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Chapter 899 Being targeted!

After Jiang Hengyun came to work at the Economic Cooperation Office, he was very motivated to work.

Chen Jing also boldly delegated power to him, and basically put him in charge of the daily affairs of the joint venture.

Jiang Hengyun has worked in the provincial capital for many years, and he is a veritable local snake in Guangdong.

In order to smoothen the relationship, he made use of some of his previous contacts and went out to drink and socialize every day. It didn't take much effort to establish a firm foothold within the Economic Cooperation Office.

Of course, Chen Jing still gave him considerable support in terms of his attitude towards several old fritters.

Chen Jing has always adopted a balanced strategy at the Economic Cooperation Office.

If you don’t have a way to deal with the old youtiaos yourself, then use the old youtiaos to deal with the old youtiaos.

The three deputy directors of the Economic Cooperation Office are all veterans, so let them keep each other in check.

Chen Jing now assigns the three of them to take charge of finance, human resources and project implementation respectively.

This arrangement seems to entrust them with important responsibilities, but in fact, they do not have much power.

Because Chen Jing made adjustments to the following division chiefs, their respective confidants were separated.

Take Zhu Hua as an example. Zhu Hua and Liao Yaoyang have a closer relationship, but now Chen Jing lets Shi Jianguo take charge of the office.

In this way, their superiors and subordinates can coordinate on small matters.

Once a bigger decision is made, the matter will come to Chen Jing.

Chen Jing can assess the situation and decide the direction of things, ensuring complete control of the situation.

Jiang Hengyun stood firm, and the first thing he set out to do was to clear up the connections left by Hu Junzhong.

In doing this work, Chen Jing worked with him.

How to make good use of the resources left behind by Hu Junzhong as soon as possible is of great significance to Chen Jing.

With Jiang Hengyun acting as a bridge in the middle, the two of them have advanced and retreated together, and have gained a lot recently.

The only thing that made Chen Jing feel overwhelmed was that there were too many meals.

After eating so much fish and meat and wild seafood all day long, Chen Jing just wanted to vomit. Sometimes he really wanted to go home and have a bowl of porridge, but when the entertainment came, he couldn't push it away.

Chen Jinghe and Zhao Xiaquan, executive deputy director of the Organization Department, had dinner twice.

At first, Zhao Xiaquan was a little reserved.

As the second-in-command of the Organization Department, he holds great power, and a mere director of the Economic Cooperation Office is nothing in his eyes.

However, after several contacts with him, Chen Jing was well-spoken and neither humble nor overbearing, so Zhao Xiaquan paid more attention to him.

Later, when he went back to check Chen Jing's information carefully, he suddenly remembered something.

Vice Minister Mi Qian of the Central Organization Department visited Lingnan once and named Chen Jing.

At that time, no one paid much attention to this matter. Zhao Xiaquan happened to be a careful person, so he noticed the name Chen Jing.

But later on, he had many things to do, and he gradually forgot the name Chen Jing.

Now he looked back and thought about it, Chen Jing was just a foreign cadre. He had only been in Lingnan for more than two or three years, but his official career had been rising all the way, and he was very popular.

How could such a promotion speed be possible without the support of powerful people behind it?

The first thing he thought of was Mi Qian.

Minister Mi is now a powerful figure in the central government. Not to mention Zhao Xiaquan, many provincial leaders are trying hard to establish relations with him.

As soon as Zhao Xiaquan thought of this, he skillfully mentioned this aspect to Chen Jing.

Chen Jing's answer was very certain and confident, which made him look at Chen Jing with admiration.

Naturally, his attitude towards Chen Jing also changed 180 degrees.

Coupled with Hu Junzhong's relationship, the distance between the two quickly narrowed. After several contacts, the two became good friends.

In addition to Zhao Xiaquan, there is also Tong Gang, director of the Second Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Tong Gang is Hu Junzhong’s nephew.

The relationship between Jiang Hengyun and Tong Gang has always been very close.

Jiang Hengyun is now back in the provincial capital, which seems to suggest that Hu Hansan is making a comeback.

Tong Gang was naturally also quite happy.

This time it was Chen Jing who gave Jiang Hengyun a chance. Jiang Hengyun praised Chen Jing in front of Tong Gang. Naturally, Chen Jing entered their circle, and his relationship with Tong Gang also went through rounds of drinking competitions.

The temperature rises rapidly.

Although Tong Gang is now only the director of the Second Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Office, his rank is only at the top.

But the Discipline Inspection Commission has great power, and the director, Tong Gang, is absolutely powerful.

The Second Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Office is mainly responsible for cases in lower cities and prefectures.

When Tong Gang walked down, he was no less than inspecting the Eight Prefectures. He was very majestic. Wherever he passed, everyone from the secretary to the ordinary officials had to stand at attention.

Tong Gang's level is also good. He has worked in the Discipline Inspection Commission for ten years and handled several major cases.

Among them, he was responsible for the serious disciplinary violation case of Qi Jinmin, the deputy mayor of Wancheng City.

This case shocked the whole country. Through this case, Tong Gang's reputation increased greatly. Now Tong Gang, the younger generation of the Discipline Inspection Commission, has very high prestige.

Being able to establish these personal connections in a short period of time, Chen Jing gradually felt that he was not as lonely in Lingnan as before.

Slowly I have my own circle, slowly build my own network, and my own foundation is constantly being consolidated.

Chen Jing's current weakness is that his relationships at the top are very weak.

In the Lingnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, he currently has a good relationship with Qiao Zhengqing, but he basically has nothing to rely on in the rest.

However, Chen Jing also knows that being able to have this kind of relationship is considered a great blessing to him now.

There are many things that can be done with Qiao Zhengqing's care, but it's just more difficult to move forward!

It is no joke that Chen Jing became a disciple of Professor Lu Ping.

After Lu Ping returned to Beijing, he immediately arranged for Chen Jing to be eligible to study as a part-time graduate student at Beijing University.

Lu Ping is famous for his rigorous scholarship.

Although Chen Jing is a part-time graduate student, he requires that Chen Jing must go to the capital every month to attend lectures. Regarding relevant examinations and subsequent thesis, including defense, Lu Ping's requirements are very strict.

He and Chen Jing made a three-part agreement. If Chen Jing failed to pass these hard targets, the two of them would not have the title of master and apprentice, and Chen Jing would not have the graduate degree he wanted.

Chen Jing accepted Lu Ping's request. It would be okay to go back to Beijing every month. Anyway, Fang Wanqi was in the capital. After her son was born, she could reunite with her family and enjoy family happiness when she returned in January.

In the past, Chen Jing didn't like to go back to Beijing because he was worried about work.

But now that there is the matter of studying for graduate school, things are different. Now the issue of academic qualifications can no longer be postponed.

In the promotion of cadres in Lingnan, academic qualifications are particularly important. Chen Jing's undergraduate qualifications are gradually falling behind the times. If he doesn't work hard on his academic qualifications, it will be difficult to do so later.

Before becoming a teacher of Lu Ping, Chen Jing had already enrolled in the graduate class of the Provincial Party School.

Now that I have the admission qualifications of Beijing University, this class in the party school has become a bit useless.

Studying in the party school graduate class and getting a party school graduate diploma is a shortcut to gaining academic qualifications in the officialdom.

But the diploma from the party school is not very valuable.

This does not involve the issue of level, because the level of the party school is very high, and the teachers in the party school are also elites.

It's just that there are too many officials with postgraduate diplomas from party schools, and it's inevitable that they are looking like real people, which invisibly devalues ​​party school diplomas.

Chen Jing is reluctant to give up halfway now, partly because he has been in the party school for several months, and giving up halfway will easily leave a bad impression on the party school leaders.

In addition, Chen Jing is now the deputy monitor of the first graduate class of the Party School. There are some subtle things in this.

Party schools are schools where the Party trains cadres. Studying at Party schools is not only academic knowledge, but also an important channel for expanding contacts.

Chen Jing's graduate class included officials from all over the province.

The squad leader of the first class is Ma Fumin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Culture. Chen Jing is also the deputy director, but has less seniority than Ma Fumin, so he is the deputy squad leader.

As long as we are within the system, hierarchy is everywhere.

The selection of cadres at the party school is actually just a formality, and everyone chooses according to their rank.

High-ranking leaders are naturally leaders, and high-ranking leaders have wide connections. It is easy to find connections to sponsor any activities or gatherings. This is the order of the officialdom, so everyone takes it for granted.

Chen Jing doesn't want everyone to know that he is now studying with Lu Ping. Although this is a great thing, keeping a low profile is Chen Jing's style.

Even in the political arena, you must keep a low profile.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Chen Jing decided that the party school class must continue to persist.

It's better to miss more classes in the future than to give up halfway.

Ma Fumin, deputy director of the Department of Culture, is a very active person. He likes to engage in activities the most in the graduate class. As the class leader, he likes this, and the people below naturally cooperate with him fully.

After all, those who can enter this class are all cadres within the system.

Everyone hopes to expand more connections, have more connections and more paths, and everyone understands this truth.

Compared to Ma Fumin, Chen Jing is much more low-key. He is willing to be a green leaf and rarely attracts any limelight in the class.

On this day, the Saturday classes at the party school were about to end.

Ma Fumin clamored for a dinner party again.

A group of people followed and started making noises.

Qin Lin from the Provincial Government Secretariat said: "Captain Ma, every time we have a dinner, you have to find someone to sponsor us, so we can eat and drink for free. How embarrassing! How about I ask for sponsorship today and we go to Qingxiu Hot Spring Center to eat?"

Seafood, Maban, what do you think?”

Qin Lin is the secretary of Wan Aimin, executive deputy governor of the provincial government.

He has a special status in the class, and his rank is at the right level. Ma Fumin has a close relationship with him.

Ma Fumin did not answer Qin Lin's suggestion immediately. Instead, he said to Chen Jing, "Director Chen, what do you think?"

Chen Jing smiled slightly.

He usually keeps a low profile in the class, but Qin Lin always targets him.

Why does Ma Fumin ask for sponsorship every time we have a dinner party, implying that Chen Jing, the deputy squad leader, just follows behind and eats and drinks for free?

Chen Jing is no longer young and competitive, but this is not the first time Qin Lin has found trouble. Chen Jing pondered for a moment and said:

"When Director Qin said this, I feel most ashamed. As the deputy squad leader, I have never made much contribution to the class. Let's go to Nanyue Building today! I have arranged for Mr. Ou of the Oulang Hotel Group to sponsor it!"

Chen Jing made a call to Jin Lu, and the matter was settled quickly. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!)

This chapter has been completed!
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