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Chapter 641 Target Top Ten Counties?

Standing in Chen Jing's office, it is easy to see the nooks and crannies of the district committee yard.

The promotional banners put up by the Propaganda Department at the beginning of this year are still hanging in the middle of the two roads in the yard. One slogan is very impressive: "United for development, work together to strive for the top ten."

The so-called top ten refer to the top ten comprehensive economic rankings of county-level units in the country.

At present, Linjiao's economy ranks in the 70th or 80th among county-level units in the country. It is far away from the top ten. Therefore, Chen Jing feels a little lacking in confidence every time he sees the slogan "Work together to become the top ten".

, it doesn’t feel very real.

Which of the top ten counties in the country is not famous?

For example, Shande District in Shunshan City on the Lingnan side and Nanhu District in Guangdong City are all famous place names throughout the country. Compared with these famous place names, Neijiao is too unknown, even among the districts and counties in Haishan.

The reputations of both Zhongjiao and Lijiao are quite obscure, far less famous than those of Wangjiang, Guming, Lanhe and other districts and counties.

Liu Qufeng walked gently behind Chen Jing, not daring to make the slightest sound.

After spending some time with Chen Jing, Liu Qufeng has gradually figured out the secretary's temper. Chen Jing loves to think about problems, and when he is thinking about problems, he must not be disturbed.

Liu Qufeng is not very capable, but in terms of reception and serving people, this is his specialty.

He used to be the director of the Commission's Reception Office. Liu Jian saw that the reception work was very lucrative, and Liu Qufeng was getting older and was no longer as good at drinking as he was when he was younger, so he was willing to give up his position.

Having worked as a receptionist for a long time, he has developed a good habit of serving others. Under his personal care, Chen Jing's life in all aspects has been managed quite well.

"Here? Have you brought the things?" Chen Jing suddenly turned back and looked at Liu Qufeng.

Liu Qufeng was surprised, then smiled and said: "Bring it here, secretary, please take a look!"

Chen Jing took a gift list from Liu Qufeng, which mainly listed the people Chen Jing was going to visit soon.

It mainly includes several main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and in addition, leaders of the main functional departments of the city. Including the Finance Bureau, the Public Security Bureau, the Development and Reform Bureau, the Economic and Trade Bureau, etc. Chen Jing has just arrived, and everyone is unfamiliar with it. Take advantage of this

During a visit, he also wanted to get acquainted with the city's main leaders.

Liu Qufeng is a local cadre and is familiar with all factions in the city. Chen Jing asked him to draw up a list, as for gifts.

There is good tea here in Lingnan, so Chen Jing arranged for friends to go to Longjing, Dahongpao, Tieguanyin and other places of origin to buy a batch of good tea. Then, Chen Jing specially bought some porcelain tea sets from Jingdezhen and purple sandware from Yixin.

Used for this gift giving.

The ecology of the officialdom is like this. Now Chen Jing's eyes are dark, he has no acquaintances, and he doesn't move around much. How can he integrate into the current environment as much as possible?

Since he had already made a plan in his mind, he only glanced at the thing Liu Qufeng sent him and put it down, saying: "Get ready, you accompany me to visit these leaders one by one, as fast as possible..."

Liu Qufeng nodded in agreement and was about to turn around and leave. Chen Jing stopped him again.

Chen Jing pointed to the slogan in the yard and said, "Old Liu, have you seen that slogan? What do you think of this slogan?"

Liu Qufeng was stunned for a moment, and he carefully tried to figure out Chen Jing's thoughts.

From Chen Jing's tone, he seemed to be disapproving of the slogan, so he said: "The content of this slogan is good, but it is a bit pragmatic. Secretary Zheng has criticized it before."

Chen Jing smiled softly and said: "Look at our top ten counties in Lingnan, they are really enviable. I heard that in order to become bigger and stronger, we have specially compiled information about the top ten counties. Tell me.

Tell me, how do others become bigger and stronger?"

Liu Qufeng took a deep breath, feeling slightly nervous.

It was Li Guowei who proposed the goal of entering the top ten counties in the country. Li Guowei paid special attention to data. After he visited the top ten counties in the country last time, he came back and gave a speech to the government, saying that when he looked at the so-called top ten counties, the conditions in all aspects were just like this.

, if you work hard, you can reach that level.

With his speech, the district government began to package things up, and the Propaganda Department Yang Liqun and Li Guowei had a very good relationship, so the Propaganda Department began to do publicity in this area, and this is how the current slogan of "Work together to strive for the top ten" came into being.

Liu Qufeng considered his words and said seriously: "Looking at the top ten counties in the country, their economy mainly displays several major characteristics. One characteristic is the leading role of leading enterprises. The second characteristic is that the economy is full of vitality and financing channels are smooth.

The entrepreneurial atmosphere is good and the conditions for attracting investment are good.

In addition, the top ten counties generally have an advantage in terms of talents. Looking at several of the top ten counties across the country, they are all close to metropolitan areas, and the sources of talents are very broad..."

Liu Qufeng usually likes to ponder documents. He has always been considered to be lacking in ability, but he himself does not think so.

He had never had a chance to express himself before, but today he mentioned so many characteristics in one breath, and his interest became high and he started to talk.

It wasn't until he noticed that the smile on Chen Jing's face gradually faded that he stopped, not knowing what he said wrongly.

Chen Jing said calmly: "It is good to summarize the advantages and characteristics of the top ten counties, but looking at their respective economic development, they rarely follow the same path. Each region has its own characteristics. It is impossible to blindly imitate others.

There are great achievements and great deeds.

To achieve the goal of entering the top ten counties, Lijiao needs not to imitate, but to innovate and follow its own development path!"

Yu Wenshuo, director of the district government office, has been in a bad mood recently.

In the past, when Liu Jian, the district committee member, was in charge, there was a tacit understanding between the committee office and the government office, and they could take care of all aspects every time.

But now that Liu Jian is gone and Liu Qufeng comes to power, this person has no ability, but he is a flatterer. He only hangs around the secretary all day long. It is difficult for Yu Wenshuo to communicate with him, and his work is naturally affected.

With mixed feelings, Yu Wenshuo opened the door of Li Guowei's office.

Li Guowei was slapping the table angrily. He pointed at the materials on the desk and said to Yu Wenshuo: "Wenshuo, look at these materials. You really don't know if you don't check them. You'll be shocked when you check them. There are such problems in our project bidding."

There are so many loopholes and so many problems.

According to the information fed back by the Procuratorate, at least a dozen projects we invested in last year had problems, involving hundreds of millions of yuan..."

Yu Wenshuo looked embarrassed. After a long time, he said, "Should we send the materials to Secretary Chen?"

Li Guowei was stunned, and then said: "Send it, why not send it? We will also discuss the relevant inside information at the Standing Committee. This time we will pay close attention to the project and attack hard. We must get results!"

Seeing Li Guowei's righteous face, Yu Wenshuo said yes, but murmured in his heart.

This time Li Guowei took the initiative to take action on engineering issues. At first, Yu Wenshuo only thought that Li Guowei wanted to eliminate the group of dissidents left by Zheng Yiran, but when he got really angry, he found that he was only half right.

Although Zheng Yiran's traces were cleared, this action also caused many accidental injuries. Even several people who were closely related to Li Guowei were found to have problems during this investigation by the procuratorate and faced punishment.

Li Guowei is serious about this...

"District Chief, um... Secretary Chen went to the city today, driving there..." Yu Wenshuo changed the subject.

Li Guowei put his hands behind his back and said nothing. Yu Wenshuo pondered for a while and said:

"The district committee brought an off-road vehicle. Secretary Chen drove the car himself. Director Liu was sitting in the co-pilot. The back seats and the trunk were folded down. They were filled with gifts. They must have gone to the city to give gifts!"

Li Guowei frowned and said: "Who asked you to inquire about this information blindly? Where the leader goes and what he does are all secrets. It is illegal to discuss and speculate in private. You must seriously reflect on your actions!"

Yu Wenshuo's face suddenly turned red and he didn't know what to say.

If Li Guowei really didn't want to know about Chen Jing, why didn't he stop it at first and then stopped him after he finished speaking?

Originally, Yu Wenshuo wanted to say something about Liu Jian, but at this time, he didn't know how to speak.

After Li Guowei criticized Yu Wenshuo, his tone gradually slowed down. After a while, he asked: "Do you have any plans for the evening?"

Yu Wenshuo shook his head, and Li Guowei said: "I will go out to dinner with you tonight. Director Liu of Yanshan Group will treat me to dinner..."

Yu Wenshuo was stunned for a moment, and then a burst of ecstasy filled his heart.

Liu Sheng and Liu Jian of Yanshan Group are brothers. When he invited Li Guowei to dinner, it was actually Liu Jian who was getting closer to Li Guowei.

This should be a positive sign. Li Guowei's foundation in the neighborhood is not comparable to that of Chen Jing. More importantly, he is very cautious and very strategic in his actions. This time I saw Liu Sheng, I am afraid that he made a decision after careful consideration.

The hustle and bustle is all for profit.

Say one thousand, to ten thousand, Li Guowei is not a saint, what he values ​​​​is the little power he has as the district chief.

Neighbor District is not big or small, but as the head of the district, Li Guowei has a lot of power. With Chen Jing parachuting into Neighbor District, Li Guowei could not be wary.

After thinking about this section, Yu Wenshuo suddenly saw Li Guowei slowly stretching his arms. His arms were flexing and opening very rhythmically, as if there was a rhythm...

Yu Wenshuo suddenly thought of a sentence: before punching, you must first retract your arm.

The more the arm is retracted, the more powerful the punch will be. Based on this statement, can we link Li Guowei's renovation of construction projects in the district to this?

In this way, Yu Wenshuo's thoughts became more divided, and even the embarrassment just now disappeared without a trace. The position of deputy district chief he had been thinking about was replaced by Liu Jian. For him, the only thing he can do now is

Make every effort to get closer to Li Guowei, and you can enjoy the shade under Li Guowei's big tree!

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