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Chapter 510 The sky is falling!

[A new day has begun! Now on the monthly vote list, the official policy has fallen out of the top 30. There is insufficient stamina, brothers! At this time, we cannot relax. If we relax, we will plummet. Our efforts for half a month,

It will be in vain...]

Gao Wei personally made a cup of tea and placed it in front of Chen Jing, which made Chen Jing a little flattered and a little scared!

Gao Wei waved his hand and said: "Okay! Will I take those words about coaxing women seriously? Besides, people say that I am not easy to take care of, which makes me angry when others say it. You name it, it is indeed the case.

Look, I took you to Guoqiao to do lumber business, and now I have assigned you such a difficult task. You have resentment in your heart, and I don’t blame you!"

Chen Jing smiled, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Gao Weidao: "The context of today's conversation Chapter 510

The sky is falling! I learned about Kuang through Yan Gang, and it’s very good! If you weren’t from the border minister, I would definitely bring you over to do cadre work. Of course, you may not be willing to do it yourself. Now the Cadre Supervision Office is amazing.

Ah, all the provincial cadres in the province are under your jurisdiction.

Moreover, looking at the current momentum, the work of cadre supervision will definitely be strengthened in the future, and there may be situations where the director of the cadre supervision department is overmatched. By that time, a rising tide will lift all boats, and the relationship between you and me will no longer be superior and subordinate!"

Chen Jing hurriedly waved his hands and said: "Gaobu, don't say that, you are trying to kill me. My mind is full of worries and my mind is full of things!"

Gao Weidao: "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore, so as not to say that I am giving you some ** soup. So, I know the situation of today's conversation. But I don't know your judgment, how do you feel about this matter?


Chen Jing frowned for a long time and said: "To be honest, Gaobu! I can't judge this matter now. The matter may be very complicated!"

Gao Wei said with a smile: "This is a judgment! You said that the matter is very complicated, and this judgment is spot on! Since it is complicated, we have to figure out the situation. Today I have talked to Yan Gang and Feng Ai alone and told them

Today’s Work Talk Chapter 510

The sky is falling! The content must be kept secret.

I will do my best to support your work. I hope you can do a good job!"

Chen Jing let out a long breath, and Gao Wei waved his hand and said: "Okay! I haven't had enough sleep for several nights in a row. I won't delay your rest time anymore. You should go back and rest early, and continue working tomorrow!"

Chen Jing glanced at Gao Wei and saw that both sides of Gao Wei's eyes were dark, and he smiled secretly in his heart.

Gao Wei is not a tough guy. He stayed up late for several days and finally couldn't bear it anymore. Today, he should be able to rest assured that Gao Wei will not disturb him anymore.

Gently, Chen Jing returned to his room.

There was a faint scent in the room. It was the smell of air freshener, but other than that, there was nothing else inside.

Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt a little disappointed. He threw away his shirt and lay down on the bed.


He felt the bed go soft and then clicked again. He was startled and stood up quickly.

"Ouch! 伱...伱...Hey hubby, aren't you too cruel?"

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, then lifted up the quilt. Inside the quilt, Jin Lu blinked and looked at herself.

"Why... why are you hiding here? You really scared me. When did you come?" Chen Jing asked in shock.

Jin Lu stood up, rubbed her knees and shoulders, and muttered: "I just want to give you a surprise. How could you be so careless that you didn't notice someone under the quilt?"

She paused and said: "I came very early. I had dinner at five o'clock. I came over right after dinner. I even slept a lot!"

"You are too bold, why..." Chen Jing's face turned pale.

There are so many colleagues and waiters living on this floor. If someone enters this room and sees a delicate woman inside, it will be a huge embarrassment!

Jin Lu said with an indifferent expression: "What's the matter? Only two people can open this room now, one is you and the other is me! I made your bed today with my own hands!"

Chen Jing was speechless, but Jin Lu snuggled into his arms. She stretched out her hand and pinched Chen Jing's nose and said, "Honey, are you going to take a shower?"

As soon as Chen Jing heard about taking a shower, his face turned red.

He and Jin Lu have known each other for so many years, and every time Jin Lu talks about taking a shower, that's what happens!

Chen Jing came up to Jin Lu and said, "You must have learned how to taste the marrow!"

Jin Lu's face also turned red, she rolled her eyes at Chen Jing and said, "I don't know who ate the marrow yesterday and knew the taste. It made my legs and knees tremble when I went to work today!"

Chen Jing lowered his head and looked at the person in his arms. Jin Lu was wearing very few clothes, and they were all tight and flesh-colored underwear.

This kind of underwear just highlights Jin Lu's proud figure, especially her tall and straight breasts, which are just ready to be revealed...

At night, under the dim illumination of the bedside lamp, Jin Lu's cheeks looked even more charming, especially the blush, which was like the color of sunset, especially beautiful!

The fire in Chen Jing's heart began to rise again.

Making love is like this, it cannot start. Once you start, you will know the taste and always think about it.

Chen Jing picked up Jin Lu, and the two of them laughed and went straight to the bathroom...

Another night of lovemaking.

Jin Lu was fully prepared today and was more effective than yesterday. Chen Jing had also been suppressed for many years and just released a beginning yesterday. Today is the real tank that has passed the running-in period. The two had a fierce battle.

Every corner in the house is a battlefield for the two of them.

From the bathroom to the bed, and then to the carpet, the two made love like crazy.

The pain of missing each other and the emotions in their hearts for so many years were all released today.

I don't know how many times I did this, but finally, they were both tired, and they fell asleep hugging each other.

In the quiet night, both of them could hear each other's heartbeat, and each could feel the warmth coming from the other's body. The warmth and joy made both of them smile brightly...

There was a hurried call.

Chen Jing opened his eyes, and everything in front of him was pitch black.

When he touched the bed, the beauty beside him was still there. Jin Lu was woken up by him and muttered: "Go to sleep, why should I answer the phone in the middle of the night?"

Chen Jing fell down and lay lazily on the bed.

However, the ringtone of the cell phone seemed to be in conflict with Chen Jing's, and it kept ringing. Chen Jing did not answer the call, and then it rang again.

Chen Jing stood up and searched for a long time before finding the location of his phone.

He put the phone to his ear and pressed the answer button.

"Is it Chu Chen? I'm Zhao Anshan!" On the other end of the phone, Zhao Anshan's tone was a little urgent.

Chen Jing stood up from the bed and walked out of the bed barefoot, saying: "Director Zhao, what's the matter with calling so late?"

Zhao Anshan said: "Chen... Chen... something happened..., I... I..."

Zhao Anshan was very nervous and frightened, and his words were incoherent.

Chen Jing's heart tightened and he said, "What on earth is going on? Please tell me slowly. If the sky falls, there will still be a tall man holding it up. Is there something that you can't explain clearly?"

Zhao Anshan adjusted his mood, and after a long time, he said with difficulty: "Something happened to Deputy Director Zhao Dalin of the Department of Finance. He applied for an exit permit and went to Hong Kong, taking away a large amount of money. According to preliminary estimates, there should be

More than 30 million..."

"What?" Chen Jing was stunned for a moment. Zhao Dalin was no stranger to Chen Jing. Since he was one of those cadres who frequently appeared on camera, he had a special backup file in the Organization Department.

Some time ago, the Provincial Party Committee issued new regulations on the departure of party and government cadres. The appearance of cadres above the department must be strictly controlled by the Organization Department, and the approval process for leaving the country is more complicated than before. At that time, Zhao Dalin went to the Department of Cadres and Supervision

After applying for the situation requirement three times, Chen Jing was very busy and had not even had time to deal with the matter!

"Who gave him the approval? How did he get out?" Chen Jing said angrily.

In the review and approval situation, at this critical period, it is not only necessary to review individual cadres, but also to seek opinions from the top leaders of relevant units. Chen Jing clearly has not had time to do these tasks...

Zhao Anshan was stunned by Chen Jing's outburst of scolding, and was speechless on the other end of the phone.

Without saying anything, Chen Jing knew what was going on.

Zhao Anshan must have done something behind the scenes. He used to be in charge of this part of the work. It would be too easy for him to get the entry and exit passes behind Chen Jing's back!

Chen Jing raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was four o'clock in the morning, and there were still two hours until dawn.

He took a deep breath and gradually controlled his emotions.

When such cadres embezzle public funds and leave the country, the sky is really falling.

The stench of this matter will probably be known to the whole province and the whole country soon. No matter how many people will be dealt with behind this matter, the negative impact will be irreversible...

As the head of the Provincial Party Committee's Organization Department, Chen Jing has unshirkable responsibilities, especially now, when the Provincial Party Committee clearly requires strict management of this matter. If such an incident occurs, isn't this a slap in the face of the provincial leaders?

"Does Minister Bian know about this?" Chen Jing said slowly.

"Still... I don't know yet. I just received a call from the Discipline Inspection Commission. The Operations Division of the Discipline Inspection Commission has become aware of Zhao Dalin's problem. Unfortunately, the action was a little slow. Director Ma of the Department of Finance has also just figured out the situation. Now

We are dealing with it urgently..." Zhao Anshan said, his voice trembling with fear.

Chen Jing composed himself and said: "Old Zhao, something has happened, so you must calm down! Don't panic!"

He paused and said: "I will report to the minister immediately. I will rush back after dawn and I will be there at nine o'clock! Remember, you must go to work very calmly early this morning. Remember, today's media reporters

, the nose is as sharp as a dog, if you reveal even the slightest clue, the situation will soon be out of control!"

After saying these words, Chen Jing hung up the phone with a bang. He sat down on the bed, his body seemed to have been drained, and he became a little exhausted!

Jin Lu had already gotten up. She gently sat next to Chen Jing, her eyes full of worry.

Chen Jing twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "If something happens, I will go back to the provincial capital immediately!"

"Go ahead! You can definitely do it! Be careful in everything!" (To be continued.

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This chapter has been completed!
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