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Chapter 741 The moment of victory!

In Neijiao District, Chen Jing goes to work in high spirits every day, showing a calm demeanor despite the changing circumstances outside.

There has been a lot of negative news about Linjiao recently, especially after the Provincial Nanfang Daily published an article specifically about Linjiao, which caused a great sensation in Haishan. It can be said that a whirlwind of discrediting Linjiao was blown up.

Within the Neijiao District, many people can't keep their composure. Some people in the team have begun to waver in their thoughts. They are privately looking for connections and ways out, hoping to take advantage of the current opportunity to make a move and avoid putting themselves at the forefront of the storm.

Fortunately, Chen Jing is the backbone of the neighborhood. He is still working hard and conscientiously implementing the work plan for the new year, and there is no sign of any mood swings in him.

It has to be said that the secretary’s spiritual outlook can infect many people, and the neighbor is not as declining as imagined.

On the contrary, after many adjustments by Chen Jing, both the adjacent team and the lower-level party committee team have basically remained stable, and everyone's enthusiasm for work is relatively high.

Chen Jing imposes relatively heavy tasks on all units and party committees at all levels.

Last year, Chen Jing carried out institutional innovation across the district, clarified performance standards, and established a reward and punishment system. The foundation was laid relatively solidly.

In these difficult times, these solid foundations can still stabilize people's hearts.

No matter how strong the wind blows outside, everyone in the neighboring political circles has seen Chen Jing's talent and ability. In Chen Jing's words, he will not be defeated so easily.

As long as Chen Jing survives, Chen Jing will still be a key figure in the assessment of cadres at all levels.

After a year of work, who gets rewarded and who gets punished are directly linked to their work performance, and these rewards and punishments are official careers. How dare the people below not work hard?

This morning, the spring sun shines on the earth through the mist. The courtyard of the neighboring district committee is full of spring and hundreds of birds are singing. It makes people feel unnatural and very good.

Li Guowei had no intention of admiring these beautiful views. He went to work with a livid face and a solemn expression.

I went to my office, nodded, and immediately turned around and went straight to Chen Jing.

Chen Jing was making tea. When he saw Li Guowei, he smiled and said: "Old Li, you are here just in time. Come and have a cup of the new Longjing. This is fresh product that has just arrived from East China. It tastes great. The disadvantage is that it is a bit irritating."

Li Guowei knew that Chen Jing loved tea. His face softened a little, and he sat on the sofa and took the tea cup from Chen Jing without tasting it. He put the tea cup on the table again.

Chen Jing picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. He smiled lightly and said, "What's wrong? Lao Li, did you receive an unhappy call?"

Li Guowei sighed and said: "Liu Sheng has returned to Guangdong now, and this guy is getting more serious now. His tone on the phone is getting more and more naked, and he made another threatening phone call last night..."

He paused and took a breath and said: "Secretary, I suggest that I go to the Discipline Inspection Commission immediately to explain the problem. An early explanation and an early initiative are also responsible for our neighbors!"

Chen Jing frowned slightly and stared at Li Guowei.

Li Guowei and Chen Jing looked at each other, feeling guilty and unnaturally lowering their heads.

After a while, he said again: "Secretary, I heard that the city is studying the problem of our neighbor, and the Standing Committee will discuss it soon. The situation is very passive. If we don't do anything, we may really be in big trouble!"

Chen Jing smiled and said: "Old Li, I recently recommended you to read Mr. Jin Yong's "The Swordsman". It seems that you haven't read it much. This book is not just about fighting and killing, it has a lot of connotations!"

Chen Jing paused and then said: "One of the points is that the old man said that swordsmanship is worth pondering. He said that no matter how advanced a strong man is in swordsmanship, as long as he uses his moves, he will naturally reveal his flaws. Savor this carefully, and also

That's really what happened.

We are still now, but there is movement outside. Between the movement and the stillness, there are big stories.

Let’s not be too weak in terms of momentum. I think this is not the first time the municipal committee has held a meeting. It’s not a big deal.

If a rabbit bites someone in a hurry, I don't believe that the sea and mountains will never see the clear sky again. The right and wrong are there regardless of whether they are investigated or not. If anyone wants to accuse a deer of being a horse, no matter how many tricks anyone uses, it will be in vain."

Li Guowei sighed and said: "Secretary, even so, I..."

Chen Jing frowned and said: "How many times have I told you, don't be upset. You can correct your mistakes if you know them. You are just confused for a moment. You can realize your mistakes later and take the initiative to explain the problem to me. This

That's your highlight.

I have always emphasized the overall situation. What is the overall situation now? The development of our neighboring corners is the overall situation.

I've told you this more than once, don't put too much mental burden on me, you have to believe that I'm prepared!"

As soon as Chen Jing comforted him, Li Guowei's mood became more stable. Chen Jing patted the armrest of the chair and said, "Okay, I also want to attend the municipal party committee meeting. I will be at the meeting tomorrow. I understand everything!"

Chen Jing gave Li Guowei relief, but he actually didn't have much confidence in the future.

After all, Lingnan is exclusive. The external situation last year was good, and Chen Jing was able to find opportunities for development in the gaps.

The external situation has changed dramatically this year, and Chen Jing, who was in the limelight last year, has become a target this year.

The Haishan native faction counterattacked fiercely. They even directly put pressure on the city. It seemed that they would not give up until Chen Jing was suppressed.

Chen Jing resented such political infighting.

But he is definitely not a person who is afraid of struggle. Chen Jing appears calm and calm now, but in fact he has made preparations in all aspects.

If everyone really breaks up with each other by then, Haishan's political arena may become more than just a minor turmoil.

If Chen Jing is offended, Chen Jing thinks that he has the energy to turn the world upside down. This is the weakness of Chen Jing's character. If he is offended, he will be reckless.

"Tomorrow is the last test!" Chen Jing thought to himself.

Yesterday, Minister Mi Qian made an impromptu decision to go to Macau from Hong Kong. He will stay in Macau for one day and will go to Lingnan tomorrow.

His first stop in Lingnan was Linjiao, Haishan. Mi Qian's secretary, Lin Gongzhuan, had already called Chen Jing and told him that Minister Mi wanted to visit Linjiao and asked Chen Jing to provide reception. He especially asked to keep a low profile.

Minister Mi was able to give Chen Jing such great honor, which surprised him.

At the same time, he also sensed a wonderful opportunity.

Now Chen Jing is in dire straits, and Minister Mi is able to go to the neighboring corner. He can just use Minister Mi's power to show off the power of a fox and a tiger.

He just wanted to see how deep the waters were in the Haishan political arena and even the Lingnan political arena. Even if Chen Jing was well prepared in all aspects, he would not act easily until the critical moment. In one sentence, Chen Jing did not want to

The conflict intensified to the point of irreconcilability.

It’s all about the greater good!

Zhou Guohua advised Chen Jing more than once. He told Chen Jing to meet Secretary Hongyuan and strengthen communication if there were any problems. This was an opportunity for him and the only correct way to solve the problem.

However, Chen Jing's character was too stubborn. He made good promises to Zhou Guohua every time, but he refused to meet with Secretary Hongyuan and even turned down work reports. This approach destined his path to become narrower and narrower.

It's better now. The conservatives in Haishan's political arena are exerting their strength, and Secretary Hongyuan seems to have lost confidence in Chen Jing. At this time, what good fruits can the municipal party committee give to its neighbors?

Neighborhood enjoyed great success last year, but also had many controversies.

Now others are making a fuss about these controversies and getting to the bottom of Neighbor's problem. Things are gradually becoming clear. Neighbor's behavior seems to be getting further and further away from the direction, and it's time to rectify it.

Zhou Guohua felt a little sorry for Chen Jing.

Among all the Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee members, he and Chen Jing are the closest. Chen Jingqiang is good at taking advantage of situations, has a flexible mind, is organized and decisive in doing things, and has very modern and trendy thinking.

But his weakness is that he has a stubborn temper at critical moments. In Haishan, he and Secretary Hongyuan are not highly consistent. Isn't this a birthday man who hangs himself because he doesn't want to live too long?

Today is another nice day. Zhou Guohua is riding to work and looking at the busy traffic in Haishan, he feels a lot of emotion in his heart.

Maybe after today, Chen Jing's matter will be settled. It's a pity that a good cadre has been lost, and it's a pity that a talented young cadre has been lost.

He sighed, and soon his expression returned to normal.

As a figure who has been in the political arena for many years, his mind has long been quite firm.

Politics is like this. It is both a place where heroes emerge in large numbers and a graveyard for heroes. There are many ups and downs in it. Chen Jing is only a small shrimp in it and is insignificant.

When Chen Jing goes down, there will be others who will succeed him. The waves from behind in the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and a new generation replaces the old ones. This is the law of society, and this cycle will never end.

"Ding, ding!"

Zhou Guohua took out his cell phone and looked at the call, frowning slightly.

"What's wrong? Chen Jing! Are you calling at this time?" Zhou Guohua's tone was calm.

"Secretary-General, I really have no choice. I have an emergency and I can't attend today's meeting! I'm asking for leave now!" Chen Jing's tone on the other end of the phone was also very calm.

Zhou Guohua was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously sat up straight and said, "What did you say? You played the piano randomly, and you just asked for leave when the Standing Committee said you would? No, absolutely not!"

Zhou Guohua was a little confused and didn't know what Chen Jing meant by suddenly playing this trick at this time.

At this time, the overall situation has been decided. Will these little tricks work? Is it possible that this kid wants to escape before the battle?

"Secretary-General, you and I have been friends for such a long time. You have to help me with this matter no matter what. I really have something to do today! I can't attend! Don't worry, you don't have to take responsibility. I will bear all the responsibilities!" Chen Jing said on the phone

The other end insisted.

He paused and said: "Anyway, I will definitely not come to the meeting today. I'll make it clear to you!"

"You are cheating, Chen Jing, Chen Jing, you are simply..." Zhou Guohua was a little angry. He suddenly changed his mind and said, "Otherwise, you go to a hospital and say you are sick..."

"Secretary-General, I'm not sick. I'm healthy. How can I say I'm sick? How unlucky is that!" Chen Jing interrupted him, "Okay, I have a meeting this morning. I know you are very busy. I

I won’t bother you anymore!”

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This chapter has been completed!
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