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About postscript three!

Los Angeles, USA.

As soon as the plane for the Northern Jiangsu Provincial delegation to visit Los Angeles landed, a huge crowd of reporters appeared on the tarmac.

Northern Jiangsu is now the most active province in the Republic. According to last year's economic index statistics, the economic scale of Northern Jiangsu Province has far exceeded that of South Korea. This is a shocking figure.

Last year, the Republic's economic aggregate surpassed that of the United States and became the world's largest economic power.

Under such circumstances, American political and academic circles were in an uproar.

Especially many pessimistic groups. They have been clamoring about the threat to the Republic for so many years. Finally, the threat to the Republic has become a reality.

The United States, a superpower, has existed for more than seventy years and has always been an economic and military superpower.

Its more than seventy-year feat of dominating the global economy was ended by the Republic. You can imagine the psychology of Americans at this time.

Against this background, Chen Jing, Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Northern Jiangsu Province of the Republic of China, led a delegation to visit the United States, and the sensational effect it brought can be imagined.

Chen Jing is currently the most dazzling political star in the Republic and the well-deserved leader of the economically powerful province of Northern Jiangsu. Whether in the officialdom of the Republic or in the Western world, many people are accustomed to calling Chen Jing the "King of Northern Jiangsu"


Chen Jing worked hard in Northern Jiangsu for ten years and personally built Northern Jiangsu, an upgraded version of the Republic's reform and opening up province. He deepened reforms in Northern Jiangsu, established a free trade zone, and comprehensively reformed finance, completely breaking the traditional rules and regulations and integrating with the world.

On the way, Chen Jing was hailed as the first man of the Republic.

Moreover, the institutional problems criticized by conservatives in the Republic were greatly improved during Chen Jing's rule in northern Jiangsu.

The system of the Republic of China, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) participating in political affairs, and public supervision of governance has been taken to the extreme in Northern Jiangsu. The political atmosphere of Northern Jiangsu is now well-known throughout the country, and even many Western political researchers are studying the so-called "Northern Jiangsu Model."

The most successful aspect of the "Northern Jiangsu Model" is that the decision-making and supervisory powers of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have been maximized.

North Jiangsu Province is the first experimental province in the country to conduct universal suffrage for provincial-level People's Congress deputies, and is also the first province to elect provincial-level CPPCC members through universal suffrage. We must pay close attention to the election work to truly ensure that the National People's Congress deputies can represent the people and the CPPCC members

Be able to represent the suggestions and opinions of other parties.

It has to be said that the successful attempt of this system set a precedent for the political reform of the Republic, and also allowed the Republic's much-criticized institutional problems to find a bright road to reform.

Traditionally, deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC are actually officially appointed or recommended.

There are some social celebrities, so-called stars in the entertainment industry, who have no political literacy themselves. But because they are famous and have many fans, some places like to recruit these people to participate in politics and even exercise power on behalf of the people.

There are also some so-called heroes of the Republic who won a gold medal in the Olympics or other events, but they are still children and have poor emotional intelligence and IQ. They are also arranged to be deputies to the National People's Congress or members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Such an arrangement has seriously damaged the image of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and made it impossible for the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to perform their duties.

The "Northern Jiangsu Model" led by Chen Jing in northern Jiangsu completely broke these restrictions and adopted a universal suffrage mechanism under the leadership of the party to ensure the high quality of deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the CPPCC.

At the same time, the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are given their due rights.

The National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are no longer a place for retired leaders to retire.

On the contrary, the National People's Congress's functions and the political consultation functions require its main leaders to have stronger and higher standards.

Northern Jiangsu has also broken the tradition that the chairman of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress and the chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are not members of the Standing Committee. The chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in northern Jiangsu are both members of the Standing Committee of the provincial party committee.

Their ranking is only behind the provincial governor. They have a huge say in the province's major decisions and the formulation of major policies.

The four sets of teams in the republican system have truly played the role they should play, and Northern Jiangsu has benefited greatly from this. Now the politics of Northern Jiangsu is highly clean and efficient.

The overall economic prosperity of northern Jiangsu is a good illustration of the problem.

The "Northern Jiangsu Model" has now become a research topic for political scientists around the world. Western research believes that this model mobilizes various social resources to the greatest extent, and can almost be said to be better than the so-called communist rule in the West, and continues to

Hundreds of years of democratic model.

The most criticized thing about the Western model is the internal strife between governments, which has long been mired in internal strife and struggles, resulting in the inability of those in power to govern according to their own governing ideas.

After all, the election of any president or prime minister is backed by a powerful financial group. The party that finally wins the election through crazy money burning will inevitably lean towards the financial groups and forces behind it while in power.

Such a model is completely inconsistent with social fairness and cannot achieve true democracy.

At the airport, the American officials who came to pick him up were of high rank.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Gibby and Los Angeles Mayor Hughes appeared together. Under heavy attention from reporters and democratic parties, Chen Jing and his team got off the plane. They were greeted with applause and endless flashing lights.

Go down the steps.

A row of American girls presented flowers to Chen Jing and others, and Gibby and others came over to shake hands with Chen Jing.

Originally, according to the reception standards, Gibby personally went to the airport to greet him, which was a high standard.

However, when the two sides were communicating, the United States mentioned that Chen Jing is now an alternate member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, so he should be received with high standards.

In fact, this is an American trick.

This is what Americans are best at doing, because the higher the standard of the reception, the more attention Chen Jing's visit to the United States will receive.

Under the current international background, Chen Jing's visit to the United States has been full of obstacles. Many American politicians generally believe that Chen Jing lacks the diplomatic experience to operate on international occasions.

Waiting for Chen Jing to make a mistake!

As long as Chen Jing makes a slight omission, the Americans can use it to hype up the so-called great threat to the Republic.

Then it instigates the recent so-called great crisis in the United States, and the military wants to use this to further expand the military. The government wants to use the threat of the Republic and the excuse of the crisis in the United States to carry out international hype and isolate the Republic in international energy and international trade.

The Americans' wishful thinking is not bad, and both sides know it very well.

Gibby is a tall, handsome man with blond hair. He is also a newly rising hawk in American politics and is very popular in American politics.

Before entering politics, he served as the global president of the American company CBM. At that time, CBM conquered the market of the Republic and carried out encirclement and suppression of domestic hardware manufacturers in the Republic. It was he who personally deployed it.

During that period, he learned to speak fluent Chinese and began to study Chinese history and culture. Over the decades, he has become the most authoritative expert on republican issues in the United States.

He shook hands with Chen Jing, smiled, and even hugged Chen Jing warmly.

In English: "Mr. Chen Jing, you are four years younger than me! It's amazing that the Republic has such a young national leader, which is very enviable!"

Chen Jing laughed and said: "Mr. Gibby, I finally know why you became the US Deputy Secretary of State, because you must have said the same thing when you first met President Barrow."

Gibby was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

And the translators around me haven't even had time to translate all this.

As for this scene, many reporters around saw it and picked up their cameras one after another. Some of them turned on the recording and were even more overjoyed.

However, a few American reporters who only spoke half-literate Chinese had not yet figured out what was going on. By the time they realized what was going on, the scene was over, and they could only watch helplessly as a headline about a big stunt slipped away in vain.

The airport has microphones ready.

Accompanied by Gibby and others, Chen Jing delivered an airport speech.

With a smile on his face, he said: "I didn't expect that Mr. Gibby would pick me up when I got off the plane. This surprise was a bit too big. My colleagues and I were also deeply surprised. What does this mean? What does this say about the American people?

The hospitality is no less hospitable than that of the Chinese nation.

Prior to this, I held a special press conference for my coming to the United States.

At that time, many American reporters asked me why I came to the United States and what was my purpose?"

Chen Jing paused and said: "I asked the question at the time. The purpose of my coming to the United States is very simple. That is, I want to see what the most powerful and developed country in the world is like. Many people are surprised because I once came to the United States.

Through the United States.

But at that time, I came to the United States as an ordinary citizen, and I knew a lot about the lives of the American people.

It's different now. Didn't you see Deputy Secretary Gibby come to greet me today?

As we all know, the Republic is now deepening reforms, and our party and government are thinking of ways to improve the production and life of the people of the Republic. The people's yearning for a better life will always be our research topic. I came here this time to see the U.S. government

How to improve the production and living conditions of the American people.

So I’m a learner!”

Thunderous applause sounded and countless flashlights focused. Chen Jing's airport speech undoubtedly surprised many people.

Some American reporters have already secretly given a thumbs up.

Now the U.S. government is trying its best to incite national sentiment and use the Republic's threat to the United States as an excuse to make many of their hegemonic actions in the international arena appear famous.

However, these few words of Chen Jing's speech not only avoid the important issues but also undermine the US government.

Yes, now everyone in the Republic is working hard to improve people's livelihood and improve people's happiness index of life.

However, the U.S. government's domestic economic stimulus policies have been criticized in recent years. How does the U.S. government face the American people?

What practical actions has the U.S. government taken to improve the production and living conditions of its people? (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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