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Chapter 930 Conversation with Mo Zheng!

[Nan Hua’s wife gave birth to a baby girl at 2:47 this morning, weighing seven pounds and eight taels. Nan Hua Te and her brothers and sisters announced the good news. I haven’t been able to update well these days. I hope everyone can forgive me. After this wave, I will work hard.

Thank you brothers for your continued support]

Chen Jing received a call from Huang Hongyuan. On the phone, Huang Hongyuan was very serious.

He lowered his voice and said: "Chen Jing, you must be fully prepared. I just received news that Secretary Mo of the Provincial Party Committee will meet with you in the next few days! Mainly to discuss the West High-tech Park project."

Chen Jing was shocked, but he soon regained his composure and said, "Okay! I will take it seriously!"

Huang Hongyuan said: "Governor Zhou requires that you prepare all materials about the West High-tech Park project, make reports and explanations concise, grasp the key points, and clearly explain the highlights, advantages, and characteristics of the project!"

Hang up Huang Hongyuan's call.

The call from Secretary-General Jiang of the Provincial Party Committee arrived immediately. On the phone, he made it clear that Chen Jing would arrive at the Provincial Party Committee at two o'clock in the afternoon and that Secretary Mo of the Provincial Party Committee would spend about half an hour to see him.

Chen Jing raised his hand to look at his watch. It was already past eleven o'clock.

It takes 40 minutes to drive from the Economic Cooperation Office to the Provincial Party Committee, and the remaining time is just over an hour. How much time does he have to prepare?

Almost unprepared, he entered the provincial party committee.

Tan Jie, the first secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, was waiting for him at the door of the Standing Committee Building.

Chen Jing and Tan Jie have never met, but before that, he and Jiang Hengyun thought of many ways to get acquainted with him.

Chen Jing even found Tang Yu and planned to find acquaintances in the media to smoothen this relationship.

So they are already familiar with each other secretly.

Tan Jie was very enthusiastic. He stretched out his hand to shake hands with Chen Jing and said, "Director Chen, the secretary is taking a rest. We are sitting in the lounge now. You can go in directly in about a quarter of an hour."

Under the guidance of Tan Jie, Chen Jing entered the lounge.

There were two thick piles of materials in his briefcase. It was so heavy that the bag was about to burst.

This was his first meeting with Secretary Mo of the Provincial Party Committee, and to be honest, he was a little nervous.

There are many rumors about Secretary Mo, and he is no less legendary than Secretary Sha and Secretary Miao, who are well-known leaders in the political arena of the Republic.

Unlike Secretary Sha and others, Mo Zheng graduated from Renmin University with a liberal arts major and has been working in the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China since graduation.

Later, he was transferred to the local level and served as mayor of a prefecture-level city and secretary of the municipal party committee. He later studied at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and then served in leadership positions at the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League for seven years.

Therefore, Mo Zheng is a veritable Tuanpai cadre and comes from the same family as the current General Secretary Zheng of the Central Committee. For a long time, he and General Zheng have had a superior-subordinate relationship.

Therefore, he is highly appreciated by Mr. Zheng, and his political foundation is quite deep.

And he came to Lingnan to take up a post with high expectations.

The central government hopes that Mo Zheng's composure and pragmatism will allow Lingnan to find new opportunities for its further development, and that Lingnan's economic and industrial transformation and upgrading can be completed under his leadership.

The entire social atmosphere and problems in all aspects of society in Lingnan can be effectively curbed.

After Mo Zheng, who was given high hopes, arrived in Lingnan, he did not rush to make economic moves. Instead, he began to pay attention to problems in development and began to work hard to solve difficult problems such as social security, social conflicts, and people's livelihood issues. The goal seemed to be

We are trying our best to change the social image of Lingnan.

In a short quarter of an hour, Tan Jie came over and led Chen Jing directly to Mo Zheng's office.

Mo Zheng had just taken a lunch break, and his eyes were a little red, but it didn't make people feel that he was tired at all. Instead, it made people feel that he was full of energy.

Instead of sitting on the sofa, Chen Jing was arranged to sit opposite Mo Zheng's office.

Chen Jing greeted him politely.

Mo Zheng nodded and said: "Sit down, you are really young. You are indeed the youngest director in Lingnan!"

Chen Jing smiled and said: "I have been working in Lingnan for several years, and I am gradually adapting to it. The pace of Lingnan is very fast, especially when it comes to work efficiency. Sometimes I feel a lot of pressure!"

Mo Zheng smiled and said, "Tell me about the West High-tech Park project! I want to hear your original intention of doing this project!"

Chen Jing's expression became serious. He was well prepared and began to talk.

The West High-tech Park project was first proposed by Chen Jing, mainly considering the actual economic development situation of Nangang and Haishan, and promoting the transformation and upgrading of the entire industry by encouraging the development of high-tech industries.

Chen Jing mainly elaborated on the differences between the West High-tech Park project and the Lingang High-tech Park project.

The key industries highlighted by the Lingang High-tech Industrial Park project are electronics, software, Internet and other industries. Creating a high-end electronics industry, encouraging the development of the software industry, and promoting the prosperity of the Internet industry are the troika of the Lingang high-tech industry.


For the Western High-tech Park, the main goal is to integrate cutting-edge technologies for electricity storage in the power industry, encourage the development of the photovoltaic industry and other new energy industries, and promote the development of automated, high-precision mechanized manufacturing industries.

The largest battery production base in the country is now located in Haishan, Nangang and Wancheng Tongmen. However, there is still a lack of cutting-edge technology in this industry, especially the shortcomings of large and extra-large power storage technology.

As a country with a large energy consumption, the Republic is also an energy-poor country. The scientific and technological research in the energy industry has now entered a critical period.

The time is ripe for Lingnan to establish a dedicated high-tech park to encourage the development of this industry and integrate the entire energy storage industry and new energy industry. This is a critical period for Lingnan to build its core competitiveness, and this opportunity cannot be missed.

As for the development of high-precision machinery manufacturing, the country has currently invested heavily in the Northeast, North and Eastern regions. A large number of state-owned enterprises have entered this industry. The scientific research projects of the Academy of Engineering involve billions of dollars in funding in this area every year.

Although Lingnan has not been included in the central government's key development areas.

However, Lingnan's machinery manufacturing industry chain is complete and there are many enterprises. Industries such as the automobile industry, large and medium-sized engineering machinery industry, etc. are of staggering scale in Lingnan.

Relying on these manufacturing industries, the government encourages enterprises to become the main body in promoting innovative technologies, and the prospects are promising.

Therefore, Chen Jing believes that the right time to lay out the West High-tech Park at this time is of great significance not only to the industrial transformation and upgrading of Haishan and Nangang cities, but also to the industrial transformation and upgrading of the entire Lingnan economy.

Mo Zheng listened very carefully. He had a pen in his hand and he would write and draw at critical moments.

Until the end of Chen Jing's report, he was still thinking!

After a long time, he took out a map of Lingnan Province from the drawer and spread it on the table. He moved his fingers around the edges of Haishan and Nangang cities and said, "Where is the location you envisioned?"

Chen Jing pointed to the area where the adjacent corner and adjacent bend meet: "It's right here!"

Mo Zheng looked up at Chen Jing and said, "Have you ever actually inspected this location?"

Chen Jingdao: "I am very familiar with this area. Before I entered the provincial capital, I served as the district committee secretary in Neijiao!"

Mo Zhengdao: "Don't you think the foundation of this area is too weak? When we build a high-tech park, the companies that need to attract investment are first-tier companies. Will they choose to invest here? You have to understand that Lingang is a first-tier city in the Republic.

Large enterprises and high-tech industries are uniquely attractive.

Now that you choose to build a high-tech park in this place, can the city's supporting facilities keep up?"

Chen Jing said calmly: "The Linjiao and Linwan areas are among the very few places with the best natural environment in the entire southern Lingnan region. These two areas are just like the Qingxiu District in Guangdong Province now. They are among the urban elite.

The ideal place we yearn for.

In the past few years, we have focused on developing the economy of Lingjiao and Lingwan areas, and have achieved very good results so far.

These two areas are known as ‘Little Macao’, and both their living environment and urban supporting facilities are already quite cutting-edge..."

Mo Zheng's expression remained unchanged and said: "What about pollution? In this good place, you encourage high-end power storage research. The battery industry is the most polluting industry. In such an environment, are you doing it at the expense of destroying the environment?

To engage in development?”

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, too stunned to speak.

He has considered the issue of pollution.

But Li Qingxiang and Yao Junhui thought very little.

As local cadres, we generally have weak awareness in this regard, and it is quite common to trade environment for development.

It must be said that Mo Zheng's words hit the nail on the head and directly hit the weak spot of the project.

Chen Jing had countless ways to defend himself, but after careful consideration, he finally gave up on them all.

He took a deep breath and said: "Secretary, we have been negligent in this area. This is also an area where the project needs to be improved. I have reported to the provincial leaders many times and mentioned that the entire project must be controlled by the province. Among them, I am worried about what happened just now.

This series of questions you mentioned.

Too often local governments consider short-term interests, but our West High-tech Park is obviously a long-term project, and we must work hard to resolve the contradiction."

Mo Zheng put down the pen in his hand and said: "There are still many loose ends in your entire project plan. A lot of your thinking is still taken for granted and not detailed enough!"

His expression became serious and he said:

"Xiao Chen, once a big project like this is decided upon, it will involve hundreds of billions of funds and tens of millions of people. The country's money cannot be treated as a matter of course, and the people's lives cannot be treated as a matter of course. You are making decisions and doing analysis.

When doing so, you must be careful and consider all the issues as clearly as possible.

Don’t blindly pursue speed. Such decisions will cause many problems and will cause countless troubles in the future..."

Mo Zheng waved his hand and said: "As the saying goes, if you don't think far ahead, you will have immediate worries. If you don't look far ahead, problems will be exposed quickly. You just talked about the energy storage industry and the photovoltaic industry. What do you think about these two industries?

How familiar are you with this industry?

Have you thoroughly studied national policies? There is still a big question mark in the middle!"

Chen Jing stood up unnaturally and suddenly felt pressure on his body.

Mo Zheng worked meticulously and steadily, and had a unique and sharp vision, which made him extremely nervous.

"Okay, I understand the whole project. I can see that you put a lot of thought into this, which is worthy of encouragement!" Mo Zheng said loudly. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated. quick!)

This chapter has been completed!
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