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Chapter 1199: Qiu Ruohan's embarrassment

There is a deep connection between Fang Lianjie and Qiu Ruohan, which Chen Jing never knew before.

Only when he sobered up did Chen Jing realize that Fang Lianjie had been pursuing Qiu Ruohan for quite some time.

This relationship was considered a bitter love for Fang Lianjie, because judging from the final result, Qiu Ruohan finally chose Hao Ming, while Fang Lianjie went through an unhappy marriage and is still alone to this day.

Chen Jing was not interested in knowing too much about the romance between Fang Lianjie and Qiu Ruohan.

But when he learned that things at Jingjiang Shipyard had unexpected changes, his inner excitement and sigh were really indescribable.

This matter has to start with Huanghai Shipyard.

At Qiu Ruohan's insistence, the Huanghai Shipyard inspection team finally settled on Linwu Shipyard.

But just when this matter was about to be finalized.

The Central Plains Military Region has spoken out. The leaders of the Central Plains Military Region expressed their high concern for the actions of the Huanghai Shipyard in a righteous manner at the Central Military Commission meeting.

The head of the Central Plains Military Region chose Linwu Shipyard over the nearby Huanghai Shipyard. He used three key words: "unbelievable", "understandable" and "shocking".

He really couldn't understand the reason why Huanghai Shipyard chose Linwu Shipyard.

When it comes to shipyard conditions, Jingjiang Shipyard is not comparable to Linwu Shipyard. When it comes to price, everyone in Jingjiang Shipyard gives it away for free. Linwu Shipyard has to spend hundreds of millions of yuan to acquire it. In the end, it will be considered, the head of the Central Plains Military Region said.

They have reason to suspect that there must be some inside story that people have overlooked.

Because if there is no inside story about this matter, there is no reason for Huanghai Shipyard to choose Linwu. Otherwise, the upper management of Huanghai Shipyard is quite repulsive to the Central Plains Military Region and does not follow the opinions of the local military region at all.

The head of the Central Plains Military Region made a powerful speech at the Central Military Commission meeting.

The storm it caused can be imagined.

The Military Commission dispatched a special investigation team to understand and coordinate the matter, and several forces in the military also launched a fierce game over this matter.

In the end, it was naturally the military's special rules that firmly prevailed.

The Central Plains Military Region is a military region responsible for coastal defense. Since ancient times, those who conquer the Central Plains have conquered the world. Among the seven military regions of the Republic, the strength of the Central Plains Military Region is second to none.

Taking into consideration all conditions, as a military enterprise, Huanghai Shipyard's cooperation with the Central Plains Military Region is long-term. If this relationship is not handled well, how can the operation and production of Huanghai Shipyard be guaranteed in the future?

So in the end, a major leader of the Military Commission spoke out and asked Huanghai Shipyard to reconsider the acquisition plan.

This is actually a complete negation of the established plan of the Huanghai Shipyard. No matter how wronged the leadership team of the Huanghai Shipyard is, they dare to violate the decision of the Military Commission?

Naturally, the old plan had to be overturned, and the original plan to acquire Jingjiang Shipyard was put forward again.

Because of this incident, the turmoil in the capital was huge.

First of all, Qiu Ruohan is one of the key figures in Huanghai Shipyard's decision-making. He is the chief negotiator of the Huanghai Shipyard inspection team. Regarding the identification of the two shipyards, her opinions are very important.

Now the Military Commission has overturned the decision of Huanghai Shipyard, which is equivalent to giving her a heads-up.

It is said that as soon as the Military Commission made its announcement, she rushed to the capital from the Yellow Sea and carried out various activities in the capital, trying to find connections and change the Military Commission's decision.

I doubt that her approach seems to be very effective.

Otherwise, why would Fang Lianjie say that Qiu Ruohan is in such a mess now?

Chen Jing learned about this situation through various sources, and he was about to confirm this situation with the leaders of the military region.

But unexpectedly received a strange invitation.

Qiu Zizhong, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee of the Northern Chu Province and executive deputy governor, shouted through the air that Chen Jing would be invited to have dinner at the Tan Family Private Restaurant in the Capital Hotel.

When Chen Jing heard the name Qiu Zizhong, he was immediately stunned.

He is not very familiar with Qiu Zizhong, but does he know about Vice Chairman Qiu of the Military Commission?

The Qiu family in the capital has always been low-key and is far less well-known than the Fang family. But after all, Chen Jing has been the son-in-law of the Fang family for so many years. How could he not know about the various forces in the capital?

Vice Chairman Qiu's father is also one of the founding fathers of the Republic. His status is as high as that of General Fang.

However, Mr. Qiu died of illness shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the Qiu family was not active in the political arena of the Republic for many years.

Until Vice Chairman Qiu of the Military Commission rose to prominence in the army, and after the reform and opening up, Vice Chairman Qiu was repeatedly promoted by the head of the Southern Patrol, and the Qiu family in the capital became a "noble" force in the political circles of the capital.

It is certain that Qiu Zizhong is the queen of the generals. Now he is also the executive deputy governor. It is said that he is still very young. It is very likely that Qiu Zizhong will be the leading figure of the Qiu family in the future.

There was no way Chen Jing could refuse such an invitation, so he immediately agreed.

He really wanted to meet this general and see what kind of singing he could do.

There is no such thing as a free lunch these days. If someone invites others to have dinner at Tan's private kitchen, the goal is very clear. It is 100% aimed at the Huanghai Shipyard acquisition incident.

Beijing Bayi Villa.

Vice Chairman Qiu lives in Villa No. 23.

Among the current central leaders, Vice Chairman Qiu is the oldest, turning 80 this year.

The party's cadre retirement system is much more relaxed for the military. After all, the military is very sensitive. Military leaders need to establish prestige and control the situation, and seniority is particularly important.

Vice Chairman Qiu is an old man left over from the previous central government. In the entire political bureau, he is the only leader who has spanned two terms of leadership and still holds a high position.

Of course, the current term is already his last term, and Vice Chairman Qiu is at the peak of his political life at this time.

Qiu Ruohan spent a whole day in Villa No. 23 today.

It wasn't until after eight o'clock in the evening that Vice Chairman Qiu's car went home.

Qiu Ruohan greeted him nervously from the living room, and Vice Chairman Qiu's hearty laughter could already be heard in the yard.

Qiu Ruohan called out: "Grandpa!"

He ran over as if he was flying.

Mr. Qiu was stunned, laughed out loud, took off the military doctor outside, stepped closer and said, "Why am I in such a hurry to go home today! It turns out it's you, the girl, who seems to have telepathy.


Qiu Ruohan raised his eyebrows and said, "Grandpa, you are too tired from work. Look at how long it will be before you go home!"

Mr. Qiu's smile did not fade and he said: "It is only natural that the eldest grandson loves grandpa. Among my large group of children, your father is the one who makes me worry the most. Now that you are the younger generation, I hope you can also learn from your father. In this way, I will

When you retire and enjoy your old age, you will feel much more comfortable."

Qiu Ruohan raised her lips and said: "Look at what you said, according to what you want, everyone in our family will have to become history professors. This is not in line with the actual situation. There are only the number of history professors in our country.

There are so many. If all these professors are named Qiu, aren't we creating a family academic monopoly?"

Qiu Lao was stunned, laughed loudly, and said: "You girl, you are so sharp-tongued. You didn't learn from your father's honesty, but you followed your mother!"

An old man and a young man entered the living room while chatting.

Qiu Ruohan obediently brought Mr. Qiu a cup of hot tea and sat on the sofa with his grandfather.

The smile on Mr. Qiu's face gradually faded, and he said: "Ruohan, you stay at home in the middle of the night waiting for me to come back. Don't you really feel sorry for me, grandpa? I work hard. What's the saying? Don't let things go unnoticed.

Baodian, yes, that’s what you said. What do you want to talk to grandpa about today?”

Qiu Ruohan blushed and hesitated for a long time before saying:

"Grandpa, it's actually nothing big. You know, it's the acquisition of Huanghai Shipyard. As a local enterprise, our work should be independent. I don't understand why our business practices are still subject to criticism.

The influence of the troops.

You must know that we are an enterprise that is responsible for its own profits and losses. Now the country has always said that government and enterprises should be separated. Is it possible that we still can't separate government and enterprises?"

Qiu Lao frowned, the smile on his face gradually faded, and he said with a straight face: "Is it the separation of government and enterprise? The Military Commission has never said that it will interfere with the work of your Huanghai Shipyard. As the military, you are also your biggest

Partners, we are just suggesting, this is not an order.

You can consider it or not implement it!"

Qiu Ruohan was stunned for a moment and said: "Grandpa, aren't you using strong words! How can we, a small shipyard, not implement the Military Commission's recommendations? You..."

Qiu Lao hummed softly, pointed at Qiu Ruohan, and said: "You girl, do you know what it means to lose a big thing for a small sum? Your fourth uncle works in Chubei Province, and you are in charge of shipyard negotiations.

People. Don’t you think it’s reasonable that the Huanghai Shipyard is willing to go far away from the nearby Jingjiang Shipyard, but it wants to go to Chubei to acquire the Linwu Shipyard?

You guys think about problems too simplistically and never learn to look at the overall situation when doing things.

You are young and don’t understand the importance and power. But your fourth uncle is still young? He actually did such a thing, do you think I will spare him?"

Qiu Ruohan's expression suddenly changed and he said hurriedly: "Grandpa, I really don't blame my fourth uncle for this. My fourth uncle really didn't know about it. I played an important role in the decision-making of our factory on this matter. We chose Linwu Shipyard, there is absolutely no

Because of my fourth uncle.

It's just that we feel that the debt of Jingjiang Shipyard is too heavy, and the development environment of Jingjiang and even Chujiang is too poor. We made the decision after comprehensive consideration.

Fourth uncle didn’t know about it from beginning to end. This time..."

The chill on Mr. Qiu's face continued, "That's unforgivable. Under melons and plums, if he can't grasp and understand such a simple thing, can he still be rational?"

His voice softened and he said: "Ruohan, you are not young anymore. It's time to mature slowly. Take this acquisition as an example. You have carefully considered all the factors involved.

Is it? You are still not serious, you cannot see the essence of the problem through the phenomenon, and you will make mistakes as soon as you do your work. The first thing for you now is to reflect deeply.

Not only you must reflect, but your entire team must reflect. If you don’t understand the military and soldiers, how can you become an excellent military industry company?” To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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