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Chapter 772 Follow the ass and eat shit!

The Haishan Municipal Party Committee Office Building stands majestically, and under this somewhat gloomy sky, its existence is even more profound and mysterious.

As the center of power in the city, the Haishan Municipal Party Committee compound is a place that ordinary people can never touch. Occasionally, people and cars pass by the entrance of the Municipal Party Committee, and they glance at the armed police soldiers standing upright on the signpost at the door. They all quickly lower their heads and quickly

's departure.

After all, the Republic still has the ideology of officialdom. The people do not fight with the officials. Officials have always been a superior existence in the hearts of ordinary people. This fact has never changed.

Huang Hongyuan's office.

There is a saying in the Municipal Party Committee that Huang Hongyuan's office is not easy to enter, and Huang Hongyuan is generally unwilling to meet officials of low level.

In addition, Huang Hongyuan also has very high requirements for officials of a high level. Huang Hongyuan pays special attention to details.

If the people below him lose their manners in front of him, it is very easy to leave a bad impression on him, and this is exactly what makes the people below him afraid of him.

After Huang Hongyuan took up the post of reporter in Haishan, many people who went to see him were fully prepared in advance, and such preparation would undoubtedly make people more nervous.

Therefore, people entering and exiting Huang Hongyuan's office are always nervous, which invisibly casts a cloud over the location of his office.

In the Municipal Party Committee, the area of ​​Huang Hongyuan's office is the most mysterious and nervous place.

In Haishan City, three people entered Huang Hongyuan's office freely.

Mayor Li Qingxiang counts as one, Secretary General Zhou Guohua counts as one, and the other person is Lantian District Party Committee Secretary Qin Shixuan.

Tan Shixuan was first known as Haishan's first official, and he served as Huang Hongyuan's secretary several times.

And his prosperous official career was almost all due to the rising tide after Huang Hongyuan came to power.

When Huang Hongyuan was serving as district party committee secretary, he was appointed as the head of the township party committee.

Huang Hongyuan is now the Municipal Party Committee Secretary, so he worked hard to recruit Tan Shixuan to serve as the Lantian District Party Committee Secretary. The relationship between the two is evident from this.

Tan Shixuan walked into Huang Hongyuan's office with a smile on his face, holding a can of imported Cuban coffee in his hand.

Huang Hongyuan glanced at him and frowned. Tan Shixuan said with a smile: "My brother-in-law often goes abroad and likes to bring some gadgets. I especially told him that he likes coffee. I brought a can of it!"

Huang Hongyuan did not relax his brows as usual, but coughed and said in a low voice:

"Shi Xuan, what have you been up to lately? How did I hear that you were looking for connections everywhere, asking acquaintances to create inter-regional administrative towns? What do you want to do?"

Qin Shixuan chuckled and said: "That's how I remember it. Recently, our team heard that we will soon launch cross-regional cooperation with Nangang. We are very enthusiastic about this, especially cross-regional administrative matters. We all believe that it is very feasible.


Huang Hongyuan snorted coldly and said: "People often say that if you go down the mountain to pick peaches, the peaches are not ripe yet. You just go down the mountain. Do you know that this has a bad impact?"

Tan Shixuan's face turned slightly red, showing embarrassment. He moved his lips, but didn't say a word.

He paused for a long time and said: "Remember, there is something I want to say. I think cross-regional cooperation is not just a matter for one district in Neijiao, but the macro-planning of our Haishan. Nejiao can take a step forward, and as Haishan

How can we lag behind them when they are at the forefront of cooperation?”

Huang Hongyuan frowned and said nothing.

Tan Shixuan was a cadre whom he personally promoted. At that time, Tan Shixuan's appointment was very controversial.

The main reason is that Tan Shixuan is too business-minded and his behavior is not smooth enough.

In addition, Tan Shixuan did not have many economic solutions, his vision was not broad enough, and he lacked the courage to do things. These were all problems.

But Huang Hongyuan tried his best to get him up despite all the opinions. The main reason was that he hoped that he could be on par with Chen Jing.

Tan Shixuan is a student, and Chen Jing is also a student. How come there is such a big gap between students who are students? Huang Hongyuan doesn't believe this.

However, in fact, Tan Shixuan did not come up with many new ideas after coming to Lantian.

However, Lantian is following the path of Linjiao. Although it does not have the momentum of Linjiao in terms of economic development, it has shown some bright spots and its growth rate is not slow.

However, according to the people below, Tan Shixuan is a character who picks up people's teeth and eats shit after Chen Jing, so he has a somewhat bad reputation.

It seems that Tan Shixuan wanted to dominate the competition this time and wanted to take the lead in cross-regional cooperation, so he made this move, right?

In Huang Hongyuan's heart, of course he prefers Tan Shixuan, but Chen Jing...

If it were anyone else, Huang Hongyuan wouldn't have to worry.

He could have adopted the doctrine of appropriation and tilted some good project plans towards Tan Shixuan, but he was quite wary of Chen Jing.

There is no good way to deal with Chen Jing and Huang Hongyuan now.

Originally, Jiang Zhu was a better candidate to suppress Chen Jing, but Jiang Zhu was a man of words and very cautious when he actually acted.

Although he took many actions and put some restrictions on all aspects of Haishan's work, in the end, his efforts were not enough. It was simply impossible to shake Chen Jing's position in Haishan.

Those delicate diseases did not pose any threat to Chen Jing, and Huang Hongyuan's idea of ​​sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight was difficult to establish.

"Shi Xuan, there are three goals you have to work hard to achieve. One is the cooperation between the two places, and the other is a national county economic forum led by CCTV. Our province will select eight district and county secretaries to participate in this forum.

Forum, this is a valuable opportunity!

Another thing is that the Provincial People's Congress will be convened soon, and you are not yet a representative of the new Provincial People's Congress. Although this is not a big problem, this representative must be actually selected. If we cannot unite, if something unexpected happens in this regard,

It will be a great damage to your prestige!" Huang Hongyuan said seriously.

Tan Shixuan was stunned and said: "Didn't Chen Jing also enter the ranks of National People's Congress representatives? He..."

"His problem is not big!" Huang Hongyuan interrupted him, "He pioneered the regional characteristic economy in the neighboring corner, and everyone recognizes him very much. But you, blindly imitating without your own innovation, this is

Big question.

Like a deflated ball, Tan Shixuan lowered his head and stopped talking.

It is generally normal for district and county party committee secretaries to serve as provincial people's congress representatives.

Because there are quotas for Provincial People's Congress deputies in each district and county, if you are in the mainland, this is not a problem at all.

But in Lingnan, the central government has carried out activities to democratize representative elections in Lingnan in recent years. In terms of representative elections, it is very different from that in the mainland. In terms of rules, it is to challenge conventions.

Another reason is that Lingnan has a developed economy and there are many influential people in each district and county, so the election is very accidental.

There have been accidents in the election of several consecutive National People's Congress deputies, and such accidents, to a large extent, mean great damage to their political reputation and have a great impact on their career.

Huang Hongyuan came up with three goals that Tan Shixuan needed to pursue. He weighed them secretly and found that there was no way he could achieve all three goals at the same time.

Haishan is not Huang Hongyuan's one-man show. Competition among Haishan regions is quite fierce. As a relatively junior district committee secretary, how can Tan Shixuan get all the good things?

He sat alone on the sofa and pondered for a long time, and said: "Remember, I think we should give priority to the county economic forum. Such a forum is extremely beneficial to promote our Lantian and our Haishan."

Huang Hongyuan stared at Tan Shixuan for a long time, and a smile appeared on his face.

Tan Shixuan basically has similar ideas to him.

Participating in the forum mainly requires personal eloquence and personal thinking. Tan Shixuan has an advantage in this aspect.

As a cadre who grew up among the youth of the new era, Tan Shixuan speaks and gives speeches with eloquence and eloquence, which is definitely a highlight. More importantly, Tan Shixuan now needs such a platform to show his face.

Tan Shixuan has political achievements, but he has been suppressed by Chen Jing. People think that he is following Chen Jing in pursuing development, which is very detrimental to his long-term development.

Originally, Chen Jing was also a candidate to participate in the forum.

However, Chen Jing's personality is too upright, and Huang Hongyuan is worried that Chen Jing will say bad things on the forum.

The purpose of the forum is to discover and solve problems. According to Chen Jing's character, if he exposed all Haishan's problems, wouldn't that bring shame on the family?

Huang Hongyuan is already under a lot of pressure. If the problem of Haishan is magnified under a microscope, he does not have the courage.

He is not worried about Chen Jing!

Huang Hongyuan knocked on the table and said calmly: "Shi Xuan, listen to me. No one can take all the benefits. If you have benefits, you must learn to share them with everyone. You can take everything by yourself.

Let others drink the northwest wind, do you think such a good thing can happen in the world?"

"Sometimes when doing things, you have to use your brain and think carefully. When choosing between fish and bear's paw, you have to choose the best. You have to keep this in mind!"

Tan Shixuan nodded seriously and said: "Keep in mind the teachings, and don't worry, Lantian will definitely do a good job in the work, put on a good show, and try not to disappoint you!"

Huang Hongyuan laughed loudly and said: "It's better to be like this. You have the ability. The key is to have courage and dare to make decisions! In this regard, you must have a return to zero mentality and learn more from others, such as Chen Jing

This is someone worth learning from..."

Tan Shixuan was stunned for a moment, and his face became a little ugly.

Regarding Chen Jing, Tan Shixuan felt uncomfortable when he heard this name.

Nowadays, everyone in Haishan's political circles laughs at Tan Shixuan, saying that Tan Shixuan is Chen Jing's new disciple. Whatever Chen Jing does, Tan Shixuan will follow suit.

This statement is still polite, but some rude remarks are even more annoying.

It is even said that Tan Shixuan was following Chen Jing, waiting to eat shit. If Chen Jing pooped, he would eat poop. If Chen Jing didn’t poop, he would starve to death! (You are welcome, your support is mine.

The biggest motivation.)

{PiaoTian Literature www.PiaoTian.net thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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