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Chapter 1167 This is a dead end

Lu Junnian was full of thoughts, and Wang Mingfeng was extremely unsure.

Wang Mingfeng was familiar with Wu Daming, and had been dealing with Xu Ziqing for a long time. Xu Ziqing said he wanted to observe and wait.

This is where he is cunning.

Chen Jing was a cadre promoted by Wu Daming, and he was so highly praised before. Chujiang people described Chen Jing as the hope of Jingjiang and the future of Chujiang.

Now that there is trouble in Jingjiang, what will happen if we wait a little longer?

If Chen Jing really lived up to expectations and quickly stabilized the situation, for Xu Ziqing, he would have given Chen Jing strong support at a critical moment.

On the other hand, if Chen Jing cannot control the situation and the situation becomes increasingly out of control if he waits any longer, Xu Ziqing can jump out at any time and redefine the matter. At that time, the person Wu Daming personally promoted left Maicheng, and as the Provincial Party Committee |

How much prestige does the secretary still have?

Secretary Wu Daming has a reputation for knowing people, but he promoted Mao Junhui first and was found to have serious disciplinary violations.

Now he has the strength to promote Chen Jing, but he has left Maicheng in Jingjiang. He has been employing people inappropriately one after another. What will the central government think of him?

Wang Mingfeng could see Xu Ziqing's intention almost at a glance, so he felt very uneasy.

The first thing he did when he returned to the office was to call Chen Jing.

When the call was connected, Wang Mingfeng said: "Chen Jing, what are you doing? This is not your way of doing things at all. If you don't control the situation, do you know what the consequences will be?"

Chen Jing said calmly on the phone: "Governor Wang, the situation in Jingjiang is so bad now. If we want to push forward reforms, we will always encounter some resistance and there will always be some costs. Now that we have the situation under control, will our reforms continue?

Are we going to give up halfway?

Once you have made up your mind, you must be fully prepared for difficulties. If someone creates difficulties for me, we immediately retreat. This is definitely not my style!"

Wang Mingfeng said angrily: "Then tell me. What's your style? I'd like to see your style! Tell me, are you sure? You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. You have to work slowly.

If you want to achieve something overnight, you are making a leftist mistake!"

Chen Jingdao: "Governor Wang, don't worry. I will handle Jingjiang's affairs seriously and do my best!"

"I hope so!" Wang Mingfeng exhaled and said, "My heart is not very good. Don't cause too much trouble. The key is that you don't live up to Secretary Sha's expectations of you!"

After hanging up the phone from Chen Jing, Wang Mingfeng felt better.

At least judging from the phone call, Chen Jing was very calm. It seemed that his mood was not affected by the rumors outside.

Maybe by this time, Chen Jing has already been arranging the aftermath, right?

Jingjiang Vienna Hotel.

Hong Chengang hosted a banquet for guests today, and a bunch of buddies from the shipyard came to the banquet.

Half drunk, he drunkenly said to Zhou Wangjun, chairman of the shipyard: "Old Zhou, don't mention it, these CPPCC members are really useless. This time our provincial CPPCC meeting and the National People's Congress meeting

It was a great success. The shipyard still belongs to you, brother Zhou, and we can still cooperate in the future to push the shipyard to greater heights."

Zhou Wangjun laughed. Hu Youlin on the side said: "Mr. Hong, you are so clever. There has been a lot of hype about our shipyard on the Internet recently. Is this all your handiwork? But there is a little regret, because the Internet is all focused on it.

Several small websites in Chujiang are very noisy here and have no national effect.

Let me tell you, our shipyard is very important in the country. We should talk more about this incident on well-known domestic websites, and also remind some self-righteous leaders that we are not easy to bully.

We really want to leave tens of thousands of people in our shipyard without food, and the rabbit will bite people when it is anxious!"

Hong Chen just waved his hand, let out a wine burp, and said: "It will be available soon, don't worry. The Internet is very well-informed now. Those are all high-tech things, I don't understand... By the way, old man

Hu, don’t talk nonsense! I’m not spreading rumors, I’m just fulfilling my duties as a member of the CPPCC, seriously submitting proposals, and participating in political discussions!”

"It's good to participate in politics and discuss politics. But we need entrepreneurs like Mr. Hong who dare to uphold justice to participate in politics and discuss politics and discuss important issues together!" someone interjected.

Hong Chengang chuckled and said: "I have some bad news for you. It seems that someone from the central government has come again to investigate the violations of laws and disciplines of our state-owned enterprises in Jingjiang in the past few years. According to reliable information, someone at the machinery factory seems to have been arrested.

The Discipline Inspection Commission is keeping an eye on it, and the news should be announced soon.

It seems that Secretary Chen of our municipal party committee is determined to carry out the anti-corruption campaign in state-owned enterprises to the end.

I am here to remind my brothers that we must be careful not to get caught by our secretary, otherwise we will be doomed!"

Hong Chengang squinted his eyes and glanced at everyone present, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

He turned to look at Zhou Chongwang and said: "Chairman, do you think I raised the alarm at the right time?"

Zhou Chongwang coughed dryly and said: "Mr. Hong believes in both black and white. What you said are all wise and wise sayings!"

"Ha, ha!" Hong Chengang laughed loudly and waved his hands: "Brothers, did you hear that? The chairman said I was saying wise words! Everyone listened carefully and kept it in their hearts. There are friends around me.

Those in the business community, don’t forget to give them a warning and ask everyone to be careful!”

Hong Chengang was secretly proud.

Now the wind that should be fanned outside has been fanned, and the big situation has been created. A storm is coming in Jingjiang.

At this time, just one spark would trigger a big explosion.

The central government specially came to investigate the corruption of state-owned enterprises, and Chen Jing is a cadre from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Obviously, others can easily think that this is Chen Jing's will.

If it were normal, many people would be so scared that they would wet their pants.

But now, Chen Jing is in a state of embarrassment because of the shipyard incident. The Internet is full of all kinds of comments and comments that curse Chen Jing. His position as secretary of the municipal party committee is in jeopardy.

At this time, he still wants to wipe out all state-owned enterprises. Are these people turned into rabbits? Will they accept the situation?

Political games are all about momentum, and Chen Jing has no momentum. As long as Jing Jiang falls from the bottom and attacks him in groups, and everyone adds insult to injury, he will be completely destroyed.

Hong Chengang was just using his own strength to gain strength. Now he felt that he had failed as a serious official in his life.

Running a business was a waste of his talents. If he had entered politics earlier, would Chen Jing have dared to touch Gao Minghua back then?

After the banquet dispersed, Hong Chengang personally saw everyone off. He approached Chairman Zhou Chongwang's car, leaned against the window and said:

"Mr. Zhou, this car is great! The imported BMW 7 Series fits your status, haha!"

He lowered his voice and said: "The company is so poor that it can't be blamed. It can't pay the wages of its employees, and it suffers losses every year. Our company leaders drive luxury cars, spend money like water, and drink hot food. Where is the conscience of such a leader?


After he finished speaking, he immediately waved his hand and said: "Just kidding, just kidding. These are the exact words Secretary Chen said at the municipal party committee meeting. I like to talk nonsense when I'm drunk. I can't take it seriously. I can't take it seriously!"

Zhou Chongwang said with a smile on his face: "Okay, Lao Hong, you drank too much! Go back and rest early, don't send me away!"

The car windows slowly closed, the car moved forward slowly, and the smile on Zhou Chongwang's face gradually faded.

He slowly closed his eyes, and the muscles on his face were twitching.

Hong Chengang was so arrogant that he threatened himself nakedly. This guy was an untamable and ambitious wolf. He was so ambitious that he would bite anyone he caught. He was really a serious problem that made people want to get rid of him quickly.

When he thought of this, Zhou Zhongwang punched the car seat hard.

Sometimes life is really like a game of chess. If you make one wrong move, you will lose everything.

It's all my fault that I was too careless back then.

Hong Chengang was indeed extremely cunning. Four years ago, Zhou Chongwang's son was attending university in Australia, and Hong Chengang had just contacted the shipyard about the steel business.

As soon as Hong Chen grasped this information, he flew to Australia in person, gave Zhou Chongwang's son $50,000, and gave him a new car.

Zhou Chongwang found out about this later, but he didn't pay much attention to it at first.

He has been a leader of a state-owned enterprise for a long time, and he occasionally accepts gifts, but Hong Chengang's gift is a bit too heavy.

But what he didn't expect was that Hong Chengang later gave his wife a card with a total of three million yuan in it.

Zhou Chongwang divorced his wife a long time ago, but his wife and son had a relationship. Hong Chengang didn't know about it at first, but later he saw that his son's life in Australia was getting worse and worse.

He immediately ran over and asked about it.

As soon as the matter was understood, he immediately realized that the matter was serious.

When he came back, he found Hong Chengang and asked him what he was doing. Unexpectedly, Hong Chengang said: "Dr. Jay, you are too worried. I like children who can read best. Your children are like tiger fathers but no dog sons. When I arrive,

Australia met him once and fell in love with this guy completely.

Life there is very competitive and stressful, and it’s not easy for children. As elders, we can’t let them suffer too much, right?”

Hong Chengang continued: "Besides, the money I give is all for my sister-in-law. What is your relationship with your sister-in-law? You are both divorced. If the Discipline Inspection Commission really wants to investigate, what can they investigate? I, Lao Hong, love giving money to others.

, what’s the matter?”

Zhou Chongwang was stunned at that time. He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but Hong Chen just said this, how could he fight back?

From then on, Hong Chengang had almost a monopoly on the steel supply to the shipyard.

This guy not only has a way with himself, but also the people below him are coaxed into submission. Sometimes he behaves so badly that Zhou Chongwang also wants to intervene and beat him.

But with this thought, he thought of those three million dollars. He couldn't say what he wanted to say, and he couldn't do what he wanted to do.

In this way, the situation is getting worse and worse. Zhou Chongwang falls into it step by step. This is a dead end! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is

My biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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