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Chapter 426 Gunpowder on the Standing Committee!

~Date:~October 14th~

,nbsp;It is drizzling under the sky, and the sky outside is a little gray.

In the meeting room of the Standing Committee of the Deshui District Committee, the curtains were drawn, and the light inside was very dark. When the lights were turned on, the outside world was completely cut off.

Today, all the members of the Standing Committee are here, including Minister of Armed Forces Shi Xuan, who rarely attends meetings. From the beginning, the atmosphere of the meeting was a bit tense. There are usually a few old smokers who like to smoke, but today everyone is holding back.

Come on, everyone is upright and has a serious look on their face.

Liu Jiren sat in the middle of the Standing Committee chair. On either side of him were Chen Jing and Nie Guang. Chen Jing and Nie Guang sat opposite each other at the long table.

As usual, Chen Jing attended the meeting holding a notebook with a black cover. The notebook was opened with a black Parker pen resting on it.

Nie Guang didn't carry anything with him. He put his hands on the table and looked straight in front of him, as if he was looking at Chen Jing or the wall in front of him.

Liu Jiren spoke first. His tone was very low and serious. He said: "Everyone must be prepared for today's meeting! Our two newly planned roads in Deshui will be the main road for the entire Degao urban transportation in the future."

The transportation hub is the most iconic project in the transformation of our old city of Deshui.

But what is the status of these two projects now?

I want to ask, how do our leading cadres exercise their power? How much negative impact has this incident had on Deshui? I want to ask if everyone knows?"

He looked at Nie Guang and said: "District Chief Nie, please tell everyone the details, and also give your opinion on how to handle this matter!"

Nie Guang picked up the water cup and took a sip of water, sat up straight, looked around, and said: "First of all, I have to review this matter personally. There are such serious problems in the project. As the top leader of the government, I am responsible for the lack of supervision and supervision."

Leadership responsibility!

I have asked for this matter to be investigated strictly, thoroughly, thoroughly!

As for Comrade Liu Wei, the deputy district chief in charge, I have temporarily suspended him for organizational review. As for further handling, comrades need to express their opinions and work together to find a solution today!"

Chen Jing picked up a pen and started writing and drawing in his notebook. He seemed to be taking notes.

The venue fell silent in an instant!

The bidding for the two roads was led by the bidding office, but at the bidding site, Chen Jing was presiding over it as the district leader. Today's meeting was originally attended by the relevant person in charge of the bidding office, but was later stopped by Liu Jiren.

Because several leaders of the bidding office have already been suspended for investigation, he believes that it is not appropriate for them to appear on the Standing Committee at this time.

This is a signal. This signal shows that there is no longer much objection to the problems existing in the two roads. Today’s meeting is not discussing this issue, but how to deal with the aftermath and how leaders should be responsible.

Chen Jing is undoubtedly the main target of today's meeting.

After all, it is now being spread in a small area that there is a relative relationship between the boss of the engineering construction unit and Chen Jing, and that Chen Jing happened to preside over this tender. Does Chen Jing want to give everyone an explanation for this issue?

The venue was silent for a long time, and Liu Jiren's eyes kept wandering around everyone's faces.

Judging from his posture, he didn't want to break the deadlock.

Nie Guang was a little impatient. He couldn't help rubbing his hands together. He seemed to want to speak a few times, but finally closed his mouth.

Many members of the Standing Committee seemed to understand this subtle emotion. Liu Jiren did not want to offend anyone, nor did he want to get involved.

During the recent period, he has not personally presided over much of Deshui's work. Now if something goes wrong, it is up to Chen Jing and Nie Guang to coordinate on their own.

Which of the two has more responsibility, or who has the ability to shift the responsibility to the other, is all their business, and he may be happy to sit back and watch the fight.

After everyone in the Standing Committee has spoken and adopted an attitude, and a decision on a matter has become popular, he needs to have the final say.

At that time, even though he is the secretary, how can he easily change the decision of the Standing Committee?

His plan was aroused, but Chen Jing did not express his position for a long time, and the venue became a bit cold!

"Cough, cough!" Chen Jing coughed twice, and everyone's eyes turned to him.

Chen Jing glanced around and said calmly: "District Chief Nie just said it well, this matter must be investigated strictly! I am here to express my position. I firmly support this decision. No matter who is involved in this matter,

No one involved can be shielded or tolerated!

According to the materials, Yan's Road and Bridge Construction Company, which is constructing the two roads, is a company in the provincial capital. The general manager of the company, Yan Ming, and I are related.

If the investigation results show that there is really something wrong with this Yan family, I am willing to accept the most rigorous investigation organized by the organization..."

Chen Jing's tone was very calm, but what he said was decisive, and he had the courage to take responsibility.

Especially his eyes, which swept across the crowd so quickly that few people dared to look at him.

When he said this, Nie Guang's mouth curved, and he was secretly happy in his heart. Since Chen Jing had said this, the matter would soon be investigated clearly. By then, how could he still have the dignity to stay in Deshui?

Liu Jiren coughed, sighed softly, and said:

"There are some rumors outside. I want to emphasize that before the matter is investigated clearly, no one can spread these messy gossips. Zhen Gong, please pay attention and ask the inspection room to arrange people to pay close attention to these developments. Who dares to touch this

This red thread must not be tolerated!"

His tone slowed down and he said: "Everyone should speak! Everyone can express their opinions!"

Feng Haiming, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, said: "Let me say a few words! Recently, I discovered that there is an evil trend in our Deshui. I am not saying that someone did something against Secretary Chen. I just want to say that there are too many of us who encounter problems.

Instead of paying attention to the matter itself, he spreads rumors and spreads some so-called gossip everywhere.

Recently, someone reported to the Commission for Discipline Inspection that the Director of Education, Liu Qing, was suspected of taking bribes and corruption, saying that Secretary Chen was covering up for him, and so on..."

Feng Haiming put the tea cup on the table and said: "This is nonsense! Our Discipline Inspection Commission has long investigated Liu Qing's problem and it has been recorded! We did not deal with Liu Qing because we considered the current situation of our education system

It is not stable enough and there are too many tasks that we cannot effectively control.

To allow Liu Qing to remain in office, Secretary Chen and I both talked to him separately, explained to him the cause of the matter, and asked him to make meritorious deeds!

I believe you have seen that recently we have made two important points in our education work. Our education reform in Deshui has become a model for the whole city. These are all achievements!

I have been working for the Discipline Inspection Commission for so many years, and I have always believed that our purpose is not to double regulate how many people or how many people to punish, but to achieve results in the work, to enable more leading cadres to reform and rein in the precipice..."

Feng Haiming spoke very excitedly, spitting everywhere, causing a commotion in the entire venue.

Everyone could tell that Feng Haiming was openly supporting Chen Jing, and his words were very explicit. He just said that someone wanted to fix Chen Jing and make Chen Jing look good.

After Feng Haiming finished speaking, the smile on Nie Guang's face had already faded and became ugly.

At this time, Organization Minister Tang Zhaozhao said: "Secretary Feng makes a lot of sense! As the Organization Department, we must consider many aspects when using cadres. Secretary often teaches us that we must take the overall situation into consideration and be in front of the overall situation.

, we may sometimes be more flexible and put all issues on the line. This is not a pragmatic attitude.

In addition, regarding the quality issues of the two main road projects this time, I think the first thing we need to discuss is how to solve them and how to eliminate the negative impact!

As for the discussion of who should be responsible, can we move it later? When a problem arises, talk about responsibility first. Is this to pursue responsibility or to be afraid of taking responsibility?"

As soon as Tang Zhao finished his words, Wang Xueping, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, said:

"As for the issue of responsibility, my view is that no one can escape the responsibility no matter what. It is not whose responsibility it is. In the face of facts, no one can impose responsibility on them. So from this perspective, I think Tang

What the minister said makes sense."

Three members of the Standing Committee spoke in a row, and the three people's steps were very consistent. The three people spoke in a tone that seemed to have been discussed in advance. This brought the atmosphere of the entire venue to a climax.

Nie Guang said coldly: "According to your statement, does it mean that I am shirking responsibility? Or that I am afraid of taking responsibility?"

Executive Deputy District Chief Song Lindao: "Today we have a meeting to discuss responsibility. I don't think there is any problem. The reason why we have to raise the issue of responsibility is actually that I think District Chief Nie dares to take responsibility. Now it is all about accountability! Since it is

Accountability, if something goes wrong, can we not discuss responsibility?”

Song Lin sided with Nie Guang, which caused the dispute to expand. The two sides actually started to open up, causing a heated debate in the Standing Committee.

Feng Haiming had a hot temper. He snorted coldly and said, "District Chief Song, what you said..."

"Cough, cough!" Chen Jing coughed twice. Feng Haiming glanced at Chen Jing mid-sentence, and his voice suddenly stopped.

Chen Jing said calmly: "The secretary said that everyone should express their opinions, not to argue! There are still a few who have not spoken, let's all talk about it! The attitude should be gentler, more objective, and calmer. After all, we are all here to solve problems!"

As soon as Chen Jing spoke, the atmosphere of the meeting subsided, Feng Haiming closed his mouth, Tang Zhaozhao and Wang Xueping stopped talking, and both became mute.

Now the only people left are Propaganda Minister Gao Ying, United Front Minister Liao Huajie, People's Armed Forces Ministry Shi Xuan, and County Party Committee Office Director Zhen Gong. Gradually, the four of them were forced to speak!

This kind of standing committee is probably beyond everyone’s surprise today and is exceptionally exciting...

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