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Eight hundred and fourteenth chapter someone fights

Northern Jiangsu attaches great importance to participating in the county economic forum this time, and their target is naturally Lingnan.

In order to show attention, before the delegation from northern Jiangsu went to the Yellow Sea, the province held a special mobilization meeting. Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Vice Governor Su Xingjing gave a speech.

In his speech, Governor Su emphasized that this economic forum is an opportunity for Northern Jiangsu to publicize nationally. The county economy of Northern Jiangsu is a bright spot in the country. The so-called "Northern Jiangsu phenomenon" in national economic development is based on the development of county economics.

A manifestation of the strong vitality radiated by the development model.

Therefore, Su Xingjing requested that all district and county secretaries participating in the forum must show the economic outlook of northern Jiangsu at the meeting, so that the whole country can realize the new potential and new vitality of northern Jiangsu's economy. The participants in the forum must be

Opportunities are fought as a battle.

In order to win this battle successfully, Northern Jiangsu will follow Lingnan in all its work.

Lingnan sent a press team to cover this time, and the press team sent from northern Jiangsu was even larger. From print media to TV media, the entire press team numbered dozens of people.

Northern Jiangsu is going to use this opportunity to launch a big propaganda campaign to surpass Lingnan in terms of momentum, so that the new highlights of the county economy in Northern Jiangsu will resonate across the country, and all the country will send study groups to Northern Jiangsu to learn from advanced experience, making Lingnan more reliable.

I feel the pressure from Northern Jiangsu.

Wang Ping, a well-known reporter from Jiangning Daily in Northern Jiangsu, is the person in charge of the Northern Jiangsu media group this time.

Before the forum began, Wang Ping held a media conference, at which he analyzed the heads of districts and counties in Lingnan who participated in the forum.

This time all the top ten county secretaries in the country were present, including three from Lingnan and three from Northern Jiangsu.

Hushan in Lingnan Province ranks first among the top ten counties, but the second, third, and fourth places are all from Northern Jiangsu. The other two counties in Lingnan Province are ranked lower. From this point of view, Northern Jiangsu has a collective advantage.


Except for the district and county secretaries outside the top ten counties, Northern Jiangsu is very strong and should surpass Lingnan. Therefore, in terms of overall strength, Northern Jiangsu has an advantage this time.

Wang Ping arranged the focus of this interview and asked the media to pay special attention to interviews with members of the Lingnan delegation.

It is necessary to find problems from the other party's remarks in the interview, so as to prepare for Jiangsu Province's propaganda.

Wang Ping, as a famous reporter of the public party newspaper for many years, has a very unique propaganda theory.

His propaganda theory can be summed up in two words - comparison.

Only contrasting publicity and propaganda can be persuasive and convincing.

Therefore, the focus of this propaganda is to consciously compare the advantages of northern Jiangsu with Lingnan, and to compare all aspects of Lingnan. This is success!

After the meeting, Wang Ping returned to the hotel computer and began to analyze and study the information of Lingnan representatives.

There is a very crucial publicity work to be carried out right now.

As a local media, Huang Hai is very powerful.

Especially Huanghai TV, as a media with international influence, always speaks before the county economic forum.

They will all be on a batch of exclusive interview programs, and the targets of this batch of exclusive interviews are all the secretaries of county economies who participated in the district and county economic forum this time.

Judging from the current situation, as the leader, Hushan District will definitely have a quota.

There are exclusive interviews in Hushan, so it is key that the next two, three, and four people in Northern Jiangsu can have a few exclusive interviews.

This time Wang Ping contacted Huanghai Satellite TV to say hello, and the goal he set was to secure second place and compete for third place.

Now he must immediately dig out the highlights of the economic development of several major counties and districts in northern Jiangsu, because Huanghai Satellite TV interviews focus on highlights. This is the principle of focusing on the districts and counties with bright spots. In this regard, Wang Ping is still relatively confident.


Compared with Lingnan, which developed first, Northern Jiangsu is an economic zone that developed later. Lingnan is the reference for various economic development methods and ideas, and it avoids some of the problems in Lingnan. It can be said that it absorbs the essence and discards the dross. Northern Jiangsu County

This is the main reason why economic highlights can become famous throughout the country.

"Boom, boom!"

Wang Ping turned his head and frowned, saying, "Who is it?"

"TV station Zhou Jin!" A clear female voice sounded.

"Come in! Reporter Zhou!" Wang Ping stood up.

Zhou Jin who walked in through the door was a reporter from the provincial station. She and Wang Ping were equally famous, and Wang Pingsheng was older than her.

Zhou Jin came in and took a look at Wang Ping's residence and said, "Boss Wang, I'm not disturbing your rest, are you?"

Wang Ping hurriedly waved his hand and said: "No, no! I am sorting out the information. Tomorrow I will go to Huanghai TV Station to meet Director Ma and try to use their power to help us push the publicity a big step forward."

Zhou Jin looked strange and said: "Boss, I feel something is not good. Turn on the TV and watch. Today Huanghai TV focused on an interview. It seems to be very different from what we expected."


Wang Ping hurried over and turned on the TV.

The TV program is fixed on Huanghai Satellite TV, Huanghai Satellite TV's county economic interview series, the leading female anchor of the satellite TV Qiao Qinglian interviewed Chen Jing, Secretary of the Haishan Municipal Party Committee of Lingnan Province, and talked about new ideas for regional construction!

In the TV studio, sitting in the interview seat was an extremely young face.

Chen Jing?

Wang Ping was stunned for a moment.

He is very familiar with this Chen Jing!

Isn't he the young man who was escorted out of the hotel by Sha Mingde's secretary Zuo Shuai last time?

Wang Ping has seen what Chen Jing is capable of.

At that time, Secretary Sha of the Northern Jiangsu delegation arranged many small exchanges.

That time Chen Jing staged a good show of verbally quarreling with Northern Jiangsu Confucian scholars. Wang Ping was present from beginning to end and was deeply impressed by Chen Jing's theoretical level and practical work ability.

Later, Wang Ping even heard that Chen Jing visited Secretary Sha of the Provincial Party Committee at the Liunian Hotel.

Moreover, there are rumors that Secretary Sha has asked Secretary Miao from Lingnan for five people, and Chen Jing’s name is on the list of five people.

But Secretary Miao and the other four people all agreed, but Chen Jing was the only one who refused to let go.

The first time Wang Ping heard this rumor, he thought it was a joke, but later after he went to Jiangsu Province, he learned about it through his personal connections.

With this understanding, he keenly realized that this rumor was not groundless.

Because both the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee who knew the inside story and the cadres from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee who knew the inside story were vague on this issue. As a reporter for core party publications for many years, Wang Ping felt that this matter was most definitely true.


He regretted it so much that he had to hit himself on the head with a hammer.

For such an important news subject, he did not arrange an interview at that time.

If there is this interview, it will not only prove that Lingnan is pretending to be generous, but also get acquainted with a very promising young official. Maybe one day in the future, Chen Jing will really go to Northern Jiangsu. With this network, he will be able to

Wouldn’t it be easier to get exclusive news?

Wang Ping stared blankly at the TV. On the TV, Chen Jing's thinking was still clear and sharp, and his speech was full of confidence.

Qiao Qinglian had many questions that were deliberately difficult for him, but Chen Jingdu gave him easy answers one by one and dealt with them quite calmly.

Zhou Jin was also watching carefully. She couldn't help but sigh: "This Chen Jing is really young. I think he is the youngest secretary attending this meeting! This is a highlight in itself!"

Wang Ping sighed, shook his arms vigorously and said: "We need to reflect on our work! This mistake is too serious. Why didn't I think that there was Chen Jing in the Lingnan delegation?"

Wang Ping was very upset, and his face immediately became very heavy.

He pointed at the TV and said to Zhou Jin: "Xiao Zhou, you didn't go to Lingnan last time, so you don't know how powerful this Chen Jing is. At that time, we arranged a small exchange meeting in the hotel. We had five cadres from the chief and deputy departments.

There are also several who are in the top positions.

The only guest here in Lingnan is Chen Jing.

The exchange at that time was very exciting. Even though this young man was young, he was very comprehensive. At that time, he was able to compete with other scholars and showed extremely high theoretical accomplishment and practical work ability.

Later, I planned to find a way to arrange an exclusive interview with him.

But time was too tight and I didn’t have time!

I have known the Haishan Neighbor District where he works for a while. The Neighbor District is developing very fast. From a very backward marginal district, within two years it has now become a district with a high economic index ranking in Haishan. This is true in Haishan.

It was quite sensational.”

The more he talked, the more annoyed he became. He sat down on the chair, rubbed his temples with his hands, and said:

"Huanghai Satellite TV is indeed a media with international influence. They are very keen and good at digging out highlights. As peers, they have a lot to learn from!"

Zhou Jin smiled and said: "Boss, don't be upset. We must make an urgent plan to deal with this accident now. Don't forget that we have a heavy responsibility on our shoulders this time!"

"Ding, ding!"

Wang Ping sat up from the sofa to answer the phone, and gradually his brows furrowed.

The call came from another reporter from Jiangning Daily.

The other party said that when Li Kebo, Secretary of the County Party Committee of Wuzhou County, Jianghai City, was interviewed by Huanghai Satellite TV, the host introduced him to the regional development model of Lingnan Linjiao District, and Secretary Li immediately expressed strong doubts about it.

And he denounced the so-called regional construction.

Moreover, under the guidance of the host, Secretary Li also said that after the economic forum begins, he will discuss the so-called regional construction with Secretary Chen of Neijiao District in person. He is issuing a challenge to Chen Jing!

Wang Ping's mouth opened wide when he heard this, and he didn't speak for a long time. Zhou Jin asked him what was going on. He stared at Zhou Jin for a long time, then let out a long breath and said:

"It was Secretary Li of Wuzhou County who started the problem. What do you think he is going to do? He wants to debate with Chen Jing face to face the feasibility of Chen Jing's regional construction! This Li Gang, he is confused and does not understand the situation! Chen Jing

...Chen Jing..."

He pointed at the TV with his hand, his body trembling, "How can he argue against Chen Jing? This Chen Jing is the most eloquent. Isn't he using his own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strong points? This is a bad thing!" (To be completed!)

Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and reward (this site). Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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