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Chapter 368 Is it difficult to ride a tiger?

Zhen Gong, director of the district committee office, and Cheng Sen, director of the district committee's inspection office, were sitting on the sofa in Chen Jing's office. Both of them looked a little uneasy.

Chen Jing sat on the main sofa opposite them without saying a word, with a serious expression on his face.

Zhen Gong just reported to Chen Jing that in the district education system, various rumors and rumors are flying around, mostly about this education rectification. It is very likely that these rumors are passed down from the district committee level.

I have to say that the rectification of the education system involves too many things, involves too many things, has too great an impact, and is very difficult to grasp.

If some of the plans and goals of the district committee are leaked, causing a certain amount of panic or chaos below, it will be more difficult to carry out this work. Now, the below is on the edge. Perhaps, for Chen Jing, this is

It’s time to make a decision!

"what to do?"

Zhen Gong tried hard to think of a solution in his mind, but no matter how much he thought, he couldn't help Chen Jing think of a proper solution.

Chen Jing's time in Deshui was too short and his foundation was too shallow to cope with the current difficult situation. If Liu Jiren had taken control of this matter, the situation would have been completely different.

Zhen Gong has heard some rumors recently, saying that there are people in the education system who are challenging Chen Jing, saying that they can do whatever they want, and they can just let it go and see who will be unlucky in the end. These people are so arrogant, and they obviously have something.

Reliance did not take Chen Jing seriously.

"Let's do this, Director Zhen! This matter can't be delayed any longer! We will hold a meeting immediately and notify the Discipline Inspection Commission to intervene and investigate the person first!" Chen Jing put out the cigarette butt with one hand and said loudly.

Zhen Gong was stunned and said: "Arrest people?"

Chen Jingdao: "It's not about arresting people, but we need to bring people to assist in the investigation! The matter has reached this point, and there is no turning back. This is the only way we can do it!"

Cheng Sen perked up and said: "That's the best, to be honest. We all feel a little useless recently. There is clearly a problem, but we dare not move. How is this the work style of our district committee? It's time to take action!"

Zhen Gong's brain was much smarter by Cheng Sen. He immediately thought that if Chen Jing used disciplinary inspection so rashly, if there was no solid evidence and the investigation failed to make him famous, how should he deal with this matter?

According to Zhen Gong's recent investigation, Chen Jing indeed arranged for people to investigate the education system in Deshui. However, the interest relationships in this system are intricate. What is so easy to investigate? Chen Jing spent a lot of effort and only found out a little bit.

And even though this is just a scratch, now that people have come up with remedial measures and plugged the loopholes, how can we continue to investigate this matter?

But Zhen Gong could only keep these words in his heart and did not dare to say them out. Chen Jing said what to do. "No/pop-up advertisement/advertisement full text txt download he could only execute."

Soon, Chen Jing met Feng Haiming, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Feng Haiming, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, was in his early fifties, a little thin, and looked a bit old-fashioned, but to Chen Jing, he was more of a raw person.

When it came to investigating and arresting people, Feng Haiming reacted quite fiercely. He talked a lot about the difficulties, how to arrest people without any evidence, and what reasons should be used to arrest people?

What he said is that we need to be cautious in matters on the education front. Arresting people without investigating clearly is a bit hasty. What if it causes a negative impact?

Chen Jing was a little annoyed when he heard this, and he said lukewarmly: "Secretary Feng, do you think this is okay? I'll make a report to Secretary Liu for approval. With his approval, you can take action again, do you think it's okay?"

When Feng Haiming heard what Chen Jing said, his tone became softer.

He just turned around in his mind and asked Chen Jing to be responsible for renovating the education system. This was Liu Jiren's decision. If Chen Jing can't direct people, and even several people from the district committee are willing to disobey him, it will not only bring shame to Chen Jing, but also to Chen Jing's face.

Even he, Liu Jiren, was embarrassed!

Chen Jing was worried about Feng Haiming. He personally participated in the internal meeting of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Finally, a special investigation team was established within the Commission for Discipline Inspection, led by Zhang Duo, member of the Standing Committee of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and deputy secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Zhang Duo was very efficient in his work. He held a meeting in the morning and when he got off work in the afternoon, Wang Wenbin, deputy director of the Deshui District Education Bureau, and Wang Gexuan, leader of the inspection team, were taken away to assist in the investigation.

Taking away Wang Wenbin and Wang Gexuan caused a storm in Deshui, but the storm was not as big as imagined.

The Deshui District Commission for Discipline Inspection could not bear the pressure on the day of arrest. In the end, it was Chen Jing who personally stepped forward to resist the pressure. However, all kinds of unfavorable news came one after another, and for a while, the Deshui District Committee was plunged into

In the midst of an embarrassing storm.

The origin of this turmoil was that when the Discipline Inspection Commission conducted a surprise review of Wang Gexuan, Wang Gexuan suddenly refused to acknowledge all the issues he had previously explained to the district committee members Cheng Sen and Chen Jing. He insisted that the fundamental reason why he took the initiative to explain the issues was

It was because he was at odds with Deputy Director Wang Wenbin and wanted to remove Wang Wenbin from office. In fact, those things were all made up by him.

Wang Gexuan recanted his confession, but all the matters that Wang Wenbin was involved in were completely wiped out, and no evidence could be found.

The Discipline Inspection Commission's investigation of Wang Wenbin this time is mainly to investigate his corruption and bribery. However, all financial information compiled from the district education bureau in the past three years shows that Wang Wenbin's corruption does not exist, and his official misconduct is not established. As for the issue of bribery,

The Discipline Inspection Commission investigated many reports about Wang Wenbin's bribery. The results of the investigation feedback were that the reports were false and there was no such thing.

Education and bribery are different from other aspects.

Regarding Wang Wenbin's method of making money, there are generally two aspects. The first aspect is personnel transfer. Wang Wenbin has personnel rights in his hands, which gives him certain benefits. He can have the ability to transfer people to the city or adjust his work unit.

But Wang Wenbin is very cautious. He never transfers people easily. He personally interviews or inspects the people he transfers. The other person must be capable and qualified for the new job before he will do it.

Therefore, although he accepted other people's money, there were very few problems with the jobs he transferred. This is number one.

In addition, those who had given money to Wang Wenbin were unwilling to admit it afterwards. Everyone hopes that their job transfer can be obtained by their own ability, but who wants to be transferred by giving gifts?

Therefore, Wang Wenbin's bribery was extremely hidden and difficult to investigate.

Another way for Wang Wenbin to make money is in private schools. The approval of a private school by the Education Bureau is always linked to interests. Some schools, in order to win the support of the Education Bureau, will not hesitate to give Wang Wenbin a lot of gifts.


However, this kind of bribery is more concealed than the previous one and is more difficult to investigate.

The Discipline Inspection Commission took action and took away the person, but there was no progress in the investigation. The pressure was suddenly reversed.

The district committee, Chen Jing, held an office meeting. At the meeting, the atmosphere was a bit tense!

Beneath Chen Jing sits Feng Haiming, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, followed by Zhen Gong, Director of the District Party Committee Office, Zhang Duo, Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Cheng Sen, Director of the District Party Committee Inspection Office...

Today's meeting is mainly to discuss how to solve the bottleneck encountered in the investigation work of the Discipline Inspection Commission. Now, the pressure faced by the Discipline Inspection Commission and the district committee not only comes from within Deshui District, but also from the municipal level.

Some city leaders said that the rectification of the education system in Deshui District was too hasty and that the Discipline Inspection Commission's investigation was too large. Public investigations should not be conducted for situations without real evidence. This would be a huge harm to the parties involved. The education team pays the most attention to

Vitally speaking, with such a big move, but the investigation turned out to be fruitless in the end, doesn't it just slander the image of others?

Pressure from all aspects is concentrated on everyone participating in this meeting, which also makes everyone present today very excited.

Just like Feng Haiming made a speech when he came up, saying that he had concerns about this at the beginning, but now it is better. The matter has become difficult to get out of, and he is in a dilemma. How to deal with this matter?

Feng Haiming's speech was directed at Chen Jing. Although he did not name him, the meaning was there.

Chen Jing did not have direct contact with Feng Haiming, but Cheng Sen was extremely emotional.

When Wang Gexuan was originally investigated, Cheng Sen participated in the entire process, and he was very aware of the issues Wang Gexuan explained.

Moreover, Cheng Sen also had special confession records. He provided all these records to the Discipline Inspection Commission investigation team. In the end, the investigation still had no results, which Cheng Sen could not accept.

He asked Zhang Duo more than once about the details of this investigation, and the two had great disputes over many details.

This point reflects Cheng Sen's straightforward temper. At the meeting, he was not afraid at all in front of so many leaders. He said:

"Wang Gexuan took the initiative to explain the issues. The facts are clear and the evidence is conclusive. How can it be possible to retract the confession? Some of the things he said cannot be retracted at all. Why can't all these things be investigated now?

This is too unbelievable. If word of this gets out, others will definitely laugh out loud!"

Zhang Duo became very angry when he heard what Cheng Sen said. He said: "Director Cheng, our Discipline Inspection Commission must pay attention to procedures and methods when investigating cases, and we cannot do anything casually. If the Discipline Inspection Commission listens to the wind like other units, it will be rain."

, then how many things should happen?

As the disciplinary inspection and supervision department for party style and party discipline, on the one hand, we must maintain party discipline and rules, but more importantly, we must also protect our comrades!

Now the facts are like this. Wang Gexuan insisted that he had never taken the initiative to explain the problem, and there was no problem to explain. He admitted that he had talked with you and Secretary Chen, but every conversation was just his personal complaints and slander against Wang Wenbin.


Now the result of our investigation is that those slanders he made are not in line with reality and are not the true situation!"

Zhang Duo and Cheng Sen were at each other's throats. Both of them had hot tempers. When they started to fight, the conference room was immediately filled with the smell of gunpowder. Speaking of which, Cheng Sen's qualifications were far superior to Zhang Duo's, but he was better in that he was more sincere.

The momentum between the two became more and more fierce, and they became the protagonists of today's meeting.

Finally, Zhen Gong couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Okay, everyone, just be quiet, be quiet!"


This chapter has been completed!
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