major general were allowed in.

But even so, the entire hall seemed quite crowded.

Wave after wave of people came over, everyone bowed to the body, then circled around the body, and finally expressed condolences to the family members.

Chen Jing stood in the second row as a family member. He didn't have any rest last night. He didn't show signs of depression. He stood upright and quietly watched the people coming and going.

At nine o'clock in the morning, there was a farewell ceremony for the leaders of the Military Commission. All the chief and deputy leaders of the four headquarters attended, as well as the chiefs of the military regions, the second artillery chief, and the armed police chief. Chen Jing only saw the black military uniforms.

The lowest rank is major general, followed by lieutenant general and general.

Chen Jing suspected that at least one-third of all the generals of the Republic came today.

I have to say that such a scene is shocking, and it also shows Fang Laowei's high prestige and influence in the army.

What surprised Chen Jing was that many generals were in tears. When they shook hands with their families, Chen Jing was very close to them, and many of them had red eyes.

Fang Lianjie stood in the front row. Many leaders came over and patted him on the shoulder. Some leaders also encouraged him not to forget the general's will and spirit. This was a great encouragement to Fang Lianjie and indirectly recognized him as the third member of the Fang family.

Three generations.

In the past, Chen Jing only knew that the Fang family had a strong influence in the military, but he never had an intuitive feeling.

It wasn't until today that he truly realized the extent of the Fang family's influence in the military.

The entire farewell ceremony lasted almost an hour.

Then the entire hall was quickly cleared, and Chen Jing clearly felt that the vigilance inside and outside had been tightened.

Many men in black suits began to appear, all of them tall and tall, occupying all the passages in the farewell hall.

Everyone present was excited, the leaders of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee were coming next.

This scene is very different from what was broadcast on Xinwen Network.

Because the Xinwen Broadcast only broadcast a few scenes of members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China bowing, but in fact hundreds of people were present.

The seven members of the Standing Committee were at the front, and then there were groups of seven people behind them. Each group bowed in front of the portrait of the old man, and then paid homage to the body, and the people behind followed closely.

It was the first time that Chen Jing had such close contact with the central | top | leadership.

He was not very excited, but he felt that the distance between himself and the core of the party seemed to have suddenly become much closer.

Many years ago, he was just a small deputy cadre in the remote mountainous area of ​​​​Chujiang. At that time, he could not imagine the existence of the central government.

Not to mention the central government, but also the heads of provinces and cities, he can only rely on imagination in his mind, which is completely like a high mountain and cannot be reached.

But now, the central | top | leadership was right in front of him, and he was in a daze, feeling that it was very unreal.

But then he thought about it, wasn't he now a senior party cadre in charge of the party?

All these bits and pieces of experiences flashed through his mind like a movie.

These things made him mature, made him grow, and pushed him step by step to where he is now.

If a few more years pass, what kind of situation will I be in?

He had never thought about this problem before, but this time, the problem suddenly popped up... (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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