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The first thousand two hundred and forty-eight chapters: Chen Jing puts ruthless words.

After all, the news of the massacre in Jingjiang was not suppressed.

The next day, Chujiang media broke the news, saying that a massacre involving thousands of people occurred in an industrial zone in Sanhe District, Jingjiang. The massacre was caused by migrant workers asking for wages, and then it was revealed that the Chucheng Yonggu Construction Engineering Company

The general manager ran away with the money and owed a huge amount of project money in Jingjiang, which caused many problems one after another in Jingjiang.

It is also reported that in the Jingjiang Sanhe District riot, an executive of Chujiang Wanhai Group was seriously injured, and Wanhai Group will suffer huge losses as a result.

Then rumors about the poor investment environment in Jingjiang began to spread. Chucheng media broke the news that insiders of the Jingjiang Investment Promotion Bureau reported that in the past two months, at least five investment projects had been stranded due to the poor investment environment in Jingjiang.

Wanhai Group may consider divesting its capital from Jingjiang due to land disputes and unfair treatment.

When such news came to light, the whole province was shocked.

Relevant departments of the provincial government told the outside world that the relevant departments of the provincial party committee are investigating the Sanhe scandal in Jingjiang. Regarding the investment environment in Jingjiang, the relevant departments of the provincial government will also closely communicate with the Jingjiang municipal party committee and municipal government to urge Jingjiang to work hard to improve it.


This response from the Chujiang Provincial Government undoubtedly made this speculation more credible, and all kinds of issues about Jingjiang began to explode.

There are rumors one after another about Jingjiang's social security problems, Jingjiang's entertainment industry chaos, the problem of pornography, gambling and drugs, Jingjiang officials' internal corruption problems, and issues involving power and money transactions.

The situation that had been calm for a while became turbulent again, and various questions about the policies of the Jingjiang team were rampant.

Someone spoke out during a group discussion between the Provincial People's Congress, the CPPCC and veteran cadres, saying that Jingjiang paid too much attention to economic indicators and pursued economic reforms too much, while neglecting social rectification and purification.

The image of the entire city is getting worse and worse, and various social problems are not only not solved, but are increasing in number. This will most likely lead to chaos in the entire society, and in the end all achievements will be in vain.

Some people even publicly criticized Chen Jing, saying that Chen Jing was cultivating a personality cult in Jingjiang, paying too much attention to situation control, and placing too much emphasis on the role of economic cadres. As a result, he neglected all aspects of work such as public prosecutions, the united front, disciplinary inspection and supervision, and party-mass propaganda.


The situation created by this is that Jingjiang is taking the road of the Great Leap Forward, being top-heavy and pursuing short-term interests too much, which is very likely to ignore the long-term healthy development of the entire Jingjiang.

Jingjiang Municipal Party Committee.

The enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee was held in the main conference room on the first floor. The atmosphere at the meeting was very dull.

Obviously, everyone present at today's meeting was caught off guard by the various doubts that Jingjiang was suddenly subjected to. No one expected that a murder under investigation would suddenly cause such a fierce response from society.

Of course, the dullness is definitely superficial. Maybe some people are happy and some are worried about this situation. Chen Jing knows this very well.

Are the doubts from outside justified?

Chen Jing objectively thinks it makes sense.

But the problem is that when Chen Jing is in charge of Jingjiang, he must have a focus. He must focus his work on one point. Otherwise, everything will be scattered, how can he operate?

What made Chen Jingwo angry was that he had finally made some improvements and had just stabilized the situation in Jingjiang, but something like this suddenly appeared. You can imagine how he felt.

Looking at the inner substance through the surface, Chen Jing is very clear that the reason why the external reaction is so fierce is that it is basically a dispute over the line.

How should the development of the Chujiang River be carried out? Will the Chujiang River follow the path of the Jingjiang River? Will those vested interest groups be willing to release their interests?

This series of problems must be faced now.

When Chen Jinggang came to Chujiang, he was in charge of Jingjiang. There was speculation outside that Secretary Wu Daming wanted to make Jingjiang a benchmark for the development of the province.

But that is just a rumor after all, and most people still don’t believe it!

Although Chen Jing is very famous and has a profound background, he is still young and single-handedly entered Jingjiang, which has such a complicated environment. Can he control the situation in Jingjiang?

Obviously there is a big question mark here.

However, in the past year, Chen Jing has used his own performance to prove that he is capable of controlling Jingjiang. Not only is he capable of suppressing Jingjiang, but he is also capable of solving the most thorny state-owned enterprise problems in Jingjiang.

Now it seems that all the obstacles to Jingjiang's development will be removed.

Once Jingjiang embarks on the fast track of development, even if Chen Jing is given a year, Jingjiang may completely change its appearance.

Under such circumstances, of course many people can't sit still. If they don't take action at this time, wouldn't they be caught without mercy?

Therefore, in Chen Jing's view, this incident is, on the one hand, a counterattack by vested interest groups against those who break the rules. On the other hand, some people in Chujiang hope that Jingjiang will not be able to do it. In the ten cities in the province, everyone is chasing me.

Come on, who wants to take the lead?

Among them, Chucheng is the most typical one. Chen Jing has long understood that there will definitely be a very fierce game between him and Lei Mingfeng.

Now it is obvious that the forces from both sides are united to discredit Jingjiang, which makes Chen Jing smell a hint of crisis.

In today's Standing Committee meeting, Chen Jing did not discuss the current external situation, but focused on Sanhe **.

Chen Jing ordered the Public Security Bureau to strictly investigate the matter, especially the situation of Chucheng Yonggu Construction Engineering Company. This matter must be extinguished first.

The migrant workers should be appeased if they should be appeased, and Wan Hai's losses should be compensated as soon as possible.

In addition, he had to rely on the CEO of Chucheng Yonggu Engineering Company to suddenly run away and closely contact some abnormal situations in Jingjiang Investment Promotion. Chen Jing intuitively felt that there must be something in it.

Otherwise, things in the world would not be so coincidental.

An accident occurred at the Sanhe construction site. So many negative news came out immediately, and the situation was suddenly thrown into turmoil. There was no premeditation and no exquisite arrangements in advance. How could it be possible?

Seeing that everyone was in a low mood, Chen Jing snorted softly and said:

"Comrades, I know what you are thinking right now, but one thing I am here to assure you today is that Jingjiang's development ideas will never change. I, Chen Jing, can definitely withstand the pressure Jingjiang faces!

This is the characteristic of the people in Chujiang. They all have pink eye. We in Jingjiang have made some achievements this year. Some people started to get jealous when they saw it, and they thought something was going to happen.

In addition, we have found a path suitable for Jingjiang, which is the most serious and core issue of state-owned enterprises in Jingjiang's development model. But I believe everyone still remembers the ** of the shipyard. We took this path and made some people pay the price.

It's very big.

There is a group of people who are used to making money from the national crisis. The more losses the state-owned enterprises make, the richer their pockets will be.

The more state-owned enterprises lose, the more they make. There is a very tight and precise chain of interests. We destroyed this chain of interests in Jingjiang. Our actions made some people nervous. The so-called rabbit dies and the fox is sad. I think this is exactly what it is now.


Chen Jing paused slightly, and then said in a loud voice: "I held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee today, and I conveyed my first request, that is, don't care about the rumors outside, and don't care about anyone criticizing our work.

How we should do our own work, we must insist on doing it!

What happened to our economic development? We have gone astray in our economic development? As for the dispute over the line, our party has already determined the direction at the Third Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The words of the head of the Southern Inspection Tour are still in my ears, so this issue will be litigated.

Central, I’m still not afraid!”

At this point, his voice suddenly turned cold, and he said: "Some of the comrades here may be surprised when they hear what I say. They may even feel disapproval. I, Chen Jing, always like to do things openly and aboveboard.


Regarding my personal issues and our gay relationship, some people make mistakes and some people make mistakes. I can understand and tolerate it.

But if anyone is doing it for their own interests or for the so-called factional disputes, which affects the overall situation of Jingjiang, I will vilify it first. You must all know my character. At certain critical moments, don't blame me for turning against me!


Chen Jing's words were so murderous that everyone present was moved.

Chen Jing has been in Jingjiang for such a long time. Everyone has seen how he behaves without following the rules and is iron-fisted and decisive.

However, Chen Jing has always been moderate in the Standing Committee and rarely blushes. As for such harsh words, this is the first time he said it today.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, and some people's expressions changed.

Chen Jing was known as "Chen King of Hell" in Lingnan. After he arrived in Jingjiang, he restrained himself a lot. However, as his position in Jingjiang was consolidated and his prestige increased, his evil reputation became more and more popular within the Jingjiang system.

The wider.

But today, Chen Jing said such harsh words, and everyone smelled extremely severe murderous intent in his words.

Secretary Chen is anxious, angry, angry, and may want to kill Ma Su in tears.

The venue was silent for three or four minutes. The entire venue was so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop.

Chen Jing's eyes were like lightning, scanning everyone's faces over and over again.

Finally, he took the tea and took a sip, stood up, his expression softened, and said: "Okay, our meeting ends here today. In a word, my nephew lights up the lantern, and everything is business as usual! There is noisy outside

Outside, we are doing our own thing, turning a deaf ear to what is happening outside the window, and only focusing on development. This is the job we need to face now!"

He glanced at everyone one last time and slowly walked out.

Everyone watched his back go away, but no one stood up. It was not until he walked far away that anyone dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

[Today’s update is late, sorry! Last night at the Guangzhou Annual Meeting, I consulted the pie master and the Hongmeng tree master until late at night. I received re-education and severe criticism from the master, which kept me up all night...

The criticism is very profound. In fact, the two words "unsatisfactory" about official policies have tortured me for two years. To the heaven and earth, Nanhua needs to learn from the painful experience if it wants to change...

Brothers, give me some monthly votes, just as a consolation, there will be another chapter later!] (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly votes, your support is

My biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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