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Chapter 1124 The secretary trains people!

The announcement of the public performance report of leading cadres of Jingjiang City’s organization aroused great repercussions in Jingjiang.

Chen Jing organized a meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to announce the news. He quoted Mayor Xu Bing as saying that the main leaders of each district and county publicly reported their work through a question and answer session with the main leaders. The whole process of the report was open to the media, including representatives of the National People's Congress, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the Federation of Industry and Commerce,

People from all walks of life must participate extensively.

In this process, the National People's Congress must play an important role. It must strengthen the publicity of public work reports and strive to promote the progress of the city's cadre selection and appointment supervision mechanism. The National People's Congress must strictly control the cadre appointment process and fully exercise the functions of the highest authority.


At the same time, Chen Jing also asked the National People's Congress to set up a special working group to go to various localities to promote the correct understanding of this public work report and to help the main leaders of districts and counties to make the most adequate preparations. Only with sufficient preparation can we

In the process of debriefing, you must gain recognition and trust from all walks of life, so that you will not make a fool of yourself or speak dirty words.

Chen Jing said at the meeting that this work report is part of the important assessment drawn up by the Municipal Party Committee for the adjustment of major leaders at the city and county levels. Under the new situation, Jingjiang needs a new cadre selection and appointment system, a new work attitude, and

How to work.

In the past, the traditional leading cadres lacked public supervision, the top leaders' power was too concentrated, the party and government decision-making was unscientific, and the phenomenon of leading cadres doing nothing, inaction and abuse should become a thing of the past.

Chen Jing's speeches and statements showed extreme strength, which could be regarded as his first shot at implementing his will after arriving in Jingjiang.

His speech was announced to the outside world and was widely reported by various media in the city, quickly spreading throughout the city.

A tense atmosphere began to permeate the entire Jingjiang City. The new secretary took office, and indeed he was going to take tough measures. Everyone began to pay attention to this public report of work.

Even the provincial media began to pay attention to Jingjiang’s new measures to evaluate cadres.

At the same time, Chen Jing began to go deep into the front lines of the company to conduct research.

At present, there are two main pillar enterprises in Jingjiang City. One is Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. This company was established in the 1950s.

It was the first to undertake the R&D and production of the first batch of automobile engines in the Republic. Later it began to undertake the production of internal combustion engine locomotives. During the Ninth Five-Year Plan period, Jingjiang Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturing Company was identified as the leading scientific and technological enterprise in the Republic, with a registered capital of 2 billion yuan and 20,000 employees.

Duoduo is the leading state-owned enterprise in Chujiang Province.

Another enterprise is Jingjiang Shipyard, which is the largest shipyard in the Central Plains. It mainly produces small and medium-sized freight ships. Later, after restructuring, it began to produce small motorboats, sailboats, small cruise ships, etc. The shipyard started producing small motorboats, sailboats, small cruise ships, etc. in the early 1990s.

Technical issues, product quality and marketing started to suffer from multiple problems.

During the state-owned enterprise restructuring in 1998, the shipyard implemented joint-stock reform and introduced private capital to participate in the management and operation of the shipyard.

However, during this process, private capital did not bring much vitality to the shipyard, and the company continued to suffer losses. After the company went public in 2002, private capital began to withdraw investment.

Jingjiang Shipyard has also been criticized by public opinion and shareholders for this reason. The company's stocks have been suspended from trading many times. In recent years, the company's new loans have reached more than 3 billion, but the current situation of the company has not improved much. The financial statements show that last year alone,

The shipyard's losses alone were as high as 200 million yuan.

More than 6,000 new and old employees of the shipyard have been laid off, and currently there are more than 4,000 employees on the job. Life is very difficult, and the Jingjiang Shipyard has now become the biggest burden for the Jingjiang Municipal Government.

Just these two companies have laid off tens of thousands of workers, which illustrates the situation in Jingjiang.

After Chen Jing inspected the two companies, he met with the main leaders of the two companies at the shipyard.

The boss of the internal combustion engine company is called Ni Yongsheng. He is in his fifties, has a square face, big ears, and a rich appearance. He looks very fashionable, and he has the attitude of a boss at first glance.

There were a lot of cars parked in the parking lot outside the venue, but his car was the most conspicuous.

It was his turn to speak. He said passionately: "Dear leaders and secretaries, the biggest bottleneck for our company now is the financial problem. In the past five years, we have focused on medium-sized automobile engines. Now our products have matured, and we have successively

Europe and the United States all participated in the exhibition.

Our products should be said to have reached the current world-class advanced level.

But here comes the problem. We are short of funds now, and we lack strong suppliers of the materials we need. Without money, we cannot produce normally, and we have no money for marketing.

I hope the party committee and government can give us some support in this regard!”

Chen Jing remained silent. Secretary-General Xiao Han couldn't help but said: "Mr. Ni, according to your opinion, as long as you have enough funds on hand, the internal combustion engine company will be able to revitalize, right? But as far as I know,

You know, every year you make demands on the government.

The financial investment in you every year is more than 50 million, but what are your achievements over the years?"

Ni Yongsheng was stunned and his face turned red.

Chen Jing smiled slightly, stared at Ni Yongsheng and said: "Comrade Yongsheng, money is not a problem. But the government gives you support. Regarding the purpose and development of the enterprise, you need to sort out a plan. According to your plan, we will hold a company trade union


At the meeting, I hope that your leaders at each position will express their opinions, and the workers will listen, whether your operations are in accordance with your plans, and whether your use of funds is scientific and reasonable. This requires strong supervision.

Nowadays, it’s no longer enough to break the big rocks with our chests, we need to be serious!”

Chen Jing looked at Zhou Wangjun, the chairman of the shipyard, and said: "It's the same here at the shipyard. The shipyard has been losing money in recent years. What path are you going to take and what philosophy do you use to run the company? At present, I think there may be some problems.


Our comrades at the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission must make a difference and conscientiously assist enterprises to identify problems and then find ways to solve them.

Don't be stubborn about losing your tail. Once you go to the leader for nothing else, just ask for money.

Children who only know how to ask their parents for money are not good children, and companies who only know how to ask the government for money are not good companies either.

I don’t believe that you have no difficulties when running your business. Since you have difficulties, why don’t you ask the party committee and the government for help? If funds could solve all problems, the money you have asked for from banks and the state over the years would be enough for you.

The entire factory area is covered.

My attitude is very firm now. If a company can have hope, we must support it. But if a company can never see hope, does such a company still have the value to exist?"

After Chen Jing spoke, many people lowered their heads.

Qin Jun, director of the Municipal State-owned Assets Bureau, is particularly embarrassed. Now that the shortcomings of the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in Jingjiang City have emerged, calls from all walks of life to liquidate the loss of state-owned assets are getting louder and louder.

And the current operating conditions of state-owned enterprises are deteriorating, so the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau has naturally become a punching bag for everyone.

Jingjiang is the traditional industrial base of Chujiang, with many large enterprises. The management level of these enterprises is not high, but the personal connections are intricate and each has its own path.

Some company bosses don't pay much attention to him as a director. If he doesn't come up with policies or funds, the company won't look at him well.

But after he found the funds, the company failed to perform well and suffered continuous losses, and his boss looked down upon him.

So it's really a lot of pressure for him.

Just when the meeting was getting heated, Secretary-General Xiao Han stood up and walked out.

About three or four minutes later, he came in again and went straight to Chen Jing's position, whispering a few words to Chen Jing.

Chen Jing frowned and said abruptly: "Where is the newspaper?"

Xiao Han opened the folder in his hand and handed it to Chen Jing. There was a piece of Sanchu Morning News in the folder. The headline in the financial section of Sanchu Morning News clearly read: "The fire in Jingjiang is all caused by laid-off workers?"

There is also a subtitle below: "Are laid-off workers weak, or should they be demonized as arsonists..."

Two huge exclamation points, bloody, and the illustration is a picture of Chen Jing speaking at a certain meeting.

Chen Jing frowned and glanced at the signature of the article. The signature was clearly: "Yao Zhengyi!"

"This is……"

Xiao Han lowered his voice and said: "Yao Zhengyi is Zheng Yuankun!"

Chen Jing nodded and said he understood.

Xiao Han closed the folder and sat back to his original position.

Chen Jing glanced at everyone in the venue and said: "I left for today's inspection, and I also looked at it, and I have also arranged what you will do soon. I hope you will implement it as soon as possible and come up with things as soon as possible. Our municipal party committee and government will immediately

Research and implementation.

Now is the time to wait for me, don’t wait until the machine stops spinning!”

After Chen Jing finished speaking, he stood up and went straight out, earning a cold look from everyone in the room.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Ni Yongsheng stood up awkwardly, took out a box of Chinese cigarettes from his pocket, put it in front of Secretary-General Xiao Han, and said:

"Secretary-General, we made the Secretary angry. Really, you see..."

Xiao Han narrowed his eyes at Ni Yongsheng and took the flue: "If the secretary is not angry with you, you will have no chance to hold a meeting here! I hope you all change your thinking and think about business matters. You have to force the city to

Make up your mind, if a strong man cuts off his wrist, you will be a sinner.

Not to mention that you can’t explain Jingran’s glorious history, you can’t first explain it to your employees, who number tens of thousands of people!”

Xiao Han stood up and said, "What's wrong? Don't be stunned. The secretary is going back soon, won't you see him off?"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the room rushed out.

When they ran outside, Chen Jing had already got on the bus. Xiao Han stopped everyone and said, "Okay, that's it for today. The secretary doesn't like those false etiquettes. You go back and do your work well, and follow the secretary's requirements to complete the plan and

The plan is worked out, and I wish you good luck!"

Xiao Han quickly walked up to Chen Jing's car. He opened the back door and got in.

Chen Jingchong waved his hand to the driver, Lao He, and said: "Let's drive and go back directly!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.com to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone

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This chapter has been completed!
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