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Chapter 502 Sha Mingde's Inspiration

In the provincial capital, Yushan Hot Spring Villa, hearty laughter came from the study room of Provincial Party Committee Secretary Sha Mingde.

Wang Mingfeng stood behind Sha Mingde and said: "Secretary, look at this Gao Wei, you said that he has such a temperament that he failed to conduct a private visit incognito, and actually plunged into Guoqiao County. He didn't want to leave in Guoqiao County, but he still wanted to do it.

A timber transaction, you are talking about this...

Fortunately, the deal didn't go through. If it had gone through, there would have been big news in Chujiang."

He paused and said: "Chen Jing is the same. He didn't report something like this, and he even started making noises. I heard that they had even negotiated with the supplier, and they just had to pay for a taxi. 伱

Said they..."

Sha Mingde waved his hand and said: "Don't underestimate Gao Wei, this kid is very strong. He has never had any great achievements when he came to work in the Central Plains. He is holding back a lot of energy!" Sha Mingde turned to look at Wang Mingfeng.

: "However, with Chen Jing here, they are doing well in the timber business. Didn't Chen Jing serve as the forestry director before?"

Wang Mingfeng also laughed and said: "When Chen Jing came to the Degao area of ​​Yongzhou, he was a local snake. He had worked there for so many years, and the customs and customs there were not a problem for him."

Sha Mingde said: "It's not just about the customs and customs. Think about it. If you're not familiar with the place, it's very difficult for a foreign businessman to do business, even a small one. Gao Wei doesn't understand the grassroots.

They don’t understand our Chujiang River, let alone the production and life of the people.

He wants to get involved himself and really get in touch with the common people, and through this way he can understand the hardships and hardships of the people at the bottom!"

Wang Mingfeng said: "This starting point is understandable, but this approach is too drastic. If you say that he, the deputy director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, went to the countryside to transport a truck of wood out of the mountains, how would the cadres below view this matter?"

Sha Mingde smiled and said: "You are young. The way young people do things is like this. They do things with the word "dare". They dare to do anything and are not afraid of anything. They have no worries! Those years are the years of youth.

As people mature, they start to have more concerns. Words like considering everything, taking into account the overall situation, paying attention to the impact, and being in line with one’s status are all on their lips, and things come naturally and by the rules. They won’t go out of their way again!

Everyone has a time when they were young. When we educated youths went to the countryside, didn't we steal the chickens and teeth from the production team? What were our identities at that time? How serious were the crimes of thieves at that time? At that time, the leaders of the production team directly passed the village police

Call my father.

Later, my father was almost killed by those Red Guards because of this incident. What crime was that? It was the crime of cultivating counterrevolutionaries. To steal a chicken is not to steal a chicken, but to destroy the socialist system!

But it was precisely this incident that impressed me deeply, the youthful years. That is youth..."

Sha Mingde sighed a little, his hand gently caressing the sofa, quite emotional.

Wang Mingfeng smiled coquettishly. He could tell that Secretary Sha was quite protective of Gao Wei. When Gao Wei came to Chujiang, as a foreign cadre, it was difficult for him to establish himself and implement his own will. Besides, Chu Jiang

Jiang's factions are complex, and many people are wary of Gao Wei's devolution to Chujiang.

Although this kind of vigilance is not obvious because Gao Wei's position is not high.

But with this mentality, it is not uncommon to deliberately create difficulties and secretly stumble when doing things or encountering specific problems.

Again, officialdom is a place that values ​​strength. No matter how strong Gao Wei's background is, no matter how big and deep his backing is, if others don't confront you head-on, they will fight in secret. If you are not capable, you will still be fooled by others.

, and I still have nowhere to vent my anger.

Wang Mingfeng pondered for a while and said: "Minister Mi Qian's call to go to the countryside has been well done. It has given the Organization Department a new look. It seems that cadres should go to the grassroots more. This has become an attitude within the Organization Department."

Sha Mingde said: "Minister Mi himself grew up from the grassroots level. Of course he has a purpose in issuing this call. The provincial party committee must support this call. It is best for other departments to learn from the Organization Department and regard the grassroots level as their

If a movement is used as an assessment indicator for cadres, I think our cadres’ concepts will change faster!”

"There is no need to worry about Gao Wei anymore. The space he is in is only so big. If he wants more space, he has to work hard on his own. Everything has to be done by himself. This is my consistent concept! Cadres

The growth cannot be encouraged.

Some places like to engage in key training of cadres. They put the cadres who have been trained in the places with the best conditions and give them the most generous support so that they can achieve good results. We in Chujiang cannot engage in such a training method, and I am firmly opposed to it.

Do it!”

Sha Mingde spoke eloquently, and Wang Mingfeng said: "The secretary's thoughts are very thought-provoking. I'm worried that some people don't understand it well!"

Sha Mingde didn't say a word. He was also an outsider when he came to Chujiang. He had to find ways to straighten out the relationships among the various factions in Chujiang and grasp the balance. This was also a challenge. Although the current general situation in Chujiang was very

Good, basically stable and united.

But there are still many undercurrents, and not everything he, Sha Mingde, can influence.

The two fell into silence, and Sha Mingde suddenly asked: "Mingfeng, do you know this Gao Wei? Are you familiar with him?"

Wang Mingfeng was stunned and said: "We know each other, why don't we know each other? We are classmates in the youth cadre class of county-level cadres at the Central Party School! He was only in his twenties at the time, and he was very eye-catching and very popular in our class.


"Really? I really don't know. How was your performance in the class back then? Did you perform well?" Sha Mingde said with interest.

"I can't do it, I'm unknown! I can't do anything high or low. How can a country bumpkin stand out when he comes to the city for the first time?" Wang Mingfeng said mockingly.

Sha Mingde turned around and looked at him sideways, squinting and said, "Okay, what do you think of the comparison between Chen Jing and Gao Wei?"

"There is no comparison. There is a big difference in level between the two. Chen Jing is still young and has just entered the provincial capital. Gao Wei..."

Sha Mingde interrupted him: "I will let you compare, even if it is a far-fetched comparison, do you have any objection?"

"I have to compare..." Wang Mingfeng said in a long voice, "I like Chen Jing better!"

Sha Mingde frowned and said: "It's not objective! Gao Wei's theoretical foundation, knowledge structure, and personal cultivation level are very high. And his ability to do things is also quite strong. You haven't seen that after he came to the Organization Department, despite the situation,

It was difficult, but he did his job very well and made it easy for people to find fault.

For such a young minister, it would be difficult for anyone else to achieve such results in the Organization Department."

Wang Mingfeng said: "But there is a problem. Gao Wei's prestige is not good, especially since he is now in charge of the 2nd Cadre Division. He obviously does not have enough prestige in the districts and counties below! Look at this time, he is inspecting Yongzhou, and the car has just entered Yongzhou's territory.

Just let someone stumble and make a big fool of themselves. How dare the other deputy ministers not pay attention to this matter?"

Sha Mingde frowned, smiled, and said: "Hey, I heard what you said is wrong! What do you mean is that Chen Jing is very prestigious? How can he, a small-time director, still be able to intimidate people?"

Wang Mingfeng said: "I don't know about this, but I know one thing. Chen Jingte is scary. He worked in Degao. Many cadres in Degao changed their faces when they heard Chen Jing's name! Others didn't mention it.

, just mention a few things he did after entering the provincial capital.

Gao Shoushan of the Chucheng Hotel Group is old enough. This old fox is famous for being difficult to deal with, but Chen Jing made him cry. It is said that when he was drinking in private, he told his friends that he had been traversing the Chu River for more than ten years, but he turned out to be

I was trapped by a small director.

This time during Chucheng Hotel Group’s purge, Chen Jing drew a prescribed route with him, and he didn’t dare to cross a single step. No matter how he was the Monkey King, he could only wander around in that circle!”

Sha Mingde was stunned, burst out laughing, and said: "Your point of view is interesting, haha, I really haven't thought about it. When you said this, I remembered one more thing, the last time Vice Governor Chen

When they chatted with me, they said that Chen Jing had made his two sons miserable.

This guy is not a big official, so he is very familiar with these tricks. Who did he learn this from? Wu Daming is not the same guy, right?"

Wang Mingfeng said: "Then I didn't know, Chen Jing, in my opinion, he is just a piece of grass growing on the cliff. Weeds and weeds are everywhere, but he was recognized by Wu Daming. Wu Daming

I gave him a pot and he turned into a bonsai in no time.

Everyone said that he was brought out by Wu Daming, but who knows what he did before he met Wu Daming? How did Wu Daming discover this seedling of his?

Is it possible that Secretary Wu is really a saint Bole? Chujiang Province is so big that he can spot the little grass like Chen Jing at a glance?"

Sha Mingde smiled softly and said nothing.

After a while, he said: "A piece of grass is a very vivid metaphor. Grass can grow anywhere, even in deserts. However, grass cannot grow big anywhere. When it grows up, it is still a piece of grass. It cannot grow in rows."

What's the use..."

Wang Mingfeng said: "So, Chen Jing is still young now. With the capital of being young, his future is broad and flexible!"

Sha Mingde nodded, and the smile on his face gradually faded. After a long time, he said: "Mingfeng, today's conversation really inspired my thinking. Seedlings like Chen Jing and Gao Wei are very rare, but

We all have inherent shortcomings, and we need to find ways to properly train them!

You, on the other hand, have not been with me for long, and now that you have stabilized, I still say one thing: you have to seize and fight for opportunities by yourself, and you should also take care of yourself..."

"Yes, Secretary!" Wang Mingfeng replied seriously, with a smile on his brows. (To be continued.

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