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Chapter 1317 Where to go? (Final Chapter)

[I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year first! I recommend Sanyang Zhuzhu’s new book "Medical Master", and I recommend Gem Cat’s new official book "Quan Xiong". It starts from a very small number of realistic officialdoms, which is not easy...]

Beijing, this is Chen Jing’s return home to celebrate the New Year.

When Chen Jing came back last year, rumors about his promotion spread widely.

After spending the Spring Festival in the capital, he returned to Chujiang and was immediately promoted to a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and successfully entered the core decision-making level of Chujiang Province.

And after just one year, Chen Jing came back to celebrate the New Year, and rumors about him taking up his new job again spread.

In just one year, Chen Jing seems to be in a position to achieve a triple jump.

Currently, Chen Jing's name is on the list of reserve cadres that the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is focusing on cultivating.

In the thick archives of Chen Jing collected by the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Chen Jing’s resume and political achievements are also convincing.

In particular, Chen Jing's work experience in Lingnan and his tenure as secretary of the Municipal Party Committee in Jingjiang, the earth-shaking changes he brought to the local economy are indeed outstanding political achievements.

And he is not yet forty years old. At this age, it is impossible to choose anyone who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him among the young cadres in the country.

As for Chen Jing's return to Beijing, you can imagine how much attention he received.

You should know that cadres with real power at the provincial deputy ministerial level are generally not allowed to leave their jobs for vacation, especially during large-scale festivals such as the Spring Festival. People celebrate the New Year happily, but cadres in power need to sacrifice their personal rest time and stick to their posts.

What does it mean that Chen Jing can step down from the post of Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee?

It seems that the answer is self-evident.

This year the Fang family is celebrating the Spring Festival. Fang Luping had surgery for gastrointestinal disease some time ago and is now recuperating. As a backbone of the State Council, he rarely has such an opportunity to recuperate.

And after this year, it happens to be the 100th anniversary of the birth of General Fang.

Therefore, the second and third generations of the Fang family also attach great importance to the Spring Festival this year, and almost all of them have arrived.

The Fang family is the core of the northwest department. The Fang family's great celebration will inevitably affect the northwest department.

After Chen Jing returned to Beijing, he met with several veteran cadres of the Northwest Department, such as Senior Minister Wen Zhuonan and Senior General Gu Mingfan.

The two are of the same rank, and after retiring, they both enjoy the treatment of deputy national leaders. One lives in the Central Lao Gan family area, and the other lives in the Bayi Lao Gan villa.

Both old men are in good spirits and have sharp minds. Although they have been retired for a few years, they are not neglected.

The Northwest has a big market and a lot of people. Their disciples and former officials are spread all over the country.

Although the Northwest Department is now mainly controlled by Fang Luping, there are still many people who encounter difficulties at work and are not sure about key issues. They will personally visit retired comrades to seek advice and help from them.

In fact, these two people were not familiar with Chen Jing.

When they were in office, Chen Jing's position was still relatively low and he was not even in their sight.

But things are different now. If Chen Jing is considered a member of the Northwest Clique, Chen Jing has become the most dazzling political star among many people now.

Not only did the Northwest Clan pay great attention to Chen Jing, but even the Yellow Sea Clan and the Beijing-Tianjin Clan, the most important and powerful circles in the Republic, could not ignore Chen Jing's existence.

For example, President Miao of the State Council recommended Chen Jing to serve in Huanghai, saying that Chen Jing was a representative of young economic cadres in the new era.

Understand the Western economy and world trends. As an international city, Huanghai should shoulder the important task of cultivating young cadres for the Republic.

He believes that Chen Jing's going to Huanghai to take up an important position will not only be beneficial to his personal growth, but Chen Jing's ability and development awareness will also play a positive role in Huanghai's economy and the image of the entire city.

In addition to Miao Qiang, the current secretary of Lingnan Province, Mo Zheng, is said to have also suggested to the central government that he hope to transfer Chen Jing to serve as member of the Standing Committee of the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Guangdong Municipal Party Committee.

Guangdong is the southern gate of the Republic, and the selection of its top leaders often attracts much attention.

At the end of this year, the Guangdong Municipal Party Committee Secretary was vacant. In order to compete for this spot, almost all the heavyweight factions across the country participated.

The position of municipal party committee secretary of a first-tier city in the Republic must only be held by the best cadres in the Republic. Among the many competitions, Secretary Mo Zheng recommended Chen Jing. This shows the high attention Chen Jing receives and the breadth of his connections.

As for the leaders who recommended Chen Jing to serve in northern Jiangsu, Liaodong, and even the northwest, Chen Jing, who is now different from the past, visited the homes of veteran cadres from the northwest department, and naturally became a guest.

Wen Zhuonan and Fang Lujian have similar hobbies, and they also like flowers and trees.

There were many flowers and plants in the yard. After his retirement, he entertained his grandchildren, took care of the flowers and trees, and completely lived a retired life.

When Chen Jing came to his house, he enthusiastically pulled Chen Jing to talk about flowers and trees, and he was very interested.

Chen Jing is really not an outsider in this aspect. When he was serving below, because the old general had this hobby, he also paid more attention to this aspect.

Although his level is not high, he is definitely an expert.

The two chatted happily, and Wen Zhuonan asked: "Xiao Chen, are you not even forty years old?"

Chen Jing said respectfully: "Mr. Wen, I am thirty-eight years old and will soon be forty!"

Wen Zhuonan nodded, shook his head and said: "I will be eighty next year, which is more than forty years older than you!"

He glanced at Chen Jing with some complicated eyes and sighed in his heart.

Yesterday, Lu Jiyan, the executive deputy governor of Chujiang, came to visit him. He was in a very low mood and said he was not very satisfied with his new appointment in Chujiang.

Lu Jiyan's wife is Wen Zhuonan's niece, and Wen Zhuonan can be regarded as Lu Jiyan's serious uncle-in-law. Lu Jiyan has been able to dominate the northwest for so many years and stand out because of Wen Zhuonan's shadow.

This time when Lu Jiyan went to the Central Plains, he also paid a special visit to Wen Zhuonan.

At that time, Mr. Wen told him to pay close attention to unity work and never bring the bad temper he learned from the northwest to the Central Plains.

Cadres in the northwest generally have a bad temper, are angry, and have a rough and simple work style. This kind of work style works well in the northwest. Will it also work in the Central Plains?

Lu Jiyan naturally followed Wen Zhuonan's suggestion.

But after he arrived at Chujiang, he discovered that the situation there was much more complicated than he imagined. Not to mention that he went there without his temper, but what would happen if he went there with his temper?

The factions in Chujiang are complex, and as an outsider, he can be said to be isolated and helpless.

Even though Xu Ziqing left him a lot of things, these people didn't always listen to him.

He kept a low profile and tried several times, trying to create a gap in the Chu River, but he failed every time he tried.

Especially his several long-distance wrestling matches with Chen Jing made him look very embarrassed and embarrassed.

He was really frustrated by his stay in Chujiang. When he returned to the capital, Wenzhuonan asked about the situation in Chujiang. He poured beans out of a bamboo tube and poured them all out.

There were various attacks on Chen Jing in his words, saying that Chen Jing was creating factions in Chujiang, drawing rules and regulations for leading cadres, and formulating prescribed actions. His work style was the most arbitrary, which caused great resentment in Chujiang and made government orders incomprehensible.


Wen Zhuonan didn't say anything at that time, he kept this matter in his mind.

When I met Chen Jing today, I saw that Chen Jing was so polite and gentle. The two of them chatted about bonsai and Chujiang. It was obvious that he was an elegant person. How could he see the strength and dictatorship in this young man?

Wen Zhuonan is an old leader of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Of course he knows the following situation.

Whether cadres are courageous, whether they can achieve results, whether they can ensure regional stability and the people's loyalty are the criteria for judging whether cadres are good or bad.

As for people slandering us behind the scenes, spreading rumors and attacking us, these cannot be taken seriously.

The system of the Republic is like this. A cadre with excellent academic performance and excellent performance in all aspects will always arouse the hostility, envy, jealousy and hatred of many people. Isn’t that the same virtue below?

Thinking of this, he was only disappointed with Lu Jiyan.

In one year in Chujiang, I didn't get any results, but I was full of complaints.

The situation in Chujiang has obviously begun to improve since last year, and it has begun to emerge in the Central Plains region. Where did Lu Jiyan come from so many complaints?

If he has complaints, it only means that he has not integrated into the Chujiang collective. How can such a cadre not disappoint people?

Beijing, Babaoshan.

The north wind is bleak and everything is chilled. Only the pine and cypress trees stand proudly in the cold wind, looking heroic.

Chen Jing, his wife and daughter finished sweeping the old general's grave. He stood quietly in front of the old general's grave without saying a word for a long time.

The Spring Festival break is actually the most tiring, with all kinds of entertainment and visits happening one after another, and there are simply not a few hours of rest every day.

Yesterday, Minister Mi of the Organization Department of the Central Committee finally had a conversation with Chen Jing.

His conversation had two meanings. The first meaning was that the central government would definitely adjust Chen Jing's job position, so Chen Jing's idea of ​​continuing to serve in Chujiang could be cut off.

On this issue, Mi Qian gave Chen Jing severe criticism. When did the Jingjiang Clan appear in Chujiang? Why was the Jingjiang Clan born? Has Chen Jing considered it? Just because of the Jingjiang Clan, the Central Organization Department received

How many issues have been reported about Chen Jing?

He criticized Chen Jing for being ignorant, without any political acumen, for not knowing how to protect himself, and for forgetting about his achievements after making some achievements in Chujiang.

Teasing Chen Jing to leave Chu Jiang is, in a sense, protecting him.

Mi Qian's second meaning is that Chen Jing has a high chance of going to work in the coast. He asked Chen Jing to immediately reflect on himself, find his own characteristics and shortcomings, and position himself correctly.

To quickly adapt to the status of a senior party cadre, one must have one's own political ideas and opinions. These are the basic qualities that every senior party cadre must possess.

The two met for more than an hour. Mi Qian talked a lot, and Chen Jing also learned a lot.

At this moment, he stood here, thinking about these words in his heart, and couldn't help but feel excited.

It's hard to let go of Chujiang, but I have to let it go. Even though I hold a high position, I still can't freely choose a place that suits me, and I feel like a rogue in my heart.

Next stop, where will you go?

[Is it over? After typing the last word, Nan Hua felt extremely complicated and didn’t even know what to say to his brother.

I will present Chen Jing's experiences one by one in the form of postscript. It must be the Spring and Autumn style of writing. I will stop at the most pointed points. I hope everyone can understand...

What else is there to say?

Two years...two years of persistence in silence have brought us to this day. It is not easy, brothers. Thank you brothers for sticking with me all the way. I bow and thank you.

I really won’t talk about the rest. People’s emotions are unstable and their speech is incoherent. Let’s talk about it slowly in the postscript...

Maybe by that time, I will gradually calm down...] (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.com to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m


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